Riding mower

As your editor recovers from a long weekend of yard work — and prepares for Dropout Nation‘s upcoming Virtual Panel on Parent Power — listen to this Best of the Dropout Nation Podcast from last October on what reformers must do amid the Obama Administration‘s evisceration of the No Child Left Behind Act and its powerful accountability provisions. The scale-back of federal education policy offers opportunities for reformers to use grassroots activism and political savvy — especially learning from the Freedom Rides and 20th-century political mastermind Wayne Wheeler –  in sustaining a decade of gains in overhauling American public education.

You can listen to the Podcast at RiShawn Biddle’s radio page or download directly to your iPod, Zune, MP3 player, smartphone, Nook Color or Kindle Fire. Also, subscribe to the podcast series. It is also available on iTunesBlubrryZune Marketplace, Stitcher (for those of us using our Androids and iPhones), and PodBean. Also download to your phone with BlackBerry podcast software, Google Reader, BeyondPod, DoggCatcher and other mobile software. A new Dropout Nation Podcast comes out later this week.