- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Beyond Budget Cuts #edreform #edinnovation #statebudgets #
- RT @EDUCATIONPRIMER: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Beyond Budget Cuts #edreform #edinnovation #statebudgets #
- RT @EDUCATIONPRIMER: RT @dropoutnation: Fixing What Ails American Public Education: Getting to Memory by Steve Peha #
- RT @DarlaBunting @educationweek Snapshot of Black Boys/Oakland: And it's not pretty. and #BlackEdu #
- Today's Maxim RT @bridgettwagner @WestWingReport: "The future doesn't belong to the fainthearted; it belongs to the brave." -Ronald Reagan #
- At Dropout Nation: Reform School Funding, End Zip Code Education #edreform #SchoolChoice #edfinance #edpolicy #BlackEdu #
- RT @parentrev: Quote of the Day: http://parentrevolution.org/?p=9470 #edreform #ParentTrigger #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Beyond Budget Cuts #edreform #edpolicy #statebudgets #
- @PIE_Innovation The next podcast will be on Sunday at 6 p.m. in reply to PIE_Innovation #
- RT @dgblankinship: AP: Bill would make change in WA teachers layoffs; effectiveness b/f seniority http://apne.ws/h3ObFj #TQReform #TQReform #
- RT @PFoundation @dropoutnation: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Beyond Budget Cuts #edreform #edinnovation #statebudgets #
- Off-edu RT @atlasnetwork: Atlas Highlights: On the Unrest in Egypt and More News from… http://conta.cc/gHmSum via #constantcontact #
- RT @EDUBEAT: School Reform News (pdf): The February issue of School Reform News reports on new Fla Gov #edreform #
- RT @rolandsmartin: What's happening in #Egypt is absolutely fascinating…always amazing to watch political uprisings from the ground up. #
- RT @SchoolChoiceNow: .@dropoutnation on #schoolchoice Reform school funding, end zip code education: http://ow.ly/3MbwG #schoolchoicewk #
- Off-edu: It's high time for Hosno Mubarak to go. Three decades of dictatorship, repression is 30 years too long. #
- And if you think a dictator is better than a theocracy, you are out of your mind. Both are equally awful for human rights, liberty. #
- RT @DarlaBunting: RT @edutopia New! Classroom Management Strategies 4 Elementary Teachers (via @Gaetanp) #TQReform #
- RT @WhatsTheBigIdea: @dropoutnation: ZIP Code funding formula and district boundary regs that hurt students of (cont) http://tl.gd/8euoam #
- RT @Summit54: RT @dropoutnation: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Beyond Budget Cuts #edreform #ArneDuncan #
- RT @adamjemerson: RT @dropoutnation: At Dropout Nation: Reform School Funding, End Zip Code Education #edreform #
- RT @LATimescitydesk: Jerry Brown moves to cut state's car fleet in half: http://lat.ms/eF7TNr (We're talking non-emergency vehicles.) #
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