- RT @ToughLoveforX: @dropoutnation School Culture & Turnarounds. Smart. my 2¢ It took (cont) http://tl.gd/80kr8i #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Take It and Shake It #edreform #GrassRoots #ParentPower #
- Best of Dropout Nation Podcast: Five Questions Every Parent Should Ask #edreform #ParentPower #
- RiShawn Biddle's latest column on #edreform and #NationalSecurity Uneducated to Serve (RT @AmSpec) #ASVAB #edgap #
- @David_Reber Awww, I'm so flattered that you used Wikipedia instead of your brain. Thank you. in reply to David_Reber #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Take It and Shake It #edreform #GrassRoots #ParentTrigger #edpolicy #
- The Inmates Remain in Charge: The Culture Change Problem of School Turnarounds #edreform #TurnaroundSchools #SIG #
- At Dropout Nation: End the Myth of Scale, Embrace Standards Instead #edreform #edgovernance #KIPP #TFA #
- RT @ileducprof: The dr-v-critical-community Daily is out! ? Top stories today by @uvenus @dropoutnation #edreform #
- In Wyoming, #NEA affiliate opposes tenure reform #TQReform #edreform #
- Today's Maxim: RT @DrStevePerry: Encourage someone today. They need it and so do you. #
- RT @daveweigel: Prayers for Gabrielle Giffords and everyone else shot there. Horrible, just horrible. #
- This is the time when you remember what matters most. Life matters more than anything else. Rep. Giffords is in my prayers. #
- R.I.P. RT @NewsHour: Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords shot and killed NPR reports http://ow.ly/3Avnc #
- RT @daveweigel: Giffords still in surgery, per her office. Still praying. #
- RT @radleybalko: Getting the feeling some people would actually be disappointed if shooter doesn't turn out to be associated with Tea Party. #
- RT @fmanjoo: Gawker has an eyewitness account of the Giffords shooting. http://gaw.kr/gk05sr #
- RT @davidfolkenflik: CNN, NPR also backing off reports of her death. Initial reports from shootings & similar events are often conflicting #
- And kicking, screaming, ready to take names. RT @dgblankinship: AP: WA lawmakers: #edreform is still breathing. http://apne.ws/enm9Ye #
- RT @TDubb: So basically @markos is asserting this is a mafia style hit orchestrated by Sarah Palin & Bill O'reilly. Oh intellectual depth. #
- RT @K_dot_RE: RT @veronicamarche networks reporting her death got that statement from the sheriff's ofc. #
- RT @mathewi: … @palafo/@dangillmor are right — conclusions and recriminations should wait for more proof #
- @markos This may be your "chickens come home to roost" hour. It may be a good idea to just stop and let the facts come out. in reply to markos #
- @markos You might try a little more humility and a lot more sense. in reply to markos #
- Again, let's keep Congresswoman Gifford in our prayers, hug our loved ones and remember what matters most. #
- RT @EdEquality: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Take It and Shake It #edreform #GrassRoots #ParentPower #
- RT @hokieguru: I think this is something we all agree on. RT @VA9thDems: Thoughts and prayers for Rep. Gabrielle Giffords & other victims #
- RT @clintonyates: If you want the livestream from a Tucson, AZ tv station, here it is. http://www.kvoa.com/livestream/ #
- RT @howardowens: I wouldn't trust an eyewitness on the amount of time it took EMS to arrive. / In event, you (cont) http://tl.gd/80sium #
- RT @MarcSean86: Sauti Yetu Center for African Women is looking for social workers, case planners etc #NYC #job #
- RT @ToughLoveforX: @aenclade I'm looking for some more links but in Meantime check out http://ilnk.me/618b from @DropOutNation #
- RT @Todd_Zwillich: Sarah Palin's statement re Rep Giffords: http://on.fb.me/eGEy9P #
- RT @amyalkon: Darci Slaten, University Medical Center: "She is alive and in surgery right now." 16 mins ago #
- RT @jeffzeleny: Obama issues statement on Giffords: "Such a senseless and terrible act of violence has no place in a free society." #
- RT @skrashen: #LAUnified appoints J. Deasy as new supt. Was deputy director of education at @gatesfoundation #edreform #
- RT @DrStevePerry: The shooting of Rep. Giffords is 2 big 2 ignore yet no1 benefits when we jump 2 conclusions. Pray 4 her & listen 4 facts #
- Meanwhile @daveweigel and @vadum are beefing over the former's Giffords column. The chattering classes at it again. #
- And Klonsky1 and TeacherKen are also engaging in their blame game re Giffords. Wow. Prediction: They'll blame it on #edreform #
- RT @mathewi: with all due respect, Xeni, that is a horrendous thing to say — RT @xenijardin: Palin has blood on her hands. #
- @lioncaller Actually, the site is overloaded. After all, everyone is a tad interested in the graphic right now. in reply to lioncaller #
- RT @DarlaBunting: Dr. MLK cont: violence toward another human being must become as abhorrent as eating another's flesh. #
- RT @ggreenwald: These obsessive, repressive leak investigations are occurring under a Pres. who campaigned on transparency… #
- Okay folks, this is clear: Both Palin and @markos had incendiary remarks about Rep. Giffords. It isn't about words. It's about actions. #
- Free speech is beautiful. Strong, vicious rhetoric is the lifeblood of our Democratic Republic. Violence is not. #
- The alleged shooter of Rep. Giffords, if he is guilty, deserves the harshest criminal penalty. And God have mercy on him. He'll need it. #
- RT @JoeNBC: Please keep praying for Gabby Giffords. #
- @vadum Good to know. in reply to vadum #
- The free speech of the Palins & the Markoses of the world are not the source of evil acts. That lies in the dark hearts of the criminals. #
- And evil, sociopathic people don't need much of a reason to harm the lives of others. They don't even need to hear a word. #
- RT @ToughLoveforX: @Becky_Ellis_ the reality I see is that Parents are having a new role. It's not really edu's choice to make. #edreform #
- @vadum Apologies for jumping to a conclusion in reply to vadum #
- RT @ToughLoveforX: @dropoutnation School Culture/Turnarounds. Smart. my 2¢ It took (cont) http://tl.gd/80kr8i #edreform #
- RT @rolandsmartin: Doctor says Rep. Giffords is NOT deceased. He is "optimistic" about her recovery. The 1 death at hospital is young child #
- R.I.P. Her family , other victims should be in our prayers as well. RT @JoeNBC: A 9 year old girl was killed. How absolutely horrible. #
- RT @MEDixon215: Spooning lions at the MGM Grand http://twitpic.com/3o8fin #
- @ToughLoveforX Since it is a state law, the board of ed can't abolish it. Weaken it? That, on the other hand, can happen. in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX This is why #ParentPower must really be a focus of #edreform Parents aren't exactly welcomed in education decision-making in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX This is why a federal role in #edreform will also be part of the game. The states can't always be trusted to do right. in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX The background is that Austin is the head of Parent Revolution and Ted Mitchell is head of @NSVF. Both leading in #edrform in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX The background is that Austin is the head of Parent Revolution and Ted Mitchell is head of @NSVF. Both leading in #edreform #
- RT @JPFreire: If your reaction to this is to blame rhetoric … politics has consumed your life and you should take some time away from it. #
- @ToughLoveforX The replacements include Michael Kirst, who is a traditionalist type, and a Calif. #NEA lobbyist. General #edreform foes. in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX Agreed. Brown also eliminated the state secretary of education position; handing #edpolicy to the new state supt. in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX That guy beat Gloria Romero, the author of #ParentTrigger for the job. He was supported by the #NEA and #AFT in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX Well, the state board of ed has orderd an investigation into the effort by Compton parents to use #ParentTrigger in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX Opponents argue (but can't prove) that the #ParentTrigger group duped parents into signing up. in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX It is possible. But then, it also depends on the political pressure from #edreform activists. There will be plenty/ in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX especially after the decision to not reappoint Austin and Mitchell. The Democrats are divided over #edreform in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX and Brown will be in the middle of it. He's got to deal w/insolvent pensions, cutting school budgets. in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX He'll need the #edreform folks more than he'll need the #NEA and #AFT since the latter will oppose any cuts. in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- RT @maddow: There is nothing to be gained from speculating on the motives and affiliations of AZ shooter w/o facts. #
- @lioncaller Actually, yeah. I've been just as tough on those trying to connect every word in the Koran to some terrorist act. in reply to lioncaller #
- @lioncaller He was also the head of the Soviet Union. in reply to lioncaller #
- RT @radleybalko: Alleged shooter's fave authors include Rand, Marx, Hitler, Harper Lee, Plato, Aesop, Orwell…enough to confirm all biases. #
- @lioncaller I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you. But you are heading down a path that some would call a logical leap. in reply to lioncaller #
- @lioncaller An elected official with control of guns, bullets, bombs, is different than some "leader". in reply to lioncaller #
- @lioncaller Of course, I think Reagan should have used a little more tact. Or just kept his mouth shut. in reply to lioncaller #
- If so, a mishmash of logical fallicies in an evil mind. RT @notjessewalker: The Gifford suspect's YouTube channel: #
- @BeSkwared To quote RT @radleybalko: Alleged shooter's fave authors include Rand, Marx, Hitler, Harper Lee, Plato, Aesop, Orwell in reply to BeSkwared #
- @BeSkwared Rhetoric matters. But rhetoric does not always lead to violence. In fact, it almost never does. Or else, there'd be more of it. in reply to BeSkwared #
- @BeSkwared Evil, sociopathic people do terrible things to people independent of any words. Again, they don't even need provocation. in reply to BeSkwared #
- @embracediversiT And DailyKos had a number of statements about Giffords that were not kind either. Do you blame DailyKos for the shooting? in reply to embracediversiT #
- @embracediversiT Again, evil people do evil things, often independent of what others say. in reply to embracediversiT #
- RT @D_Aarons: Obama: I know Gabby is as tough as they come and I am hopeful she is going to pull through #
- @embracediversiT And based on the shooter's reading list, one would have to also list Aesops and Orwell as the influences of evil? in reply to embracediversiT #
- @embracediversiT I really want you to think about this. in reply to embracediversiT #
- @embracediversiT Again, evil people do evil things, often independent of what others say. And that's been proven in history. in reply to embracediversiT #
- @embracediversiT Vicious rhetoric is coin of the realm in every discussion throughout history. Even during the Enlightenment. in reply to embracediversiT #
- @embracediversiT This doesn't mean that I like it. What it does mean is that words don't equal actions. in reply to embracediversiT #
- @embracediversiT What should be at issue is that a man allegedly committed two murders and injured four other people. He allegedy took life. in reply to embracediversiT #
- @embracediversiT And if he did it, he would have likely done it for any reason (or no reason at all). This is the issue. And the reality. in reply to embracediversiT #
- RT @notjessewalker: Depressing to see folks who reject crude media effects theories in pop culture blaming (cont) http://tl.gd/80tkr9 #
- @embracediversiT Certainly, words have power. But the power is also quite limited. People are sentient beings, not automatons. in reply to embracediversiT #
- @embracediversiT The influences that lead to evil behavior usually start long before they read or hear a message. in reply to embracediversiT #
- @embracediversiT Your welcome. And thanks for your thoughts. in reply to embracediversiT #
- RT @howardowens: A nut case operates out of his own deranged sense of egocentric, self-centered world. There's no sense of larger goals. #
- Words are influential. Actions even more so. So, dear parents/caring adults, think about what you say. And more importantly, what you do. #
- Your kids are watching. And the people around them will either benefit or suffer from the fruits of your parenting. #
- Coming Tomorrow: The Dropout Nation Podcast: 5 New Questions Every Parent Should Ask at DropoutNation.net Earlier 5 Q #
- RT @TheFix: "What Americans do at times of tragedy is come together and support one another." — President Obama #
- Jay P. Greene adjusts Rick Hess' edu-scholar ranking for current context #edreform #edschools #
- RT @CharlesMBlow: People are already jumping the gun on the politics of Giffords shooting. Stop it!… Very unseemly. #
- RT @AmSpec: Some Stray Thoughts on the Giffords Shooting #
- RT @howardowens: The demand to call every murderous nut job a terrorist is nothing more than post 9/11 political correctness. It's nonsense. #
- The need for more black men in teaching/education #edreform #edgap #BlackEdu #
- Liam Julian dissects #edreform as envisioned by #NEA #AFT types at #LAUnified And finds it "uninspiring", ineffective #
- At Dropout Nation: The Inmates Remain in Charge: The Culture Change Problem of School Turnarounds #edreform #
- RT @jaketapper: VP Biden: "We do not yet know the motivation behind these shootings–we do know is that there is simply no justification…" #
- RT @andreagl: What happened in AZ today is just awful. I don't know how anyone can be less than outraged. #
- At Dropout Nation: More on Scale and Education http://bit.ly/h1OSJU #AndyRotherham #eduwon #edreform #edgovernance #NoChild #ESEA #
- They are RT @armcomm: Call me nuts but I can't help but feel that the #prayers of a nation are helping Congresswoman #Giffords #Miracle #
- Off-edu RT @notjessewalker: Enough on the shootings for now. Here's a smart article by @rushkoff about Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/2eqs8hx #
- One of these days, @alexanderrusso and @arotherham will just get along. Because, honestly, the back-and-forth is rather silly. #
- Of course, this is all wishful thinking. #
- RT @philipaklein: Lib POV seems to be that Palin map emitted harmful rhetoric into ether, which infected an (cont) http://tl.gd/80vidu #
- RT @cathgrimes: This was amazing. RT @seattletimes: Video of Marshawn Lynch's 67-yard TD run: http://seati.ms/eACCxL (via @Seahawks) #
- @NarricAFTA I am. Hip, Hip, Hooray! for actually forcing school districts to focus on improving education for all kids! in reply to NarricAFTA #
- RT @HowardKurtz: Why Giffords blame game is depressing and efforts to tie Sarah Palin to the shooting miss mark. http://thebea.st/htzzeR #
- @BeSkwared Just read Howard Kurtz: http://thebea.st/htzzeR in reply to BeSkwared #
- RT @armcomm: More prayer, less politics please. Hug your family and keep perspective. #AZ #Giffords #
- At Dropout Nation: End the Myth of Scale, Embrace Standards Instead #edreform #edgovernance #KIPP #TFA #
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