- At Dropout Nation: Voices of the Dropout Nation: Creating Second Class Citizens: #edreform #edgap #AntonioVillaraigosa #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Dispelling the Money Myth in #Education #edreform #edfinance #
- RT @Eduflack: Indiana officials outline new education-reform agenda http://sbne.ws/r/6gQZ (from ASCD) #edreform #
- RT @mikedebonis: DeMorning DeBonis: Dec. 10, 2010: http://wapo.st/eJugAs #
- RT @PIEnetwork: #MET Findings show teachers hold their value-added effectiveness in different classroom settings. #edreform #TQReform #
- RT @JoanneLeeJacobs: New blog post: Singapore parents push math #ParentPower #edreform #
- At Dropout Nation: Voices of the Dropout Nation: Creating Second Class Citizens: #edreform #edgap #Villaraigosa #
- RT @tayoulevy: America's Woeful Public Schools: #PISA Shows That We Are Falling Behind Internationally http://tinyurl.com/pisafail #edreform #
- RT @charteralliance: ICEF Public Schools, which runs 15 schools in Los Angeles announced yesterday that it has (cont) http://tl.gd/7dv7k4 #
- RT @EdEquality: RT @TeachStrategies: What are J. Kline priorities? #ece #prek #edreform #
- Kline's own words, courtesy of Dropout Nation #edreform #NoChild/#ESEA #
- At Dropout Nation: When Will Black Churches Start Their Own Schools? #edreform #BlackEdu #edgap #
- RT @Kvanderark: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Dispelling the Money Myth in Education: #edreform #ARRA #
- RT @WhatsTheBigIdea: The US is a world leader in education(al inequalities) http://ow.ly/3nnvS #edgaps #edreform #
- RT @ANIMOCLASSIFIED: RT @dropoutnation: At Dropout Nation: When Will Black Churches Start Their Own Schools? #edreform #
- RT @tayoulevy: RT @dropoutnation: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Dispelling the Money Myth in Education: #edreform #
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