- RT @tvanderark: RT @EdEquality: EEP Dir @ellenwinn leaving EEP to become the #2 EVP @ 50CAN. Exciting new challenge! #
- RT @RealTonyRocha: #movies The Same Junk Over and Over (Or Rick Hess Gets It Wrong) – Dropout Nation http://dlvr.it/Bd9FL #edreform #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Building Cultures of Genius Block by Block #edreform #GrassRoots #ParentTrigger #
- At Dropout Nation: The Same Junk Over and Over (Or Rick Hess Gets It Wrong) #WaitingForSuperman #edreform #DianeRavitch #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Building Cultures of Genius Block by Block #edreform #GrassRoots #ParentPower #BlackEdu #
- At Dropout Nation: Forget Sputnik Moments: The Time is Now for #edreform #ParentPower #GrassRoots #edgap #
- RT @honeynoir: So blessed that waking up & hugging & kissing my daughter isn't a rare luxury occurance but a daily loving requirement #
- @AnthonyCody David Cohen hardly offers much in the way of analysis. It is a nice try. in reply to AnthonyCody #
- RT @Barfield05: At Dropout Nation: The Same Junk Over and Over (Or Rick Hess Gets It Wrong) #edreform #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Building Cultures of Genius Block by Block #edreform #GrassRoots #
- RT @Barfield05: @dropoutnation My City has 4 Drop-Out Factories within 1 District and NO ONE really give a crap. Damn Shame!! #edreform #
- At Dropout Nation: Forget Sputnik Moments: The Time is Now for #edreform #ParentPower @StateofBlackCT #edgap #
- @HappyTeacherLA What evidence do you have of this? Generally, most parents choose not to go to charters b/c the schools lack capacity… in reply to HappyTeacherLA #
- @HappyTeacherLA What evidence do you have of this? Generally, most parents choose not to go to charters b/c schools lack capacity #ecosys #
- @HappyTeacherLA to serve special needs students. Remember, charters don't get same levels of funding as trad. public schools #ecosys in reply to HappyTeacherLA #
- @HappyTeacherLA This said, many charters are building that capacity, either on their own or in collaboration w/other charters #ecosys in reply to HappyTeacherLA #
- @HappyTeacherLA districts. In Indiana, Ball State University is working w/charters on developing that capacity. #ecosys in reply to HappyTeacherLA #
- @HappyTeacherLA it's not an excuse; just reality. If you are a parent of a disabled student, you go to the school w/capacity. #ecosys in reply to HappyTeacherLA #
- @HappyTeacherLA Trad public schools has the capacity, the taxing power to build capacity. Charters don't. Explanation isn't excuse #ecosys in reply to HappyTeacherLA #
- @HappyTeacherLA As w/anything, understanding capacity issues is key. As I pointed out, charters in Indiana are building capacity #ecosys in reply to HappyTeacherLA #
- @HappyTeacherLA Same in Denver. These charters are finding new ways to serve disabled students w/fewer resources. And as groups such #ecosys in reply to HappyTeacherLA #
- @HappyTeacherLA as KIPP gain size, they will also have the capacity. But let's be clear — and I've interviewed many families #ecosys in reply to HappyTeacherLA #
- @HappyTeacherLA w/disabled students, the trad. district, especially in urban areas, remains the default, laregely b/c there are more #ecosys in reply to HappyTeacherLA #
- @HappyTeacherLA of them then there are charters and b/c the district is essentially the better-known provider. In Indianapolis, IPS #ecosys in reply to HappyTeacherLA #
- @HappyTeacherLA the city's largest district, is the special ed and disabled ed provider of choice, even though there are 10 other #ecosys in reply to HappyTeacherLA #
- @HappyTeacherLA districts in the city, charters and private schools that specifically cater to those students. That's real. #ecosys in reply to HappyTeacherLA #
- @HappyTeacherLA yes, I have. I've also interviewed families w/kids suffering from develop. disabilities. They have myriad issues. #ecosys #
- @HappyTeacherLA There are many reformers focusing on various populations. Jay P. Greene and Erin Dillon, for example. This doesn't #ecosys in reply to HappyTeacherLA #
- @HappyTeacherLA that #edreform folks are fully addressing those issues (I've pointed that out ad nauseum). But there are so many #ecosys in reply to HappyTeacherLA #
- @HappyTeacherLA kids in regular ed who are just as ill-served. Talk to any black or poor white parent in any school system. #ecosys in reply to HappyTeacherLA #
- @HappyTeacherLA American public ed is in need of a full overhaul. It's not just #sped or #edgaps among race/etnicity/gender. You're #ecosys in reply to HappyTeacherLA #
- @HappyTeacherLA If you help all poor kids, kids in #sped disabled get helped too. Stop turning this into some sort of segmenting #ecosys in reply to HappyTeacherLA #
- @HappyTeacherLA that isn't so. Just b/c you're not listening doesn't mean the conversations aren't happening. In fact, if you read #ecosys in reply to HappyTeacherLA #
- @HappyTeacherLA Flypaper, Rick Hess and Jay Greene in the last month, you would have read plenty about #sped reform. #ecosys in reply to HappyTeacherLA #
- @HappyTeacherLA or read DropoutNation.net about juvenile justice reform and #edreform #ecosys in reply to HappyTeacherLA #
- @HappyTeacherLA the stance is that #sped is a ghetto, that kids in #sped and disabilities programs are (cont) http://tl.gd/7ir09b in reply to HappyTeacherLA #
- @HappyTeacherLA Apparently you're not reading. I am talking a/b those students #ecosys in reply to HappyTeacherLA #
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