Tag: Otis Mathis

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Watch: Detroit’s Giant Dropout Factory

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /home/dropoutn/public_html/wp-content/themes/ralphkrause/ralphkrause/parts/mjr.php on line 47

When it comes to failing traditional school districts, none are as abysmal as Detroit Public Schools. From levels of functional illiteracy that rival every urban system to scandals such as…

When it comes to failing traditional school districts, none are as abysmal as Detroit Public Schools. From levels of functional illiteracy that rival every urban system to scandals such as last week’s involving disgraced former school board president Otis Mathis, the Motor City school district is now under virtual state receivership for the second time. By the time the city decides whether or not to place on the ballot a referendum on whether to hand control of the district to Dave Bing, at least 3,788 kids will have likely dropped out (based on the estimated dropout numbers for the Class of 2007).

But it is how the district dooms the futures of young men and women to prison and poverty that makes its systemic failures an atrocity. Resident Youtuber Fonrilloon captures this succinctly in his seven-minute documentary. Watch, listen and consider what shall be done with this worst of America’s dropout factories. Then think about the schools in your communities which are likely only doing slightly better than this one.

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