As Creighton Davis made plain in Tuesday’s Voices of the Dropout Nation commentary, giving our poorest children in urban communities a high-quality education is critical to their success in life….
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As Creighton Davis made plain in Tuesday’s Voices of the Dropout Nation commentary, giving our poorest children in urban communities a high-quality education is critical to their success in life. And it takes good-to-great teachers dedicated to their success, caring adults who care about their futures, and cultures of genius that nurture learning, for our children to gain hope, build their confidence and emerge from poverty. Even something as simple as learning to write and perform poetry can help get kids out of educational prisons.
Watch this trailer of the film To Be Heard and listen to the these three young men and women tell their stories in rhyme and verse. Go watch the film at a local film festival near you. Think about what you will do to help young men and women succeed in school and in life. And then, make a difference.