As we at Dropout Nation enjoy apple peach pie and football (including,and hopefully, a loss by the Cowboys), we are thankful to each and every one of you for reading, for listening, and, ultimately, for your work to help every child succeed in school and life. We thank God for all the blessings he has bestowed on our families and on everyone. And we hope your day is restful and you enjoy time with your families.
While you enjoy yourself, listen to this week’s Dropout Nation Podcast on recognizing and rewarding high-quality teachers, check out this month’s Conversation podcast featuring former New York City schools chancellor Joel Klein, and read this week’s pieces on ending zip code education practices, the importance of morality in driving school reform, and the fiscal and intellectual fecklessness of the NEA and AFT. And read other Dropout Nation pieces from this month and last.
Thank you! And God bless.