Tag: Heather Mac Donald

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Read: Special Ed Edition

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What’s happening in the dropout nation: There are children such as this child in this photo (a sufferer from Shaken Baby disorder and blind) who need special education. But why…


What’s happening in the dropout nation:

  1. There are children such as this child in this photo (a sufferer from Shaken Baby disorder and blind) who need special education. But why is it that at least ten percent of black, white and Latino boys are routinely labeled as learning disabled and often landing in special ed? Especially when the nature of their “learning disability” is likely specious at best? I lay out the scope of the special ed crisis today in The American Spectator.
  2. By the way, let’s be real: Special ed, along with alternative schools, is the black hole of public education. It is also the black hole  for the school reform movement; it isn’t as sexy to talk about as charters or vouchers or as dry and yet seemingly meaningful as national standards. The inaction by both traditional public school supporters and many school reformers speaks volumes about what they really think about improving education for every child. Badly.
  3. The most-disappointing state competiting for Race to the Top funding? The dubious distinction goes to Maryland, according to Andy Smarick. But Texas — once a leading pioneer in school reform — may end up ranking a close second.
  4. Kevin Carey analyzes the NAEP urban math results and notes how far down Detroit has gone.
  5. Why the New York City Department of Education remains the gold standard for school reform: A willingness to shut down failing schools such as this one in Harlem, according to the New York Times (via EducationNews).
  6. Like stopped clocks, Heather Mac Donald gets one right every now and then. This time, it’s on the decades-old move by California to make full immersion in English the standard for bilingual education.

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Pre-K Supporters and Heather Mac Donald Can Both Be Wrong…

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Especially if they are offering just one solution to the Latino achievement gap. Read more in my latest piece in The American Spectator.

Every child can learn. Even if their parents have just arrived to this country.

Every child can learn. Even if their parents have just arrived to this country.

Especially if they are offering just one solution to the Latino achievement gap. Read more in my latest piece in The American Spectator.

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READ: Friday Edition

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My apologies, folks. I’ve just finished a series of new projects, including a profile on the Gates Foundation’s work in education that runs today in Foundation Watch ( a link…

golden_appleMy apologies, folks. I’ve just finished a series of new projects, including a profile on the Gates Foundation’s work in education that runs today in Foundation Watch ( a link will be submitted on Monday). Meanwhile, onto all the news that seems fit to print:

Heather Mac Donald checks out the University of California, Berkeley study on the cognitive development of Latino children — and reaches her usual anti-immigrationist conclusions. Appropriate for her. My thoughts on this will come soon.

Andrew Coulson gives Charles Murray the business. He also invites rising education star Ben Chavis along for the ride.

Pennsylvania’s high courts sees fit to bring justice to thousands of wrongly-convicted juvenile offenders caught up in that state’s pay for freedom scandal. As I have mentioned in the past, juvenile justice is often anything but.

The latest comparison of state results to the National Assessment of Educational Progress is out. As more than a few people point out, states are gaming the system once again.

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