Category: Dropout Nation on Twitter

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Dropout Nation on Twitter for 2011-04-18

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The Dropout Nation Podcast: The Power of Value-Added #edreform #eddata #ParentPower #ecosys # The Dropout Nation Podcast: The Power of Value-Added #edreform #eddata #ParentPower #BlackEdu #edpolicy # At Dropout Nation:…

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Dropout Nation on Twitter for 2011-04-17

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RT @CoachBT44: At Dropout Nation: Where Are the Gustave Eiffels of School Reform? #edreform # The Dropout Nation Podcast: Nurture the Genius in All Kids #ParentPower #edreform #teachers #TQReform #edgap…

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Dropout Nation on Twitter for 2011-04-16

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At Dropout Nation: To Charles Epps and His Ilk: Stop Wishing Ill Upon Our Kids #edreform #edgap #BlackEdu #ecosys # RT @EducateEarly: Where Are the Gustave Eiffels of School Reform?…

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Dropout Nation on Twitter for 2011-04-15

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At Dropout Nation: Voices of the Dropout Nation in Quotes: Ending the Insanity #edreform #JoelKlein #TomLuce #edgap # The Dropout Nation Podcast: Nurture the Genius in All Kids #ParentPower #edreform…

  • At Dropout Nation: Voices of the Dropout Nation in Quotes: Ending the Insanity #edreform #JoelKlein #TomLuce #edgap #
  • The Dropout Nation Podcast: Nurture the Genius in All Kids #ParentPower #edreform #TQReform #edgap #
  • At Dropout Nation: Voices of the Dropout Nation in Quotes: Ending the Insanity #edreform #JoelKlein #TomLuce #StreetLaw #
  • RT @Dr_EricWaters: @SpelmanCollege will host a discussion with @StudentsFirstHQ CEO @m_rhee today. #Atlanta #edreform #education #BlackEdu #
  • At Dropout Nation: Where Are the Gustave Eiffels of School Reform? #edreform #edleadership #ParentPower #edinnovation #
  • The Dropout Nation Podcast: Nurture the Genius in All Kids #ParentPower #edreform #TQReform #BlackEdu #
  • @ChitownStu I see our friend has opened his mouth again, offering little except noise. in reply to ChitownStu #
  • At Dropout Nation: Where Are the Gustave Eiffels of School Reform? #edreform #edleadership #edinnovation #
  • At Dropout Nation: Where Are the Gustave Eiffels of School Reform? #edreform #edleadership #ecosys #
  • RT @HILearningRsrce @dropoutnation: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Nurture the Genius in All Kids #ParentPower #edreform #
  • RT @ToughLoveforX: At Dropout Nation: Where Are the Gustave Eiffels of School Reform? #edreform #edinnovation #
  • RT @Dyrnwyn: Watching Dr. Epps roll out a bunch of kids to deflect his, um, comments of last night. Kinda obvious, and not so good. #
  • @Dyrnwyn Of course, Dr. Epps has a record he can't really defend either: #edreform #SchoolFinance in reply to Dyrnwyn #
  • @Dyrnwyn Although Bruce Baker will certainly try to do so. in reply to Dyrnwyn #
  • RT @philipaklein: For all his talk, Obama's proven he'll only work with Republicans when absolutely forced to #
  • At, an analysis of why Howard Fuller isn #
  • At analysis of why Howard Fuller isn't so hot about WI plan to expand vouchers to higher-$ families #
  • #ChrisChristie pushes on tenure reform #edreform #TQReform #
  • RT @MLThomsen: At Dropout Nation: Where Are the Gustave Eiffels of School Reform? #edreform #schoolleadership #
  • RT @educationweek: Blog: Biddle on Parents, Boys and Reading: The piece: #literacy #BlackEdu #
  • RT @edReformer: RT @EDUBEAT: #EdReform bill passes state Senate: SPRINGFIELD, sprawlingreform package #edpolicy #
  • RT @edubeatz @dropoutnation @educationweek: Blog: Biddle on Parents, Boys and Reading: The Piece: #
  • RT @AndresHenriquez: 146 years ago, on April 14, 1865, President Lincoln was shot. Here's his 2nd inaugural address: #
  • At Dropout Nation: Where Are the Gustave Eiffels of School Reform? #edreform #edleadership #
  • The Dropout Nation Podcast: Nurture the Genius in All Kids #ParentPower #
  • RT @harvinmoore @mathew_nathan @e_mellon: HISD board voted 7-2 to revamp system for evaluating teachers, more weight on student test data #
  • RT @HILearningRsrce @dropoutnation: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Nurture the Genius in All Kids #ParentPower #edreform #

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Dropout Nation on Twitter for 2011-04-14

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The Dropout Nation Podcast: Nurture the Genius in All Kids #edchat #sped #ParentPower (cc: @Parentella) # RT @eduphilia: RT @dropoutnation Giving Parents Power: 6 Steps to Learn What #Reading Instruction…

  • The Dropout Nation Podcast: Nurture the Genius in All Kids #edchat #sped #ParentPower (cc: @Parentella) #
  • RT @eduphilia: RT @dropoutnation Giving Parents Power: 6 Steps to Learn What #Reading Instruction Should Do #literacy #
  • The need to think very differently (about how we run education) is more important than ever. — Joel Klein at the #ICWSTEM event. #edreform #
  • Klein: notes edspending increased by more than 200% btwn 1970 and 2006, yet math and reading scores have largely been flat #edreform #
  • Klein: "If we continue to think lower class sizes will redeem us, we will get the same results." #edreform #ICWSTEM #
  • "In an age in which technology is revolutionizing other sectors, education remains doing the same thing that hasn't … #
  • "If you don't build it on data, the system will fail." Klein on using data in education. #
  • Klein: "We made a bet that if we increase staffing per student by 40 percent, then we would get better results. We lost that bet." #edreform #
  • "The reason our kids aren't doing well in the upper grades b/c our kids don't understand complex text. If they don't, we will fail." Klein #
  • Hess: argues that the business community has been too accomodating and nice when it comes to #edreform #
  • Hess: the question is how to rethink education in the 21st century instead of simply revamping the Horace Mann 19THCENTURY MODEL #
  • Hess: Argues that while pay scales are obsolete, performance pay must be used as tools for rewarding excellence. The key is to pay smart #
  • Hess: "teacher licensure…is horribly sited forwhat we are trying to do today" #edreform #
  • Hess: The goal of #edtech should be to provide education more smmartly. For example, Citizen Schools hooks up #STEM professionals, schools #
  • Anotheridea, mentioned by Andrew Kelly of AEI, is to have #STEM firms to train teachers in science and math. #edreform #
  • Hess argues for one percent solutions that allow for improvements in schools instead of whole school reforms. #
  • Anotherr is breaking aspects of teaching into speciaties. Oneexzmple is what happens at the MATCH school in Boston. #edreform #
  • Less than 1 percent of ed spending is devoted to R&D. Hess notes that that this b/c of discomfort w/private sector involvement. #
  • The other problem is the low quality of education research. Kelly notes just one of IES' centers is focused on researching higher ed. #
  • Hess: K-12 is caught up in a "state of comnity" which school leaders tend to be unwilling to actually think flexibly about operations. #
  • Rosen of Change the Equation: members spend $500 m on #STEM #edreform #
  • Cahill of Carnegie Corp: far too many people think there is a competition btwn #STEM #edreform and humanities when it isn't so. #
  • Cahill: Statistics is one of the most important subjects for 21st century jobs, but K12 teachers aren't aware of this #edreform #
  • The Dropout Nation Podcast: Nurture the Genius in All Kids #edreform #sped #educare #ParentPower #edgap #
  • Rosen: Notes that many companies think about their giving locally. This is an opportunity for grassroots #edreformer activists. #
  • Giving Parents Power: 6 Steps to Learn What Reading Instruction Should Do #literacy #edreform #edgap #
  • RT @tvanderark: 24 pt rebuttal of a really dumb op-ed suggesting we keep K-12 kids away from #OnlineLearning #edreform #
  • Rosen/Change the Equation Businesses advocate in formal #K12 space, but frustrated w/ed space, so they tend to focus $ on informal #edreform #
  • One issue: Individual teachers may develop innovative curricula/instruction, but efforts aren't scaled or teachers don't try to scale it #
  • Cahill notes that A Better Lesson attempts some of these scale-ups. #
  • Cahill also notes that people need to show parents what #STEM looks like and why they should care about #edreform in that arena. #
  • Michael Latch of USDOE: The key is to build relationships btwn kids, families and #STEM professionals coming into classes #edreform #
  • Tom Luce: We must chaange the culture or innumeracy and #STEM illiteracy in America. #edreform #
  • "We don't need more pilot programs. We've started enough pilot programs. But we still don't have central heating" in #K12 Luce #
  • Luce notes that the focus on 17 to 21 existing programs thatcan be scaled up. #edreform #
  • A school in which black students pass one AP course, will see gra rates for black students increase from 50% to 60%. #
  • Luce argues that schools should have open enrollment into AP programs #
  • "If a school asks businesses for anything, it's usually for more money for something that exists that doesn't work" Tom Luce #edreform #
  • Luce notes that NMSI is looking to scale its AP program from 10 states to all 50. Pentagon is helping to fund the initiative in schools #
  • RT @matthewktabor "Following @dianeravitch on Twitter is sort of like giving a six-year-old a kazoo on a long car trip" #
  • Off-edu RT @josephlawler: Post: "A Waste of Breath" #
  • RT @andrew_zolli: "The larger the problem you are trying to solve, the more likely the solution is to be ambiguous" Jeff Raikes Gates Fdn #
  • The Dropout Nation Podcast: Nurture the Genius in All Kids #edchat #sped #ParentPower #edreform #TQReform #edgap #
  • @chris__maher I'll get it from thr folks at NNMS later this evening. in reply to chris__maher #
  • RT @matthewktabor: The real joke? Status quo rhetoric and second-rate rabble rousing @DropoutNation #edreform #
  • RT @jgvanides: The Jim Vanides Daily is out! ? Top stories today via @dropoutnation #edreform #
  • RT @BE_PURE: We have to upgrade our children's lives. Literacy, math, science, geopraphy…and also beauty, order, details. #ParentPower #

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Dropout Nation on Twitter for 2011-04-13

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Giving Parents Power: Six Steps to Learn What Reading Instruction Should Do #edreform #ParentPower #literacy # RT @BrainTrack: Voices of the Dropout Nation: Dean Kalaher on the New One-Room Schoolhouse…

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