- At Dropout Nation: Voices of the Dropout Nation in Quotes: Why Dropout Factories Should Shut Down #edreform #edgap #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Time to Build Parent Power: #edreform #ParentPower #
- RT @therebull: RT @dropoutnation: Harvard Ed School Profs to Poor/Minority Kids: You Don't Deserve College Prep Ed #
- RT @WhatsTheBigIdea: A yeoman's effort from @gothamschools, who liveblogged the PEP meeting in NYC last night for 9 hours http://ow.ly/3QfJZ #
- RT @bigswifty: RT @EdEquality: Powerful Pro Jo op-ed about Chafee changes to Bd of Regents. Abandoning closing (cont) http://tl.gd/8jmcpb #
- RT @harvinmoore: Schools like cost-cutting buyouts, but teachers don't #edpolicy #education #edreform #TQReform #
- Voices of the Dropout Nation in Quotes: Why Dropout Factories Should Shut Down #edreform #edgap #MichaelBloomberg #
- Today's Maxim RT @petercgroff: "Invest in the human soul. Who knows, it might be a diamond in the rough" Mary McLeod Bethune #
- Baroody: "If districts can take a data-driven approach…then we can take this tough tough budget situation" and implement turnarounds #
- At @edprogress turnaround event #edreform #
- James McIntyre of Knox Co. (Tenn.) district: "We talk about investment in public education when we want (cont) http://tl.gd/8jnk2c #
- McIntyre argues that districts and states do not think about school spending like portfolios of bonds and stocks, getting the best return #
- McIntyre: "We have an effectiveness gaps… Our least effective teachers are in some of our (turnaround) schools." #edreform #
- Jason Willis: "School improvement often just focuses on the school." This doesn't work. #edreform #
- Willis: Notes one principal Oakland (Calif) school had lost 2/3 of teachers in layoffs b/c of reverse seniority/#LastHiredFirstFired #
- RT @MBAENews: Gov directing state EdSec to develop unique strategy for #magateways w/#RTTT money to set "achievement expectations" #edreform #
- McIntyre: "Budgeting is about choice… You can do what you want but you can't do all that you want." #edreform #
- RT @petercgroff: More charters means more choice #edreform #CharterSchools #SchoolChoice #
- McIntyre: Notes that you don't want costs of staff, compensation, to dictate human capital decisions. #edreform #
- Willis: focus on overhauling Title 1 comparability won't fully address how resources are actually handled in districts. #edreform #
- Willis: feds need to stop asking for just FTE or just spending, but for what districts actually want to accomplish and better use resources. #
- McIntyre: Notes that #RttT has been a relatively small investment w/major impact on teacher evals, #TQReform #edreform #
- RT @adamjemerson: RT @redefinEDonline: Of the five assemblymen to back the #NJOSA three were Dems. The dialogue (cont) http://tl.gd/8jobvk #
- Willis: Notes that categorical funding mandates in Calif. has created "almost a gridlock" at the (cont) http://tl.gd/8jodlq #
- Off-edu RT @josephlawler @AndrewBreitbart: NJ Gov. Christie vetoes Planned Parenthood funding after release of videos: #
- RT @vadum: What's the deal with these people who wander around DC in shorts in winter? Seriously, don't their legs get cold? #randomthoughts #
- Baroody: Reduce restrictions on funding restrictions while holding districts accountable for expectations #edreform #
- McIntyre: #SIG problem is that it mandates specific turnaround models that require change of leadership. But the principal may not be issue #
- But McIntyre notes that #SIG actually helped to force districts and schools to come up w/concrete plans for overhauls. #edreform #
- Willis notes that one school in Stockton realized during #SIG planning process that it needed to become a charter to get flexibility. #
- Knox County: Looking at forms of strategic compensation to improve student achievement. $10 million in dollars for this. #edreform #
- National Board person asks about PD, getting more teachers to be NB certified, etc. Not that such certification (cont) http://tl.gd/8jonq5 #
- One person asks about the role of politics in shaping turnarounds, including bringing in new principals w/o clout, authority. #edreform #
- Off-edu: Next step: Locusts, parting the Nile RT @notjessewalker: My Egypt column: #
- McIntyre: "My hardest job was to remove principals who were doing okay… They weren't getting what was needed out of staff" #edreform #
- Baroody: Notes in one of the districts she worked with, the principals were brought in during last semester, get (cont) http://tl.gd/8jou5q #
- RT @APlusSchools: We are appalled! RT @dropoutnation: Harvard Ed School Profs to Poor/Minority Kids: You Don't (cont) http://tl.gd/8jough #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Time to Build Parent Power: #edreform #ParentPower #FamilyEngagement #CivilRights #
- Off-edu: Wow. RT @mathewi: RT @jeffjarvis: Malcolm Gladwell is as out-of-date as Hosni Mubarek. #
- Off course RT @Eduflack: House GOP calling for $6.6B in cuts to Labor/Health/Education appropriations #edreform #
- RT @kevinpchavous: The New Rosa Parks…http://tinyurl.com/5r5ehaq @NABJ @NABJTweets @NashvilleNABJ #edreform #
- RT @sgermeraad: RT @EdTrust 40-yr English teacher in NYC says it's time to ditch "last in, first out." http://nyp.st/f0NCR5 #TQReform #
- Well-deserved RT @D_Aarons: The LA TImes' "Grading the Teachers" project is winner of the 2010 2010 (cont) http://tl.gd/8jqe09 #
- RT @Eduflack: New evaluation system would raise bar for IN educators — http://t.co/TT8ffKd #edreform #
- RT @daveweigel: Found: The hilarious launch video for CREW's "Dell didn't fix Melanie Sloan's computer so (cont) http://tl.gd/8jrafi #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Time to Build Parent Power: #edreform #ParentEngagement #LatinoEdu #edu #
- Voices of the Dropout Nation in Quotes: Why Dropout Factories Should Shut Down #edreform #turnaroundschools #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Time to Build Parent Power: #edreform #ParentPower #FamilyEngagement #BlackEdu #edpolicy #
- At Dropout Nation: Harvard Ed School Profs to Poor/Minority Kids: You Don't Deserve a College Prep Education #edgap #
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