- RT @ctparentsunion: At Dropout Nation: Gwen Samuel…Critical Need for Parent Unions #edreform #
- At Dropout Nation: Watch: Wendy Kopp on the Importance of Leadership in Reforming American Public Education #TQReform #
- @Larryferlazzo Oh, Larry, you can try harder. Dropout Nation's retorts on this from last yr: and in reply to Larryferlazzo #
- In North Carolina, #NEA affiliate opposes #CharterSchools law (naturally) #edreform #SchoolChoice #ParentPower #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: The Importance of High Expectations #edreform #edgap #K12 #TQReform #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: The Importance of High Expectations #edreform #edgap #expectationsgap #BlackEdu #
- At Dropout Nation: Watch: Wendy Kopp on the Importance of Leadership in Reforming American Public Education #teachers #
- At Dropout Nation: Three Thoughts on Education This Week: Race to Stalemate #edreform #JohnKline #VincentGray #NAS #
- RT @matthewktabor: RT @therebull: How typical. @valeriestrauss perpetuating the unsubstantiated lies of @DianeRavitch #
- @momactivist actually, most professions get some sort of merit pay. Mostly in forms of bonuses or raises tied to performance, but others in reply to momactivist #
- @momactivist others do get commission. So your assertion of otherwise is baldly incorrect. in reply to momactivist #
- @momactivist Second: there is no correlation or causation between degree attainment and student achievement/teacher quality. in reply to momactivist #
- @momactivist The number of degrees you have worked hard to attain doesn't equal out to high quality performance. Sorry if that upsets you in reply to momactivist #
- @momactivist but that is an empirical. in reply to momactivist #
- @momactivist nor does experience equal high quality work. The reality is that in a system in which evaluation is desultory, all that in reply to momactivist #
- @momactivist experience show is that a teacher has gotten past the first two to five years to gain tenure. One (cont) http://tl.gd/8t7qv2 in reply to momactivist #
- They did a Texas? Wow. RT @josephlawler: They left the state because otherwise the Republicans could get the (cont) http://tl.gd/8t7t44 #
- @momactivist The real problem is that the folks who work in ed have een allowed to make decisions w/o others outside of it for far too long. in reply to momactivist #
- Of course they do RT @daveweigel: Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee "supports and applauds" Wisconsin Dem senators #
- RT @Slate: Fascinating visual history of black towns that have disappeared from America's maps. http://slate.me/hiRslb h/t @TheRoot247 #
- Off-edu A lack of focus in Baltimore: Texas Hold'Em gambling raids instead of staunching crime #urbanaffairs #
- RT @DSTined4Gr8ness: RT @harvinmoore: 17% of NYC teachers absent more than 10 days last year. Must be an epidemic. http://on.wsj.com/fgLEFv #
- RT @SFERnational: RT @dropoutnation: The Dropout Nation Podcast: The Importance of High Expectations #edreform #edgap #
- At Dropout Nation: Three Thoughts on #Edu This Week: Race to Stalemate #edreform #JohnKline #VincentGray #DCPS #RttT #
- @momactivist Actually, experience isn't all that important in a lot of sectors. The reality is that a lawyer may have practiced for years in reply to momactivist #
- @momactivist and yet not have kept up with changes in the law or in practices. If you are a traditional business attorney, outsourcing deals #
- @momactivist will be a new aspect of your job that you may not have mastered or be willing to. Again, experience doesn't mean as much in reply to momactivist #
- @momactivist as performance and the ability to adapt when the profession changes. in reply to momactivist #
- @momactivist This goes for teachers, lawyers, journalists, even entrepreneurs. You may not like to read that. But that's life. in reply to momactivist #
- @momactivist As for TFA teachers being better? Well, they may be better-trained and based on the research, generally better. But there are in reply to momactivist #
- @momactivist poor performing TFA grads, as there are poor-performing teachers graduating from ed schools. In any case, we need to reform in reply to momactivist #
- @momactivist ed schools because they aren't training teachers adequately for the profession, especially to work in urban classrooms. in reply to momactivist #
- @momactivist As for teachers having clout? How about that #NEA and #AFT membership. They have worked quite successfully to ensure that in reply to momactivist #
- @momactivist teachers have near-lifetime employment, have wage scales based on anything other than performance, and can actually influence in reply to momactivist #
- @momactivist the work rules under which teachers work. If you feel disaffected from your union and powerless, then perhaps you should in reply to momactivist #
- @momactivist reconsider why you are a union member. Or why teachers should pay dues to them. in reply to momactivist #
- @momactivist Just because you want to deny the facts doesn't mean you can do so. in reply to momactivist #
- @momactivist Thanks for your response. in reply to momactivist #
- NYC #AFT big gets arrested over portion of quail he ate at restaurant http://nydn.us/dLu3j6 J.P. Greene take: #edreform #
- @momactivist Actually, I think a lot of teachers care about the kids in their classrooms. I also think a good number do not care. in reply to momactivist #
- @momactivist But caring for kids isn't enough if you're not competent to do the work. And, at the same time, if you don't care, you won't in reply to momactivist #
- @momactivist be capable of putting in the work needed to improve student achievement. in reply to momactivist #
- @momactivist I think you need to pay attention to what I have said instead of assuming what's not in evidence. But thanks for trying. in reply to momactivist #
- @momactivist I'm not making any assumptions. You declared that teachers were somehow powerless even though the evidence says otherwise. in reply to momactivist #
- @momactivist It's a reasonable inference to argue that if you don't feel that you have any clout, then perhaps you need to take that up in reply to momactivist #
- @momactivist with the folks you pay to give you that clout. in reply to momactivist #
- @momactivist How do you know they don't care? Again, if you've ever worked alongside some of these folks, you'd have a different perspective in reply to momactivist #
- @momactivist Here is the reality: You disagree with the #edreform perspective because it forces you to shift your paradigm. And any in reply to momactivist #
- @momactivist paradigm shift is offensive. in reply to momactivist #
- @momactivist And that's been the problem. You can "do your job", but it's important to do the job well. And there are a lot of in reply to momactivist #
- @momactivist your colleagues who are "doing their jobs" and doing it poorly. It's not all their fault. Ed schools have poorly trained in reply to momactivist #
- @momactivist teachers for years. And school district leadership is also at fault. But when a third of all kids drop out, doing a job in reply to momactivist #
- @momactivist isn't good enough. in reply to momactivist #
- @momactivist I read a lot of research. From all sides. I don't necessarily care who funded it, but whether it stands scrutiny. in reply to momactivist #
- @momactivist If a study fails because it isn't rigorous, it doesn't matter who funded it. in reply to momactivist #
- @momactivist The Gates' paid research statement is a red herring. Cut it out. in reply to momactivist #
- RT @matthewktabor: RT @dropoutnation: At Dropout Nation: Three Thoughts on #Edu This Week: Race to Stalemate #edreform #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: The Importance of High Expectations #edreform #edgap #LatinoEdu #
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