Tag: Steve Perry

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The Dropout Nation Podcast: Using School Reform to Build a Nation of Millions

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On this week’s Dropout Nation Podcast, I discuss how Black America can use school reform and embrace entrepreneurship in order to expand our presence in corporate suites and other areas…

Dropout Nation Podcast CoverOn this week’s Dropout Nation Podcast, I discuss how Black America can use school reform and embrace entrepreneurship in order to expand our presence in corporate suites and other areas of American economic and social power. As wonderful as it may be to see the success of Oprah Winfrey and Barack Obama, we need a nation of millions of strong, well-educated African-American men and women to achieve long-lasting success. This, by the way, also applies to Latino and other minorities.

You can listen to the Podcast at RiShawn Biddle’s radio page or download directly to your iPod, MP3 player or smartphone. Also, subscribe to the podcast series. It is also available on iTunes, Blubrry, Podcast Alley, the Education Podcast Network and Zune Marketplace.

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Voices of the Dropout Nation: This Past Weekend

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“Black men must mentor Black boys.  No other way has worked or will work.  Many Black men say that they, themselves, have too many problems and competing issues or that…

They are all our children. All of us -- including black men and even white men -- should teach them well.

“Black men must mentor Black boys.  No other way has worked or will work.  Many Black men say that they, themselves, have too many problems and competing issues or that they are “too busy” to mentor Black boys… Unless Black men mentor Black boys, Many, if not most, Black boys will continue to struggle and fail in this life.” — Phillip Jackson of the Black Star Project on the need for black men to play stronger roles in the lives of young men.

If traditional public schools had been meeting the community’s needs, there would never have been a discussion of using public education dollars for anything other than “traditional” neighborhood schools. This is not the case. America has had it up to ‘here’ with the failures of traditional neighborhood schools. Therefore, charters have no impact on good traditional schools.” —CNN commentator Steve Perry on why urban parents are looking to charter schools and other forms of school choice.

Mistreatment and miseducation causes student failure. The failure experience as a repeated occurrence frequently constitutes child abuse for at-risk kids as debilitating and inexcusable as the better publicized child abuses.  Moreover, failure is condoned and perpetuated as expected traditional educational policy. Teachers, having been successful in school, have difficulty relating to kids’ devastating failure and imperiled lives. Educators and community leaders who should be outraged are, instead, contributing to the calamity… Meanwhile, children’s lives are devastated. Without publicity, there is no outcry; without an outcry, there is no change.” — Bill Page of the At-Risk Student Advocate to EducationNews‘ Michael Shaughnessy about why he is dedicating “my twilight years” to activism on behalf of the most-neglected children.

“If we revert to a patchwork of standards and assessments that vary according to political pressures or societal and community biases, historically disadvantaged students, whether intentionally or unintentionally, will be mislabeled as achieving high standards when in fact they are not. In turn, the schools in which poor and minority students are enrolled are likely to be overlooked when it comes to badly needed investments in teaching and learning and in formulating and implementing fundamental reforms in chronically failing schools.” — Democrats for Education Reform and the Education Equality Project in a recent report explaining the need for standardized testing.

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Dropout Nation on Twitter for Feb. 17

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Subscribe to the Dropout Nation Twitter feed for up-to-the-minute news and commentary. Check out what followers read yesterday: In D.C., Grassroots Education Project needs volunteers to work w/Tubman Elementary School…

Subscribe to the Dropout Nation Twitter feed for up-to-the-minute news and commentary. Check out what followers read yesterday:

  • In D.C., Grassroots Education Project needs volunteers to work w/Tubman Elementary School students. Learn more: #DCPS #
  • RT @Edubeat: Two unions willing to negotiate a cut in #LAUnified school year: Shouldn’t be a discussion. Understand… #
  • that the district is open more days than required. But still, unless #LAUnified increases instructional time in schools, cuts in school… #
  • seems counterproductive to improving student learning. #
  • RT @MarcSean86: #Edweek N.J. Leg. Panel to Consider School Choice Measure — #edreform #ChrisChristie #
  • RT @MarcSean86: Thanks to Parent Revolution, CA parents now have a voice in the schools — now its CT’s turn #edreform #
  • Cato’s @Andrew_Coulson rightly fisks @Myglesias/M. McCardle for touting “anti-lemon” study. Shoddy #edresearch #
  • In D.C., #MichelleRhee considers extending #DCPS year to make up for snow closings. May even extend instructional day #
  • Dallas already engages in school research, so #HISD wants to do so too, according to HouChron #edreform #edresearch #
  • RT @tvanderark: 2 important #teacherquality articles: Klein’s op-ed and LA Daily’ News #edreform #edpolicy #edequality #
  • RT @MarcSean86: Funny but kinda true — 5 phrases black people must abolish if we are ever to get ahead — #
  • Do parents know best? Not always. Have teachers/school districts failed to show they can do better? Well… #parentpower #edreform #
  • A child’s education is like a house. Parents are architects; teachers/admins are the contractors/builders… #parentpower #edreform #
  • And the child is ultimately the client. #parentpower #edreform #
  • RT @linkstoliteracy @GraphicNovels: Best Graphic Novels 4 Kids February 2010 #literacy #education #
  • RT @ibeatcancrtwice: True character is revealed by how we treat people who can do nothing for us. ~ unknown Too true. #
  • RT @lioncaller: @davidwlocke I think #edreform is also motivated by uneven access/quality among classes/races. #
  • RT @lioncaller: @davidwlocke No, the conversation now about #edreform is about trying to make sure everyone gets a good education. #
  • RT @EdEquality: DO NOT MISS THIS NYer tribute to the civil rights mt w/ photos and audio. (Tx @alexanderrusso) #edgap #
  • RT @Eduflack: RT @saramead Education policy lessons from health care reform http://alturl.com/iuak #edreform #edpolicy #NoChild #
  • RT @josephlawler: SCOTUS campaign finance decision may tilt political field in favor of young folks, help reform SS http://nyti.ms/cZYQZl #
  • BTW Citizens United decision may also help spur #edreform into the 2010 congressional, state races. #
  • RT @DrStevePerry: Discussing Merit Pay for Teachers on CNN: http://tiny.cc/m29jo – What do YOU think? #TeacherQuality #edreform #

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