Tag: creativity

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Dropout Nation on Twitter for 2010-02-10

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /home/dropoutn/public_html/wp-content/themes/ralphkrause/ralphkrause/parts/mjr.php on line 47

Subscribe to the Dropout Nation Twitter feed and catch up with all the news in education: Michael Shaughnessy interviews Learning Point’s Paul Kimmelman: #edreform #edpolicy #NoChild # In Pa, Inquirer…

Subscribe to the Dropout Nation Twitter feed and catch up with all the news in education:

  • Michael Shaughnessy interviews Learning Point’s Paul Kimmelman: #edreform #edpolicy #NoChild #
  • In Pa, Inquirer reports proposed law would allow dropout factories/failure mills convert into charters: #edreform #
  • Michael Rebell argues #education budget cuts are unconstitutional, fails to consider size of ed budgets: #headshaker #
  • If the largest portion of state and local budgets go to education, then education can’t avoid being cut as well… #
  • Given that the nation spends $528 billion on ed every year — and does it inefficiently (and given low graduation rates, attrociously)… #
  • It is critical to consider how ed budgets should be spent — including reforming teachers compensation — in order to improve ed quality. #
  • RT @huffingtonpost: The New Jim Crow: More African Americans in prison than were enslaved before Civil War #edreform #
  • A few thoughts for today: No matter their race, color or economic class, children just aren’t “theirs” or “ours”… #
  • To paraphrase Wilt Chamberlain, they are all our children and we should do the best possible for them… #
  • The easiest way to stave off an eye for an eye is to follow the Golden Rule. #
  • One Malachi Walker and one Phillip Jackson is equal to 100 Beltway #edreform wonks. Policy w/o grassroots is worthless. And vice versa. #
  • Education isn’t about fostering creativity. It is about giving each child the tools they need in order to improve their lives. #
  • RT @tfanews: A key value for charter schools: No empty promises made to kids #edreform #education #
  • RT @CohenD: Why are teachers skeptical? @KennethLibby FL #RttT app. includes >$400M in contracts for “consultants”: http://j.mp/dAyMU2 #
  • @EnglandinVa: Creativity, in and of itself, can exist without an education (at least the formal kind). But, bringing it back to the… in reply to EnglandinVa #
  • @EnglandinVa classroom, the problem with combining creativity and academic learning is that, more often than not, one the former ends up… in reply to EnglandinVa #
  • @EnglandinVa crowding out the other to the detriment of a student being able to actually master a subject. If a kid can’t master the basics in reply to EnglandinVa #
  • @EnglandinVa he won’t have the skills needed to be creative in ways that are actually productive for sustaining his life. This is especially in reply to EnglandinVa #
  • @EnglandinVa true for poor children, who are coming from bkgds with little academic preparation. As seen in the battle over the use of… in reply to EnglandinVa #
  • @EnglandinVa Discovery math (and in the converse, the basics-focused Singapore math), “creativity” at expense of “learning” can = trouble. in reply to EnglandinVa #
  • @EnglandinVa That said, it’s ultimately, the choice of parents (and children) which road to pick. But policymakers should focus on learning. in reply to EnglandinVa #
  • In NYC, #JoelKlein would be lauded for opening schools during ‘blizzard’. In, DC, #MichelleRhee is pilloried for just thinking about it. #
  • RT @janarausch @EdEquality: #MichelleRhee with piece on ending poverty via #education (Tx @HSequity) #edreform #edgap #
  • New Jersey Left Behind offers some advice to the Garden State’s #NEA affiliate on #teacherpensions #edreform #
  • Dropout Nation Podcast: Now available on Zune marketplace: This week’: civil rights/#edreform: #

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