- @cgaribal Until the No Child Left Behind Act, we didn't measure student achievement in any meaningful way, especially in terms of in reply to cgaribal #
- @cgaribal graduation rates and test scores by race and ethnicity. This essentially meant that school districts — including suburban ones in reply to cgaribal #
- @cgaribal could simply ignore poor and minority students as well as students in special ed. Meanwhile, ed schools weren't held #
- @cgaribal accountable for improving the quality of their training because there was no objective data to measure performance in reply to cgaribal #
- @cgaribal of teachers and the students in their care. Thanks to accountability, you can now call institutions and adults on the carpet in reply to cgaribal #
- @cgaribal for not providing kids, especially black males and poor kids of all races, high-quality education. AYP has forced states in reply to cgaribal #
- @cgaribal to look at all students. It has also forced the important conversations about how to improve teacher quality, including in reply to cgaribal #
- @cgaribal the role of ed schools in recruiting aspiring teachers w/strong subject competency, the ability to lead classrooms, in reply to cgaribal #
- @cgaribal and care for kids no matter who they are or what their economic background may be, and training teachers properly. in reply to cgaribal #
- @cgaribal Accountability isn't perfect at this point. But it has finally forced discussions that need to be had. in reply to cgaribal #
- @cgaribal You can't change anything until you can objectively identify the underlying problems in a measurable way. in reply to cgaribal #
- In the ATL, school district takeover is a possibility #edreform #KasimReed #MayoralControl #
- Off-edu: As a Kevin Smith fan, I can say hasn't made watchable film since "Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back". "Zach & Miri" proves this again #
- RT @bigswifty: Groundswell against laying off youngest #teachers in New York #edreform #ReverseSeniority #TQReform #
- RT @1GreatChange: RT @dropoutnation: At Dropout Nation: Reform School Funding, End Zip Code Education #edreform #
- At Dropout Nation: Accountability? We Don't Have Enough of It #edreform #TQReform #NoChild #ESEA #edschools #
- @cgaribal How can you prove achievement doesn't equal learning? If anything, if you can't pass the test, you haven't exactly learned in reply to cgaribal #
- @cgaribal anything. That's the reality. As the research is slowly showing, testing is a critical element of learning. in reply to cgaribal #
- @cgaribal In any case, if you are against testing and achievement, then the discussion is moot. After all, it's a conflict of visions. in reply to cgaribal #
- @cgaribal In any case, No Child is a first step in changing what happens in classrooms. It has taken a decade to even get in reply to cgaribal #
- @cgaribal people to agree that there are achievement gaps, that what goes on in trad. public ed doesn't work. in reply to cgaribal #
- @cgaribal In essence, the change is slow, largely because there is the conflict of visions as evidenced in this discussion. in reply to cgaribal #
- @cgaribal The No Child role is to actually shed light on what is happening, to begin the steps toward accountability. in reply to cgaribal #
- @cgaribal Before you have accountability, you have to have the environment and conditions. They didn't exist before the 1970s in reply to cgaribal #
- @cgaribal with the development of the first standardized testing efforts. And it didn't fully come to fore until 2001. in reply to cgaribal #
- @cgaribal That's the reality. Whether or not you want to agree is your choice. in reply to cgaribal #
- RT @Dr_EricWaters: @dropoutnation #edreform #dropoutfactories #dropouts #BlackEdu #
- At Dropout Nation: Accountability? We Don't Have Enough of It #edreform #TQReform #NoChild #ESEA #teachers #
- Ridiculous RT @Eduflack: Three-year-old suspended from Arlington preschool for too many potty accidents — http://t.co/PG0mGcW #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Time to Build Parent Power: #edreform #ParentPower #ParentTrigger #SchoolChoice #BlackEdu #
- RT @mathewi: RT @shervin: People stuck at Cairo airport since 6am. It's 11:34pm. All airport staff gone. All (cont) http://tl.gd/8gbc3v #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Time to Build Parent Power: #edreform #ParentPower #ParentTrigger #SchoolChoice #LatinoEdu #
- Off-edu RT @TPCarney: The Kochs vs. Soros: Free markets vs. state coercion: My column from Palm Springs >> #
- RT @sgermeraad: RT @dropoutnation: At Dropout Nation: Accountability? We Don't Have Enough of It #edreform #TQReform #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Time to Build Parent Power: #edreform #ParentPower #KelleyWilliamsBolar #BlackEdu #
- RT @adamjemerson: RT @dropoutnation: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Time to Build Parent Power: #edreform #ParentPower #
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