- RT @CoachBT44: At Dropout Nation: Where Are the Gustave Eiffels of School Reform? #edreform #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Nurture the Genius in All Kids #ParentPower #edreform #teachers #TQReform #edgap #
- RT @1OregonMom: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Nurture the Genius in All Kids #ParentPower #edreform #
- At Dropout Nation: Where Are the Gustave Eiffels of School Reform? #edreform #edleadership #
- RT @toughLoveforx: @DropoutNation http://ilnk.me/7ebf is the States content for the #eduKare meme cc: @be_pure @graingered @simbeckhampson #
- RT @ChitownStu: @tfteacher “REAL educators” teach all children as if they are genius’ and not deficits regardless of their SES. #Blackedu #
- RT @ChitownStu: “REAL educators” understand the problems of society but don’t teach their students to be victims, but rather victors #
- RT @ChitownStu: @tfteacher “REAL educators” fight both societal AND structural inequalities while still teaching students how to succeed. #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Nurture the Genius in All Kids #edreform #BlackEdu #
- At Dropout Nation: Two Thoughts on Education This Week: Howard Fuller Department #edreform #SchoolChoice #NEA #
- RT @bringingupboys: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Nurture the Genius in All Kids #edreform #
- @jgmac1106 Actually, I wasn’t even talking to TFT. A brick wall would be a better conversation partner #BlackEdu in reply to jgmac1106 #
- @jgmac1106 And would be more intellectually stimulating to boot. in reply to jgmac1106 #
- @jgmac1106 No problem. I was retweeting what @ChitownStu said, which I think is actually thoughtful. Since he was addressing TFT, I got into in reply to jgmac1106 #
- @jgmac1106 the collateral damage category. But I don’t mind. I can take the heat. I’m in the kitchen all the time. in reply to jgmac1106 #
- RT @ChitownStu: @tfteacher and by the way hypocrite, neither do you. Notice tweets said “EDUCATORS” not K-12 teachers. We’re ALL educators #
- RT @jgmac1106: RT @dropoutnation: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Nurture the Genius in All Kids #edreform #edgap #
- At Dropout Nation: Two Thoughts on Education This Week: Howard Fuller Department #BlackEdu #SchoolChoice #Vouchers #
- RT @giasoutpost: RT @dropoutnation: RT @jgmac1106: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Nurture the Genius in All Kids #
- At Dropout Nation: Two Thoughts on Education This Week: #HowardFuller Department #edgap #SchoolChoice #Vouchers #
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