- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Find New Ways to Reward #Teachers #edreform #TQReform #
- At Dropout Nation: Stop Limiting Poor and Minority Kids with Low Expectations #edreform #edgap #abilitytracking #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Find New Ways to Reward #Teachers #edreform #K12 #
- RT @sgermeraad: In today's classroom, “realistic expectations”…means shortchanging kids on reading, math, science #
- RT @locdog: RT @dropoutnation The Dropout Nation Podcast: Find New Ways to Reward #Teachers #edreform #K12 #TQReform #
- RT @locdog: RT @dropoutnation: Stop Limiting Poor and Minority Kids with Low Expectations #edreform #edgap #TQReform #
- RT @R_Colvin: RT @sgermeraad Great piece: “realistic expectations” often means shortchanging kids. #dropoutnation #
- RT @Eduflack: RT @WhiteBdAdvisor Bush Institute Launches Landmark Plan to Transform and Improve Middle Schools #edreform #
- RT @parentrev: watching parents from across LA testify on the Parent Trigger Law to keep parents empowered, not (cont) http://tl.gd/8ne0bu #
- RT @C_Shacole @locdog @dropoutnation: Stop Limiting Poor and Minority Kids with Low Expectations #edreform #BlackEdu #
- RT @tvanderark AdvancePath saves districts $, boosts grad rates; good ex of competency-based #BlendedLearning #edreform #
- RT @parentrev: these parents are incredible. they are so passionate and eager to change the status quo. its amazing to watch. #edreform #
- @DianeRavitch ends up speaking at 527 fundraiser involving Denver #NEA local #edreform #
- RT @parentrev: Great pt, Gabe. if this was your child, would you send them to these schools? We can't wait any longer. #
- RT @josephlawler: The most disheartening article I've read in a long time: The 75 DCPS (cont) http://tl.gd/8neeq6 #
- RT @parentrev: Progress is so slow that it is affecting child after child within the same family. its almost (cont) http://tl.gd/8neetm #
- RT @parentrev I don't get it. Parents say they knew what they signed, organizers talk about their work. what's secretive? #edreform #
- RT @parentrev: Yvonne Chan is awesome! She understands what it means to fight for the "pursuit of (cont) http://tl.gd/8neg1t #
- At Dropout Nation: Watch: Ending a "Cartel" of Educational Malpractice #edreform #NEA #AFT #TQReform #edpolicy #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Find New Ways to Reward Teachers #edreform #TQReform #teachers #K12 #edpolicy #
- RT @parentrev: Wow. I love hearing from Board Member Cushman. Its great that he gets the opportunity to speak for so many students. #
- RT @parentrev Definite urgency. 6 months of meetings gives enough room for urgency. Parents have waited long enough for perm regs. #edreform #
- RT @parentrev Parents can't wait. everyone knows that. Children are not getting the education they need and we can't keep waiting. #edreform #
- RT @parentrev: Absolutely. swiftly but thoughtfully. If you wouldn't send your kids to these schools why are you (cont) http://tl.gd/8nenqt #
- @parentrev because it's not their kids whose futures are at risk. #edreform #ParentPower in reply to parentrev #
- RT @mnpirc: RT @ALPIRC: Helen: programs come and go but outcomes persist. #SPW Need to think about how we can build capacity! #
- RT @mnpirc: #SPW We sell families short when we only ask them what their needs are, rather than engaging them in (cont) http://tl.gd/8neof7 #
- RT @parentrev: wow. great pt by the lawyers. the law exists. the law has intent. the State Board needs to (cont) http://tl.gd/8nepff #
- RT @Loriana: #Data and how it can transform our educational system. #edinno #edreform @Artisan_School #eddata #
- RT @redefinedonline: @m_rhee on charters, #SchoolChoice and parent triggers at FL Legislature #edpolicy #edreform #Rhee #
- RT @RobertTalbert: RT @EdDebateOnline: New piece by @RobertTalbert – Computers, the Internet & Human Touch http://t.co/VLXdBfn #edreform #
- @RobertTalbert @mathhombre: If WWCH is being cited, the reason for lack of effects is b/c most math programs are poorly evaluated. in reply to RobertTalbert #
- RT @PIEnetwork: Bad news on #edreform in CT from @ConnCAN: State ed board members pass on school finance reform #edreform #
- @RobertTalbert @mathhombre: Everyday Mathematics is the only program rated as being successful in improving achievement. #
- @RobertTalbert @mathhombre: And that is based just on one study of the program that managed to get past WWCH's stringent eval standards #
- @RobertTalbert @mathhombre: Of course, plenty hate Everyday Mathematics b/c of its emphasis on using calculators, nontrad. algorithms #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Find New Ways to Reward Teachers #edreform #TQReform #teachers #edpolicy #reverseseniority #
- RT @CalGRIP: @dropoutnation: Stop Limiting Poor/Minority Kids with Low Expectations #edreform #edgap #abilitytracking #
- RT @TheMindTrust: Worth sharing again RT @AndresHenriquez: Hanushek 'How Much Is A Good Teacher Worth?' : #TQReform #
- Off-edu RT @josephlawler: An interesting perspective RT @AmSpec: Budget Cutters Should Chill Out #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Find New Ways to Reward Teachers #edreform #TQReform #teachers #
- At Dropout Nation: Stop Limiting Poor and Minority Kids with Low Expectations #edreform #BlackEdu #edgaps #LatinoEdu #
- RT @Missourischools: RT @dropoutnation: At Dropout Nation: Stop Limiting Poor and Minority Kids with Low Expectations #
- RT @FLVSRaven: RT @dropoutnation: At Dropout Nation: Watch: Ending a "Cartel" of Educational Malpractice #edreform #NEA #
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