- My Latest Column: Gray Matters (DC Mayor #VincentGray #039;s failings thus far on #edreform fiscal issues) #DCPS #Rhee #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Sporting Into Reforming Teacher Quality #TQReform #teachers #edreform #ScottWalker #
- Best of Dropout Nation: Education As a Civil Right: It Includes School Choice: #edreform #SchoolChoice #BlackEdu #
- RT @AmSpec: Gray Matters (RiShawn Biddle on #VincentGray #039;s tenure as DC mayor so far) #edreform #KayaHenderson #
- RT @Reading_DC: Tuesday, February 22nd: 2 hour delay for all of our schools…tutoring will begin after 10am today. Please travel safely! #
- RT @ChitownStu: #Chicago there are 3-4 great options for Mayor. Say what you will abt @MayorDaley, he will be sorely missed. Don't believe. #
- @MyEmergence @ileducprof Actually, there are a lot of middle-class people of all races who will invest in non-whites w/o a profit. in reply to MyEmergence #
- @MyEmergence @ileducprof The #edreform movement consists mostly of those folks (along w/some wealthy people of all races and lots of poor). in reply to MyEmergence #
- @MyEmergence @ileducprof The issue is why aren't enough of us pushing to reform education, help our own. As the saying goes, For Us By Us. in reply to MyEmergence #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Sporting Into Reforming Teacher Quality #TQReform #teachers #edreform #collectivebargaining #
- Yup RT @ChitownStu: @NvrComfortable why is there need to keep empty schools open? If the population changes, shouldn't the infrastructure? #
- RT @JoanneLeeJacobs: New blog post: New Orleans' new schools #edreform #CharterSchools #
- RT @ChitownStu: @NvrComfortable are you serious? Look at simple stats…1980 – 1.2m, '90 – 1m, '00 951k…need more proof? Drive the city. #
- If you are an #edreform activist in Chicago, vote like your life depended on it. Vote early (and just once). #
- Same goes for the rest of you in Chi who oppose #edreform America is watching. And so is Arne Duncan. #
- Best of Dropout Nation: Education As a Civil Right: It Includes School Choice: #edreform #SchoolChoice #LatinoEdu #
- RiShawn Biddle/Dropout Nation Letter: DC Mayor Vincent Gray's #edreform Matters, #TQReform http://conta.cc/hSMkxy via #constantcontact #
- RT @AttyAbdul: Indiana Treasurer Mourdock says Lugar has basically been an absentee Senator. Will run against him for GOP nod #USSenate2012 #
- RT @PFoundation: 3 Thoughts on Education: Race to Stalemate | @dropoutnation http://ow.ly/40Izl #edreform #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Sporting Into Reforming Teacher Quality #TQReform #teachers #edreform #wiunions #K12 #
- RT @NathanTabor: RT @davidnbass: Senate Finance Committee passes SB8, #charterschools bill. Now goes to the Senate floor for vote #edreform #
- RT @educationalan: Amen, Richard! RT @educationweek: Colvin: CTE programs don't teach students skills they nee… (cont) http://deck.ly/~lQEP9 #
- Off-edu Like anyone was looking to vote for him. RT @rsmccain: Thune won't run in 2012 http://wapo.st/eCOLWh #
- RT @EdEquality: Gwen Samuel launches first ever Parents Union in CT! Also: #edreform #ParentPower #
- S. Mead on why zoning matters in #edreform Earlier at Dropout Nation: #SchoolChoice (RT @GiftedHF) #
- RT @GingerGibsonSL: Christie proposing all public universities be allowed to authorize #charterschools #edreform #
- RT @pienetwork @minncan @charteralliance @experteducation: In Tough Times, Look to Effectiveness #ArneDuncan #edreform #
- RT @eduwonk: New post on Eduwonk 100 Percent Wisconsin-Free Links http://goo.gl/fb/JWOrZ #edreform #VincentGray #
- Gray Matters (RiShawn Biddle on #VincentGray #039;s tenure as DC mayor so far) #edreform #KayaHenderson #DCPS #TQReform #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Sporting Into Reforming Teacher Quality #TQReform #teachers #edreform #K12 #NEA #
- At Dropout Nation: Shutdowns Must Only Be the Start for Detroit Public Schools #edreform #RobertBobb #TurnaroundSchools #
- Listen to my conversation on KOGO-AM's "Top Story" about #collectivebargaining battles/impact on #edreform at http://www.RiShawnBiddle.org. #
- RT @EDUBEAT: #NEA to Double Member Dues Contribution to Political War Chest: 1) NEA to Double Member Dues .. #edreform #
- Off-edu RT @TPCarney: This blog post will make many friends hate me: Mitch Daniels is right, and Right to Work is wrong #
- @TPCarney actually, Tim, I partly agree with you myself. in reply to TPCarney #
- At Dropout Nation: Shutdowns Must Only Be the Start for Detroit Public Schools #edreform #RobertBobb #SchoolTurnarounds #
- @DianeRavitch Oh, Diane, that board was hardly an objective point of measuring teacher quality. They never measured actual outcomes. #
- RT @SchoolChoiceNow: From @dropoutnation, this is why #schoolchoice is a 21st century civil rights issue. http://ow.ly/41ql0 #edreform #
- @akamomteach @KiaAisha @EDUBEAT actually, Antonucci tends to be right on the money when it comes to internal union moves. in reply to akamomteach #
- No. RT @AttyAbdul: So, should lawmakers who did not show up for work today get paid? #INLegis #INGov #
- RT @DarlaBunting: Never become so removed from the community, that you forget where you came from. It's our duty to help #
- Gray Matters (RiShawn Biddle on #VincentGray #039;s tenure as DC mayor so far) #edreform #KayaHenderson #DCPS #Rhee #
- RT @policydiary: “@Johnswilson1: Rahm just won by more than 50%, avoiding a runoff." @theloop21 #edreform #
- At Dropout Nation: Shutdowns Must Only Be the Start for Detroit Public Schools #edreform #RobertBobb #DaveBing #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Sporting Into Reforming Teacher Quality #TQReform #edreform #K12 #
- At Dropout Nation: Shutdowns Must Only Be the Start for Detroit Public Schools #edreform #ecosys #
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