- RT @CliftonR: RT @TomHeadLovesYou RT @pattonoswalt: NO ONE who paid…2 see CharlieSheen…deserves a refund. They … http://tmi.me/8pq0E #
- RT @EducateEarly: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Build Up School Reform #edreform #GrassRoots #
- RT @DarlaBunting: RT @dropoutnation At Dropout Nation: Watch: Why Kids Can't Wait for Slow Reform #edreform #
- At Dropout Nation: Three Thoughts on Education This Week: #KIPP and #DIYSchools Division #edreform #NEA #RobertBobb #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Build Up School Reform #edreform #GrassRoots #DIYSchools #ecosys #BlackEdu #ParentPower #
- RT @ToughLoveforX: "the concept of DIY schools garnered a lot of attention this week" @dropoutnation http://ilnk.me/7ad5 #edreform #
- RT @LaToniyaAJones At Dropout Nation: Three Thoughts on Education This Week: #KIPP and #DIYSchools Division #edreform #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Build Up School Reform #edreform #GrassRoots #DIYSchools #ecosys #BlackEdu #EduKare #
- RT @ToughLoveforX: @dropoutnation says "Western Michigan Uni’s report on KIPP is "a shoddy piece of work" http://ilnk.me/7ad5 #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Build Up School Reform #edreform #GrassRoots #DIYSchools #ParentPower #MaryMcLeodBethune #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Build Up School Reform #edreform #GrassRoots #K12 #ParentPower #edtech #BlendedLearning #
- RT @Fclint: The Frank Clint Daily is out! ? Top stories today via @chrislehmann @nanofoo @dropoutnation #edreform #
- RT @EDUCATIONPRIMER: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Build Up School Reform #edreform #GrassRoots #DIYSchools #ParentPower #
- RT @k_5remediation: From @dropoutnation interesting musing on taking the maker movement to k-12 education #edchat #
- RT @harvinmoore: #EdReform Daily News is out! #
- RT @NatAmRepublican: RT @dropoutnation: At Dropout Nation: Watch: Why Kids Can't Wait for Slow Reform #edreform #DCOSP #
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