- Return of the One-Room Schoolhouse (RiShawn Biddle on #edreform and decentralization of districts) #CharterSchools #
- Return of the One-Room Schoolhouse (RiShawn Biddle on #edreform and charterizing of districts) #RobertBobb (RT @AmSpec) #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Stop Blaming Poverty #edreform #edgap #CivilRights #K120 #CharterSchools #SchoolChoice #
- At Dropout Nation: Dancing Around the Edges: What Brookings' #Education News Survey Doesn't Do #edreform #ednews #
- RiShawn Biddle/Dropout Nation Letter: Return of One-Room Schoolhouses, Brookings Flawed EdNews Study http://conta.cc/e8erzo #constantcontact #
- RT @stepheetoi: Return of the One-Room Schoolhouse (RiShawn Biddle on #edreform and decentralization of districts) #
- RT @Ed_Reform: Lecture to Examine #edreform From Economic Perspective, Friday, UofA-Fay, 12:00-1:30, free lunch #
- RT @CTBAEO: Join the AAAC, CT BAEO & NAACP on 03.31.2011, 4-6PM for the Black Leaders Policy Roundtable at th… (cont) http://deck.ly/~GGHNQ #
- RT @NYASK12: The Meghan Groome Daily is out! ? Top stories today via @dropoutnation @tntp @science360 #
- @TCF_Century: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Stop Blaming Poverty #edreform #CivilRights #BobHerbert #RichardKahlenberg #
- RT @BigIdeasinEd: I agree with @dropoutnation that Brookings is being a little harsh on education reporting http://goo.gl/TdzmJ #
- RT @ANIMOCLASSIFIED: Return of the One-Room Schoolhouse (RiShawn Biddle on #edreform and decentralization of districts) #
- RT @score4schools: Daily #edreform news alert for 3/29/11 – http://eepurl.com/c_A2s #
- RT @AndresHenriquez: Senator Michael Bennet 'Four keys for improving No Child Left Behind' : http://wapo.st/gO6Xo2 #edreform #NoChild/#ESEA #
- Finally! RT @josephlawler: RT @petersuderman: There is a new Whit Stillman film coming out this year: ! #
- RT @EdTrust: #CivilRight advocacy groups to Senate: Stand firm for subgroup accountability in #NoChild reauth #edreform #
- RiShawn Biddle/Dropout Nation Letter: Return of One-Room Schoolhouses, Brookings Flawed EdNews Study http://conta.cc/e8erzo #edreform #
- RT @jointcities: From Tenay Hankins: Return of the One-Room Schoolhouse By RiShawn Biddle jointcities.org #RobertBobb #
- @TomBevanRCP: Return of the One-Room Schoolhouse (RiShawn Biddle on #edreform turning of districts to #charterschools #
- RT @EdEquality: RT @RhodeIslandCAN: RT @educationgadfly: From Flypaper: Rhode Island loves data nerds #eddata #
- RT @SchoolChoiceNow: Armey on how recent events might help bring #schoolchoice back to the nation's capital: http://ow.ly/4oPiU #edreform #
- RT @ToughLoveforX @openworld fair to say the DIY meme is getting closer to mainstream e.g http://ilnk.me/78a7 from @DropoutNation #edreform #
- RT @marcqus: No matter what the circumstances are you get to choose your attitude! Make it a good day! #sachat #blackedu #risedandgrind #
- Return of the One-Room Schoolhouse (RiShawn Biddle on #edreform turning of districts to #charterschools #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Stop Blaming Poverty #edreform #CivilRights #BobHerbert #RichardKahlenberg #BlackEdu #
- RT @tweettheoracle: Success Charter CEO Explains True Cost Of Smaller Classes #edreform #EvaMoskowitz #charterschools #
- RT @SFERnational: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Stop Blaming Poverty #edreform #BobHerbert #RichardKahlenberg #
- RT @NASBE: In tough times… talent matters. It shows the need for good teacher eval systems. Ed. Sec. Arne Duncan #nasbelegconf @nasbe #
- RT @SchoolsThatCan @dropoutnation: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Stop Blaming Poverty #edreform #CivilRights #BobHerbert #
- At Dropout Nation: Dancing Around the Edges: What Brookings' #Education News Survey Doesn't Do #edreform #
- RT @CRPE_UW @pienetwork: How to reach 1/4 million grassroots #edreform supportes? PIE Network in 18 states #
- RT @Eduflack: Keep Subgroup Mandates in #NoChild #ESEA, Civil Rights Groups Urge #edreform #edgap #
- At Dropout Nation: Cost of Perpetuating Failure: A Snapshot of Expensive School Spending #edreform #publicpensions #
- RT @FreepOpinion: In Detroit, #DPS board Pres. Adams pushes charter plan #edreform My column: #
- RT @RodelDE: What will the new school leadership waves bring? http://bit.ly/fHGVkw #edreform #edleadership #
- RT @EDUBEAT @parentrev: Orange County Register’s Editorial Paints this Week’s Picture: . http://bit.ly/e99LQ9 #edreform #ParentPower #
- RT @ToughLoveforX "the school district model no longer works either for children or taxpayers" http://ilnk.me/795e by @dropoutnation #ecosys #
- RT @instapundit: RISHAWN BIDDLE: Return Of The One-Room Schoolhouse #edreform #edpolicy #RobertBobb #
- RT @ntlBAEO: URGENT – Help DC families: Tell Congress to Vote YES on Oppo… http://conta.cc/ijp2JJ #DCOSP #
- At Dropout Nation: Cost of Perpetuating Failure: A Snapshot of Expensive School Spending #edreform #TQReform #
- At Dropout Nation: Cost of Perpetuating Failure: A Snapshot of Expensive School Spending #edreform #teachers #
- RT @hutchisond: Montana's HB603 Charter Law just approved by the House with a vote of 60-40…onto Senate Ed. #CharterSchools #edreform #
- At Dropout Nation: Dancing Around the Edges: What Brookings' #Education News Survey Doesn't Do #
- RT @EmpowerdSchools: At Dropout Nation: Cost of Perpetuating Failure: A Snapshot of Expensive School Spending #edreform #
- RT @DrStevePerry: In 1990 MSU's tuition per credit was $65.25. By 2010: $371.75. That's a 569% tuition increase. #
- RT @instapundit: RISHAWN BIDDLE: Return Of The One-Room Schoolhouse #edreform #DPS #CharterSchools #
- RT @iMMacuLate_Nat: I should probably be studying, BUT im looking up charter schools for my 2 bros & mia, afte… (cont) http://deck.ly/~RipoP #
- RT @chadratliff: RT @pammoran: RT @courosa: "Let's raise kids to be entrepreneurs" http://is.gd/coRNuY #ParentPower #edreform #
- RT @todd_beach: Ratings could end tenure for Minnesota's teachers http://bit.ly/dXVXyY #edreform #TQReform #teachers #edpolicy #
- RT @ToughLoveforX: “We want lieutenants to be critical thinkers,” said Bill Johnsen, dean of the U.S. Army War College, http://ilnk.me/796e #
- RT @JJMangler: Couldn't agree more!->RT @mrsebiology: #spnchat A1: You may have to get rid of the traditiona… (cont) http://deck.ly/~WvwmO #
- RT @SociallyNY: RT @TNTP: Court protects top #teachers from layoffs in L.A. San Diego principal asks, "Why isn… (cont) http://deck.ly/~MSAp4 #
- At Dropout Nation: Cost of Perpetuating Failure: A Snapshot of Expensive School Spending #edreform #
- RT @ericbradner House Dems are pushing to get rid of Gov. Mitch Daniels' broad budget-cutting authority. This effort, like others, will fail #
- RT @MarkZiebarth: #SPNchat Data is king and it can show why we need to change and where we have not done well. #edreform #eddata #
- @DianeRavitch Oh, Diane. Do you really think that simply keeping a quality-blind system is a good idea? Scratch that, of course, you do. #
- @DianeRavitch After all, these aren't your kids, your nephews, who are subjected to abysmal teaching. They don't look like you either. #
- RT @mrsebiology: I tell students they won't remember what was easy; they will remember what was difficult. #spnchat #edreform #
- RT @SchoolsThatCan: RT @dropoutnation: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Stop Blaming Poverty #edreform #CivilRights #
- At Dropout Nation: Dancing Around the Edges: What #Brookings #039; Education News Survey Doesn't Do #edreform #edpolicy #
- RT @vpostrel: I'm speaking at Cornell Wed 7:30 info here: http://j.mp/fBiqdc #
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