- This is Dropout Nation: The Foster Care Ghetto and School Reform #fostercare #edreform #ChildWelfare #edgap #
- RT @usedgov: Sec. Arne Duncan and moderate Senate Democrats discussed #edreform and #NoChild #ESEA reauthorization. #
- RT @Eduflack: Nearly 500 in S.F. schools to get pink slips http://t.co/O25Q2Lh #teachers #TQReform #
- RT @BuffaloReformED Buffalo Supt says he'll leave if salary is cut from $220k to $175k. What reasons does he give for even paying him $220k? #
- Off-edu RT @markowenh: NFL dispute- if the owners are spending TOO much money on players..then PAY less..Players … http://tmi.me/7iMMe #
- RT @lkcrouch @EdWriters: Improving the Teaching Profession: Rethinking Professional Development: #TQReform #edreform #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: The Importance of Outcomes in Education #edreform #VAA #edgap #TQReform #
- This is Dropout Nation: The Foster Care Ghetto and School Reform #fostercare #edreform #ChildWelfare #edgap #BlackEdu #
- RT @CatalystChicago: In the News: Group blasts Emanuel's schools plan… #edreform #RahmEmanuel #CPS #TQReform #
- RT @Dave_Saba: #4profit whipping boys of congress: Harkin can't understand economics, public schools ignore markets #
- RT @CWLAUpdates: Grim story, but glad issue is getting attention RT @dropoutnation The Foster Care Ghetto and #edreform #
- At Dropout Nation: Eight Questions: Arne Duncan #edreform #edpolicy #RttT #NoChild/#ESEA #
- At Dropout Nation: Eight Questions: Arne Duncan #edreform #edpolicy #RttT #NoChild/#ESEA #TQReform #RandiWeingarten #
- RT @msmall46: RT @dropoutnation: The Dropout Nation Podcast: The Importance of Outcomes in Education #edreform #VAA #
- RT @TNTP: Dismissing an ineffective teacher in Chicago: 27 steps, 5 years. http://ow.http://ow.ly/47qAdxanderrusso) #edreform #TQReform #
- RT @nsvf: Entrepreneurs taking on systems: @teachforamerica VP Kevin Huffman is now Tennessee commissioner of ed #
- RT @rolandsmartin: Wisconsin Senate OKs Arrest Of Absent Dems For Contempt – http://ow.ly/47p6n #
- At Dropout Nation: Eight Questions: Arne Duncan #edreform #edpolicy #RttT #NoChild/#ESEA #TQReform #NEA #ScottWalker #
- RT @HSC_NY: This is Dropout Nation: The #FosterCare Ghetto and School Reform #edreform #fostercare #
- RT @typom: RT @dropoutnation: The Dropout Nation Podcast: The Importance of Outcomes in Education #edreform #VAA #edgap #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: The Importance of Outcomes in Education #edreform #VAA #edpolicy #
- RT @WHATITTAKESorg @dropoutnation: This is Dropout Nation: The Foster Care Ghetto and #edreform #edreform <–WOW #
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