• At EIA's Education Industry Days conference panel on ESEA reauthorization. #
  • Daniela Garcia (House Republican advisor): No hard timeline on reauthorization, largely because there are 12 new members on HEWC. #
  • Garcia: Kline says he won't take on #NCLB #ESEA reauth in small chunks in order to get reauth passed. Says federal role is "heavy-handed". #
  • Garcia: Argues that reauth will be about "thinking outside the box". #SchoolChoice SES will be part of congressional Republican version. #
  • Marchione (advisor to G.Miller): "We feel strongly about accountability for all students… that all students are … http://tmi.me/75azh #
  • Senate Majority: "Chairman Harkin has committed to an aggressive schedule for reauthorization…Reauthorization is long overdue" #NCLB #ESEA #
  • The Dropout Nation Podcast: Sporting Into Reforming Teacher Quality #TQReform #edreform #ScottWalker #
  • Garcia: "Many of our members don't know where they are on (#NCLB/#ESEA reauthorization)l #
  • Garcia: #SchoolChoice in #NCLB #ESEA reauth includes better info for parents on performance. Marchione: Choices "must be ral for parents" #
  • Will greater innovation outside of trad k-12 be part of reauth? "Garcia: "we aren't going to have the same … http://tmi.me/75bF9 #
  • Garcia: "We must use federal funding to incentivize districts to (do innovative things)… Districts are capable of making good decisions" #
  • Garcia "parents are capable of making good decisions". Kline wants focus on maximizing community support for districts in these fiscal times #
  • One attendee notes that districts tend to deliberately push aside and exclude private-sector operators. #
  • Marchione: Notes that while family engagement is a major focus of conversation on reauth, there will be talk about role of private-sector #
  • Garcia: Says Kline may be moving slowly, but notes that he knows that the time is right for #NCLB #ESEA reauth. #
  • Possibility of waivers for 2014 provision: Garcia notes that they aren't opposed to that, but think that admin may take be heavy-handed in #
  • The approach. #
  • RT @harvinmoore: RT @TNTP: High-poverty schools in CA 65% more likely than low-poverty schools to have #teachershttp://tmi.me/75e2m #
  • Let's be clear, folks: Nothing will happen on #NCLB #ESEA reauthorization this year. #edreform #
  • One attendee notes that the feds have not actually been enforcing consequences. "It's clearly not being done." #
  • Senate Majority: "we want to get away from this one-size-fits-all" in #NCLB #ESEA. Essentially move away from … http://tmi.me/75eMB #
  • Garcia: "if you talk to representatives and to parents and schools iin their districts, it is very heavy handed #NCLB #ESEA #
  • Garcia: " The only power we have is to withhold funding. And nobody's going to support that. We have to incentivize districts." #NCLB #ESEAñ #
  • Garcia: "we have tried a one-size-fits-all approach and it's failed." #NCLB #ESEA #
  • Garcia: "We need flexibility. We also need accountability. We have to figure out how to marry the two." #NCLB #ESEA #
  • RT @DFER_News: DFER for Teachers – Let's behave like adults and put children first – #edreform #TQReform #
  • One attendee: Local flexibility has been the problem in implementing #NCLB #ESEA Districts and states have been allowed to game it. #
  • Marchione: "Local flexibility doesn't have to mean just giving the money away to districts and letting them do what they want" #
  • Garcia: Notes that Kline opposed #sped cut in continuing resolution. Cosponsored amendment to restore $500 million cut. #
  • Garcia: "Chairman Kline thinks it was a bad signal, given his talk about 'our failed promise'" on #sped #IDEA funding. #
  • RT @emilyschoolsyou: C. Young writes that deferred funds hit #charterschools harder: An example: #
  • RT @AttyAbdul: The unions have already started shouting and chanting. Don't these people have work to do somewhere? #INGov #INLegis #
  • The Dropout Nation Podcast: Sporting Into Reforming Teacher Quality #TQReform #edreform #
  • RT @kevinpchavous: Black history — blacked out…http://tinyurl.com/6496jny #edreform #BlackEdu #
  • Business Roundtable person at EIA: Notes that the argument over #edreform is now breaking back to the argument over the federal role in ed. #
  • RT @DrStevePerry: Ppl should have the right 2 belong 2 unions….ppl should have the right not to join. Collective bargaining removes it #
  • Susan Traitman Argues that the private education industry should follow the path of the charter school movement and grab onto quality issues #
  • Traitman: Notes that without #ESEA #NoChild reauthorization, #NEA #AFT and suburban districts may push for waivers from the consequences. #
  • Traitman: "[Districts] don't want to lose the money to another district, which is what choice brings. And the… (cont) http://deck.ly/~yb1IX #
  • Traitman: "They have a sympathetic ear in Arne Duncan, who wanted the same thing when he was in Chicago." #
  • By the Way: At the EIA conference panel on #edpolicy #
  • Traitman: Argues that if #NCLB #ESEA reauth doesn't happen this year, it won't happen until 2013. #edreform #
  • RT @POWERORGmath America's Woeful Public Schools: NAEP Shows the Need for Improving Science Instruction in Urban Cities #
  • RT @DrStevePerry Collective bargaining means every employee must pay 2 the union even if they don't want to. 2 sides 2 this story. #edreform #
  • RT @armcomm: RT @DNDailyPolitics: Gov. Cuomo: Teachers Should Not Be Judged By Seniority Alone http://nydn.us/eMzue5 #edreform #AFT #NYSUT #
  • RT @petercgroff: Cory Booker, Newark Mayor, is hosting a discussion on ed & job creation n DC, watch on C-SPAN … http://tmi.me/75Kq3 #
  • Fmr. NJ guv Florio can't stop saying wrong things, even on #edreform #ChrisChristie #SchoolChoice #
  • America's Woeful Public Schools: NAEP Shows the Need for Improving Science Instruction in Urban Cities #edreform #STEM #
  • RT @AmSpec: Grading the Spending Cutters #
  • At Dropout Nation: Shutdowns Must Only Be the Start for Detroit Public Schools #edreform #BlackEdu #RobertBobb #
  • RT @matthewktabor: An #edreform quot;Must-Follow": RiShawn Biddle and @DropoutNation (Also, visit DropoutNation.net) #
  • The Dropout Nation Podcast: Sporting Into Reforming Teacher Quality #TQReform #teachers #

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