- At Education Experts: PTA Pres Saylors argues there's no "good enough" in improving education #edreform #PISA #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Building Cultures of Genius Block by Block #edreform #BlackEdu #ParentPower #edgaps #
- At Dropout Nation: Can School Governance Reform Happen in Memphis and Shelby County? #
- At Dropout Nation: Can School Governance Reform Happen in Memphis and Shelby County? #edreform #KrinerCash #
- RT @mickeyrevenaugh: Big day Thursday for #charterschools – including #virtual schools – in Georgia! #edreform #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Building Cultures of Genius Block by Block #edreform #LatinoEdu #ParentPower #GrassRoots #
- And yet, he labels RT @JoeNBC: Mika, Sen Bayh, Sen Manchin, David Gergen & me at No Labels– the group (cont) http://tl.gd/7gvoc5 #
- Hey, just pointing it out. #
- @chadsansing Just go w/your gut. In fact, that may be the piece: A lot of questions about making innovative teaching scaleable. in reply to chadsansing #
- @chadsansing Also, are the needs that different? Sometimes a piece doesn't have to have answers. in reply to chadsansing #
- Off-edu David Frum, the man who once engaged in purifying conswervative ranks has now been cast out himself for being inpure #ReapWhatYouSow #
- @towittertoo Oh, please. Apparently you haven't been listening to the tal about how dropout factories foster poverty. #edreform in reply to towittertoo #
- @towittertoo And you haven't been watching "The Lottery" or actually listening and reading. And please, don't try the feminism rap here. in reply to towittertoo #
- @towittertoo The fact of the matter is that dropout factories, laggard teachers, lead to poor young women and men falling into poverty. in reply to towittertoo #
- @towittertoo Meanwhile the nicely paid laggard teachers (men and women) live comfortably, with no consequence. in reply to towittertoo #
- @towittertoo Actually, I'm 5' 9". And I'm passionate. These are the kids who look like me. Who share my skin color. in reply to towittertoo #
- @towittertoo This isn't academic for me. These are real human lives who deserve better than dropout factories, failure mills, and twaddle in reply to towittertoo #
- @tfteacher Seriously, I've gotten nastier insults from better people. in reply to tfteacher #
- @towittertoo Ah, it's the faltering American public education system that's tired (160 plus years old) and needs to be retired. in reply to towittertoo #
- @towittertoo And yes, I say this: If you think the status quo is worth protecting, then there is a problem. With you. in reply to towittertoo #
- @tfteacher For someone who complains about my comments, you keep coming back for more. Thanks. 🙂 And keep reading DropoutNation.net in reply to tfteacher #
- @tfteacher Actually, he's not confused at all. And you couldn't come up with a data-based fact if it came up to you and screamed "Nelly" in reply to tfteacher #
- @tfteacher And your lack of eloquence speaks volumes. Thanks again. in reply to tfteacher #
- RT @dumilewis: Check out the Schott Foundation's new interactive map on Black boys and education #edreform #edgap #
- Join me, Congressman Chaka Fattah and others tomorrow for @StateofBlackCT event #edreform More at stateofblackct.org #
- @tfteacher Sounds like opinion to me. Where's the percentile? Or the footnote? 🙂 in reply to tfteacher #
- Meanwhile, forgetting the unpleasant person here, back to actually discussing what really matters: The reform of American public education. #
- At RedefinEd, Adam Emerson delves deeper into #CivilRights and #edreform #edgap #BlackEdu #
- At SoEducated, a discussion about the importance of #edreform in America's rural areas #edreform #
- @tfteacher Actually, I've been called out by some for being "insufficiently race-biased". Try harder. in reply to tfteacher #
- And also, are teachers well-trained for #UrbanEdu (answer: umm, no) #edreform #TQReform #
- @tfteacher I wish I could say you are just purely ignorant of the evidence (including the #VAA analysis, Martin Haberman, etc.)… in reply to tfteacher #
- @tfteacher But seriously, you're really just willfully ignorant. I pray for the kids in your classes. in reply to tfteacher #
- @tfteacher Have a nice day. in reply to tfteacher #
- RT @Protechmemphis: Can School Governance Reform Happen in Memphis and Shelby County? – Dropout Nation http://ow.ly/1arXMb #edreform #
- RT @yeverette: Dropout Nation Podcast: Building Cultures of Genius Block by Block #edreform #ParentTrigger #
- RT @SchoolChoiceNow: Kids' parents should have a choice as to where their children go when they're #insecondaryschool #edreform #
- @BE_PURE Thank you. in reply to BE_PURE #
- Forgotten African-American Pioneers: Thomas Dalton and Lucy Lew #edreform #CivilRights #BlackEdu #
- If you want to know why media people sometimes fail in coverage of key issues, look at all tweets, blogs, etc. about Time's Man of the Year #
- Media folks often spend more time looking down into their laps, opining about what doesn't matter than probing critical issues.that do. #
- And there is nothing more thrilling to media folks than criticizing other media folks, outlets, for proclaiming "best" this or "person" that #
- The media profession will be the next profession in need of reform. After the teaching corps. #
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