Tag: Singapore Math

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The Dropout Nation Podcast: Five New Questions Every Parent Should Ask

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On this week’s Dropout Nation Podcast, I discuss how parents can use five new questions to spur reform of American public education and improve schools for their children step by…

Dropout Nation Podcast Cover

On this week’s Dropout Nation Podcast, I discuss how parents can use five new questions to spur reform of American public education and improve schools for their children step by step. By asking the right questions — including about math instruction and school discipline policies —  parents can change the way their kids are taught each and every day.

You can listen to the Podcast at RiShawn Biddle’s radio page or download directly to your iPod, Zune, MP3 player or smartphone.  Also, subscribe to the podcast series. It is also available on iTunes, Blubrry, the Education Podcast NetworkZune Marketplace and PodBean. Also, add the podcast on Viigo, if you have a BlackBerry, iPhone or Android phone.

2 Comments on The Dropout Nation Podcast: Five New Questions Every Parent Should Ask

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Dropout Nation on Twitter for 2010-02-10

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Subscribe to the Dropout Nation Twitter feed and catch up with all the news in education: Michael Shaughnessy interviews Learning Point’s Paul Kimmelman: #edreform #edpolicy #NoChild # In Pa, Inquirer…

Subscribe to the Dropout Nation Twitter feed and catch up with all the news in education:

  • Michael Shaughnessy interviews Learning Point’s Paul Kimmelman: #edreform #edpolicy #NoChild #
  • In Pa, Inquirer reports proposed law would allow dropout factories/failure mills convert into charters: #edreform #
  • Michael Rebell argues #education budget cuts are unconstitutional, fails to consider size of ed budgets: #headshaker #
  • If the largest portion of state and local budgets go to education, then education can’t avoid being cut as well… #
  • Given that the nation spends $528 billion on ed every year — and does it inefficiently (and given low graduation rates, attrociously)… #
  • It is critical to consider how ed budgets should be spent — including reforming teachers compensation — in order to improve ed quality. #
  • RT @huffingtonpost: The New Jim Crow: More African Americans in prison than were enslaved before Civil War #edreform #
  • A few thoughts for today: No matter their race, color or economic class, children just aren’t “theirs” or “ours”… #
  • To paraphrase Wilt Chamberlain, they are all our children and we should do the best possible for them… #
  • The easiest way to stave off an eye for an eye is to follow the Golden Rule. #
  • One Malachi Walker and one Phillip Jackson is equal to 100 Beltway #edreform wonks. Policy w/o grassroots is worthless. And vice versa. #
  • Education isn’t about fostering creativity. It is about giving each child the tools they need in order to improve their lives. #
  • RT @tfanews: A key value for charter schools: No empty promises made to kids #edreform #education #
  • RT @CohenD: Why are teachers skeptical? @KennethLibby FL #RttT app. includes >$400M in contracts for “consultants”: http://j.mp/dAyMU2 #
  • @EnglandinVa: Creativity, in and of itself, can exist without an education (at least the formal kind). But, bringing it back to the… in reply to EnglandinVa #
  • @EnglandinVa classroom, the problem with combining creativity and academic learning is that, more often than not, one the former ends up… in reply to EnglandinVa #
  • @EnglandinVa crowding out the other to the detriment of a student being able to actually master a subject. If a kid can’t master the basics in reply to EnglandinVa #
  • @EnglandinVa he won’t have the skills needed to be creative in ways that are actually productive for sustaining his life. This is especially in reply to EnglandinVa #
  • @EnglandinVa true for poor children, who are coming from bkgds with little academic preparation. As seen in the battle over the use of… in reply to EnglandinVa #
  • @EnglandinVa Discovery math (and in the converse, the basics-focused Singapore math), “creativity” at expense of “learning” can = trouble. in reply to EnglandinVa #
  • @EnglandinVa That said, it’s ultimately, the choice of parents (and children) which road to pick. But policymakers should focus on learning. in reply to EnglandinVa #
  • In NYC, #JoelKlein would be lauded for opening schools during ‘blizzard’. In, DC, #MichelleRhee is pilloried for just thinking about it. #
  • RT @janarausch @EdEquality: #MichelleRhee with piece on ending poverty via #education (Tx @HSequity) #edreform #edgap #
  • New Jersey Left Behind offers some advice to the Garden State’s #NEA affiliate on #teacherpensions #edreform #
  • Dropout Nation Podcast: Now available on Zune marketplace: This week’: civil rights/#edreform: #

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