As a hedge fund manager who cut his teeth on investing in inner-city-focused companies, Whitney Tilson has certainly garnered his piece of the American dream. But the onetime Boston Consulting…
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As a hedge fund manager who cut his teeth on investing in inner-city-focused companies, Whitney Tilson has certainly garnered his piece of the American dream. But the onetime Boston Consulting employ-turned-Teach For America alum-turned-money manager has turned around and devoted those dollars (and his time) to improving the quality of education for the nation’s poorest children. This has included his role as one of the directors of the Democrats for Education Reform, one of the leading centrist Democrat reform groups and a primary challenger to the supremacy of the National Education Association and American Federation of Teachers in DNC politics.
This clip, a trailer from one of Tilson’s latest projects, A Right Denied, gives you a sense of his passion for improving education. The documentary is produced by Bob Compton of Two Million Minutes fame. One may disagree with his perspective — or conclusions. But education can use a few more Tilsons and a few less Dennis Van Roekels.