- RT @LiterallyReady: The Literally Ready Daily is out! ? Top stories today by @dropoutnation @education_info #edreform #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Give the Gift of #Education #edreform #edu #
- At Dropout Nation: Education’s Status Quo to Parents: How Dare You Use #ParentTrigger and Make Decisions! (cont) http://tl.gd/7l0brj #
- Second Front Alliances (Why Republican govs, Obama & #ArneDuncan will give #JohnKline fits on #edreform #ESEA) @AmSpec #
- RiShawn Biddle/Dropout Nation Letter: Obama and GOP Governors Form Second Front… http://conta.cc/eWEu2P via #constantcontact #edreform #
- RT @ToughLoveforX: http://ilnk.me/5d8f by @DropoutNation RiShawn, just want thanks for the best analysis I've (cont) http://tl.gd/7l51sr #
- RT @WatchdogDiva: RT @dropoutnation: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Give the Gift of #Education #edreform #edu #
- RT @sgermeraad: LAT: Real progress occurred @ Markham after more effective #teachers were recruited http://lat.ms/hMQuQf #edreform #TQReform #
- RT @WatchdogDiva: RT @saramead: Hess post on #teaching #039;s "circle the wagons" mentality: (cont) http://tl.gd/7l5bad #
- At Dropout Nation: Two Thoughts on Education This Week: Teacher Pension Oversight Edition #edreform #PublicPensions #
- My latest column on why Republican govs, Obama & #ArneDuncan will give #JohnKline fits on #edreform #ESEA) @AmSpec #
- Off-edu RT @davewiner: Wikiriver: One Stop Shop For All Wikileaks Coverage. http://r2.ly/6fav #
- Off-edu RT @John_Bailey: Jack Bauer Interrogates Santa Claus #
- @daveweigel They need not go that fare. Try Alexandria and rest of Northern Va. #ThatsWhatYouGetForTryingToKeepDCCC in reply to daveweigel #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Give the Gift of #Education #edreform #BlackEdu #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Give the Gift of #Education #edreform #
- RT @ToughLoveforX: http://ilnk.me/5d8f by @DropoutNation. Thanks for the best analysis I've seen so far on framing [ #edpolicy #edreform #
- RT @honeynoir @BraveKidsVoices: When you pay attention to a child you show how much you value & respect them. #
- Isn't if funny that Cato opposes expansive fed policy, yet champions the federal D.C. Opportunity voucher program. #Inconsistent #edreform #
- RT @tvanderark: RT @dropoutnation: 2 Thoughts on Education This Week: Teacher Pension Oversight Edition #edreform #
- Thank you, everyone, for the RTs and for reading DropoutNation.net #
- One problem in education: Everyone has gone to schools, and thus, think their experiences represent all that is… #
- They then reflect on a past that seemed rhapsodic in their minds (no matter whatever the empirical evidence)… #
- and then offer wrongheaded solutions. Example 1 is Victor Davis Hanson, who ought to stick to military history. #
- I'll give Hanson a more-thorough analysis tomorrow evening at DropoutNation.net #
- Meanwhile, @ChitownStu will tell his fellow teachers to buck up and learn how to play in edpolitics the right way. #
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