Tag: D.C. Grassroots Education Project

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Dropout Nation on Twitter for Feb. 17

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Subscribe to the Dropout Nation Twitter feed for up-to-the-minute news and commentary. Check out what followers read yesterday: In D.C., Grassroots Education Project needs volunteers to work w/Tubman Elementary School…

Subscribe to the Dropout Nation Twitter feed for up-to-the-minute news and commentary. Check out what followers read yesterday:

  • In D.C., Grassroots Education Project needs volunteers to work w/Tubman Elementary School students. Learn more: #DCPS #
  • RT @Edubeat: Two unions willing to negotiate a cut in #LAUnified school year: Shouldn’t be a discussion. Understand… #
  • that the district is open more days than required. But still, unless #LAUnified increases instructional time in schools, cuts in school… #
  • seems counterproductive to improving student learning. #
  • RT @MarcSean86: #Edweek N.J. Leg. Panel to Consider School Choice Measure — #edreform #ChrisChristie #
  • RT @MarcSean86: Thanks to Parent Revolution, CA parents now have a voice in the schools — now its CT’s turn #edreform #
  • Cato’s @Andrew_Coulson rightly fisks @Myglesias/M. McCardle for touting “anti-lemon” study. Shoddy #edresearch #
  • In D.C., #MichelleRhee considers extending #DCPS year to make up for snow closings. May even extend instructional day #
  • Dallas already engages in school research, so #HISD wants to do so too, according to HouChron #edreform #edresearch #
  • RT @tvanderark: 2 important #teacherquality articles: Klein’s op-ed and LA Daily’ News #edreform #edpolicy #edequality #
  • RT @MarcSean86: Funny but kinda true — 5 phrases black people must abolish if we are ever to get ahead — #
  • Do parents know best? Not always. Have teachers/school districts failed to show they can do better? Well… #parentpower #edreform #
  • A child’s education is like a house. Parents are architects; teachers/admins are the contractors/builders… #parentpower #edreform #
  • And the child is ultimately the client. #parentpower #edreform #
  • RT @linkstoliteracy @GraphicNovels: Best Graphic Novels 4 Kids February 2010 #literacy #education #
  • RT @ibeatcancrtwice: True character is revealed by how we treat people who can do nothing for us. ~ unknown Too true. #
  • RT @lioncaller: @davidwlocke I think #edreform is also motivated by uneven access/quality among classes/races. #
  • RT @lioncaller: @davidwlocke No, the conversation now about #edreform is about trying to make sure everyone gets a good education. #
  • RT @EdEquality: DO NOT MISS THIS NYer tribute to the civil rights mt w/ photos and audio. (Tx @alexanderrusso) #edgap #
  • RT @Eduflack: RT @saramead Education policy lessons from health care reform http://alturl.com/iuak #edreform #edpolicy #NoChild #
  • RT @josephlawler: SCOTUS campaign finance decision may tilt political field in favor of young folks, help reform SS http://nyti.ms/cZYQZl #
  • BTW Citizens United decision may also help spur #edreform into the 2010 congressional, state races. #
  • RT @DrStevePerry: Discussing Merit Pay for Teachers on CNN: http://tiny.cc/m29jo – What do YOU think? #TeacherQuality #edreform #

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