Tag: #Blacked

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Dropout Nation on Twitter for Feb. 13

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /home/dropoutn/public_html/wp-content/themes/ralphkrause/ralphkrause/parts/mjr.php on line 47

Keep up with up-to-the-minute happenings by subscribing to Dropout Nation’s Twtter feed. Here are some of yesterday’s tweets: RT @Eduflack: Bill would strip powers from local school councils This suggests…

Keep up with up-to-the-minute happenings by subscribing to Dropout Nation’s Twtter feed. Here are some of yesterday’s tweets:

  • RT @Eduflack: Bill would strip powers from local school councils This suggests that perhaps Chicago should go all… #
  • charter or fully consolidate mayoral control. #
  • RT @oklahomanews: In OK, plan may expand #charterschools Mayors of Tulsa, OK City/indian tribes may get auth. #edreform #
  • RT @bigswifty: To testing critics who criticize it on basis of some cheating http://nyti.ms/96HsJj Do we ban grades 2? #
  • @bigswifty The answer to your question is “yes.” It’s not as if #FairTest care about rigor, standards or accountability. in reply to bigswifty #
  • @KevinCarey focuses on Trinity Washington University and its mission of serving poor black/minority women on a modest budget #highered #
  • U.S. News & World Report also gets a mention in Carey’s post. Just not a positive one. #
  • RT @meristemstudio: RT @UrbanEducation: I invite ALL educators, parents to participate in #BlackEd on Thurs. @9pm. #edreform #

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