It’s about the tough work of changing the system that serves the needs of adults & doesn’t effectively serve the needs of kids
Outgoing New York City Schools Chancellor Joel Klein in the New York Times.
We must embrace evaluation systems that offer more than a dichotomous satisfactory/unsatisfactory rating system. We must encourage and strive for excellence in the classroom… The L.A .Times, rightly or wrongly, can make claims about teacher quality in a way that teachers can’t. It is time for this to change.
Montgomery County (Md.) teacher Mike McCabe arguing for teachers to break with the past.
How have we gotten to this point, and how the heck do we extricate ourselves from the mess? If you believe in the validity of the recently released 2009 international PISA exams, our top students are getting their clocks cleaned by top students in other countries. Meanwhile, this new report shows that students father down the ladder lack the skills to do, well, much of anything beyond manual labor.
Education News Colorado Editor Alan Gottlieb, noting that America is “Crashing into a low bar”.