Tag: Jerrid Kruse

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Dropout Nation on Twitter for March 15th

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Check out the Dropout Nation Twitter feed for instant news and updates on the reform of American public education. Here are some select tweets from March 15th: CS Monitor lists…

Check out the Dropout Nation Twitter feed for instant news and updates on the reform of American public education. Here are some select tweets from March 15th:

  • CS Monitor lists what could change w/#NoChikd/#ESEA reauth. #edreform #edpolicy #
  • Gregory Kane: Forget firing teachers; instead, give kids #SchoolVouchers #TQ #edreform #CentralFalls #
  • Today’s maxim: RT @ClaytonMuhammad: It’s Monday! You don’t have to be great to get started, but you do have to get started to be great! #
  • RT @TPCarney: This shell game with reconciliation is blatantly fraud & the Senate bill is a blatant giveaway to Pharma. This “reform” reeks. #
  • RT @EdEquality: Geoffrey Canada in today’s NYT: he’s smart, grounded, pragmatic on #charters & #edgap crisis http://nyti.ms/9sMS69 #edreform #
  • RT @nyedreform: In Albany, late state budget talks, #RttT related charter-cap lifting being considered at same time. #edreform #AlbanyMess #
  • RT @jerridkruse: Create teacher leaders for scalable reform: http://ow.ly/1l8UJ #edtech #edreform #education #teachers #
  • RT @DrStevePerry: “We can not tolerate failure when we know what success looks like” — Arne Duncan #edreform #edgap #
  • Or why Vince Gray keeps hammering on #MichelleRhee RT @mikedebonis @News8NewsTalk: Rumors persist that Big Fish enters Mayor’s race this wk. #
  • Gray unlikely to win because he’s only the best out of a sad lot of DC pols. But Adrian Fenty will now have explain #DCPS record, #Rhee #
  • More reasons why Vince Gray is on #Rhee RT @mikedebonis: Gray says if there’s a way he can keep Hardy Principal Pope, ‘I will do it.’ #
  • Setting up for campaign 2010 v. Fenty RT @mikedebonis: Vince Gray is allowing a lot of ‘demonstrations’ in the council chamber today #DCPS #
  • RT @parentrev: Superintendent of Hartford public schools just testified in favor of Parent Trigger for CT. #edreform #parentpower #
  • Of course, #DCPS hearing shows perils of #parentpower It’s not always going to be pretty. But expert-driven ed status quo isn’t either. #
  • #headshaker Not one of Change.org’s 10 Ideas for Change winners related to improving #TQ closing #edgap or #edreform #
  • At least a start RT @avalonsensei: #LAUnified panel recommends changes in teacher evals. http://shar.es/mo8Nc #lausd #edreform #TQ #

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Dropout Nation on Twitter for 2010-02-11

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Check out up-to-the-minute news on the Dropout Nation Twitter feed. Here’s the best of today: More #charterschool segregation/integration sparring, courtesy of Colo.’s EPIC: # Sample EPIC quote: “In a highly…

You seen the bird. Do what he says.

Check out up-to-the-minute news on the Dropout Nation Twitter feed. Here’s the best of today:

  • More #charterschool segregation/integration sparring, courtesy of Colo.’s EPIC: #
  • Sample EPIC quote: “In a highly splintered and divided nation… policies that increase segregation should be remedied, not encouraged.” #
  • Based on EPIC/Civil Rights Project reports, expect more battles over the role of #CharterSchools in federal #edpolicy this year. #
  • RT @SailorX: “We’ll never fix poverty in America until we fix education.” – #JoelKlein this morning on #MorningJoe #edreform #
  • More #teachertenure #teacherquality reform recommendations from @Amprog: Districts dismiss just 1.4 % of tenured staff #
  • In #LAUSD preliminary votes on #edreform effort is in: Given chronicled shenanigans, one wonders if revote is likely. #
  • @jaketapper: @JimDeMint won’t endorse @SenJohnMcCain in re-election against @JDHayworth (voted for #NoChild #edreform in reply to jaketapper #
  • For #edreform activists, Hayworth may be no worse choice than McCain. Both supported #NoChild and may likely support reauth in present form. #
  • RT @jerridkruse: #edreform What the teacher does matters: http://ow.ly/15RkF #
  • @jerridkruse‘s answer to teachers and #edreform It should be about the students. Not the teachers. #applauseoftheweek #
  • RT @jerridkruse: Teachers need to be thinking about students’ thinking about thinking: http://ow.ly/15RmL #edreform #learning #
  • RT @samchaltain: Potential implications of Duncan’s latest remarks (“Don’t teach to the test!”): #edreform #RttT #
  • Honestly, what is wrong w/teaching to the test? If tests represents the standards we want children to learn, then tests should be the guide. #
  • This doesn’t mean literally teach to a test, but to actually use the standards/tests to shape lessons. Then innovate in how it is taught. #
  • By the way: “Portfolio assessments” useless largely because their analysis by teachers is largely subjective. Objective data always better. #
  • @bigswifty Exactly. Subjective=no standards=no accountability. Of course, Obama is backing off from accountability because of election 2010 in reply to bigswifty #
  • @bigswifty Reform is meaningless w/o re-election. But Ds will lose seats anyway because of other issues. #edreform isn’t one of them. in reply to bigswifty #
  • @Eduflack Anyone who thinks RIF will lose funding is delusional. And RIF needn’t worry anyway. It’ll be back in the line item in 4, 3, 2… in reply to Eduflack #
  • @Eduflack Being against giving children books, especially in light of #edreform efforts, would be perceived as contradictory by the public. in reply to Eduflack #
  • @Trace_Urdan I’m not commenting on whether RIF should be funded. I am saying is that every earmark has a constituency… in reply to Trace_Urdan #
  • @Trace_Urdan And RIF not only has a powerful group of backers, but also has a powerful message in terms of its role in improving literacy. in reply to Trace_Urdan #
  • @Trace_Urdan And in politics (and in the nonprofit realm), constituency+powerful message+institutional support= survival. The usual stuff. #
  • RT @MICHIGANDFER @EduExaminer: 26.8% of Detroit students graduate from H.S. http://tinyurl.com/yd3t6ar #edreform #dropoutfactories #edgap #
  • Off-ed: RT @jtLOL: Gibbs had something else written on his hand: “Update resume.” #perilsofbeingpoliticalspokesman #dontmesswithpalinarggh #
  • Note: Anti-intellectualism resides on all sides of political/social/educational aisles. We would be best off ridding it all from our midst #
  • Another thought: It is important to hold first principles. But not to embrace dogma. Because all dogma dies in the bright light of day. #
  • You should be willing to open your mind to data and realize sometimes your theories aren’t exactly so. #
  • Actually, make that most of the time. #
  • Off-ed: RT @jayrosen_nyu: BBC tells its news staff to get on board with social media. Not an option Seriously. #
  • RT @MEDixon215: In Ala.: Dr. Morton on passage of charter school legislation: “We will keep working. It needs to happen…” #edreform #RttT #
  • Rick Perry reverses himself? TX may offer #RttT for second round, according to Chron: No shocker. All hat, no cattle. #
  • For your snow day: Dropout Nation Podcast: Why #CivilRights Activists Should Embrace #edreform #NAACP #GaryOrfield #
  • NJLeftBehind notes 7.9 percent increase in Garden State per-pupil spending #edpolicy #edpspending #ARRA #
  • RT @bigswifty: In negotiating lang. for teacher evals in NCLB 01 (I was in room) both NEA and AFT opposed word “objective.” #

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