- RT @DCPSTransformEd TransformEd Daily is out! ? Top stories today by @digidirections @pammoran @dropoutnation #edreform #
- RT @PIEnetwork @MichaelPetrilli: L. Julian tells Fordham's Checker Finn to relax about the PISA results #PISA #edreform #
- RT @EdEquality @NCTQ: @TeacherBeat on new study with some surprising findings on TQ in high poverty schools #TQReform #
- At Dropout Nation: This is Dropout Nation: Jersey City's Lessons in School Finance #edreform #Abbott #edgaps #Equity #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Dispelling the Money Myth in Education: #edreform #ARRA #
- RT @tvanderark: Rep Kline "policymakers must "fix failing schools" without undermining local (cont) http://tl.gd/7da6pv #
- RT @educationalan: RT @TeachForAmerica: South Carolina Board approves #TeachForAmerica partnership. Exciting (cont) http://tl.gd/7dbmng #
- There's no grandkid of Connie Mack in Senate either RT @jaketapper: The only @Phillies pitcher to ever serve in Senate is bidding it adieu. #
- RT @MBAENews: MBAE co-founder & MA Sec of #Education Paul Reville: Not how much $$ you spend, but what you (cont) http://tl.gd/7dcsbb #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Dispelling the Money Myth in Education: #edreform #schoolfinance #
- America's Woeful Public Schools: #PISA Shows That We Are Falling Behind Internationally http://tinyurl.com/pisafail #edreform #
- America's Woeful Public Schools: #PISA Shows That We Are Falling Behind Internationally http://tinyurl.com/pisafail #edgap #BlackEdu #
- RT @EdEquality: EEP's news of the day: Incredible speech by LA mayor, Dream Act, #RTTT et al #edreform #
- Off-edu RT @josephlawler: Ponnuru utterly demolishes Jeffery Rosen of NYT mag, merely by doing bare minimum reporting: #
- At Dropout Nation: America's Woeful Public Schools: Indian Education Abuse #edreform #edgaps #
- RT @AndresHenriquez: RT @edReformer: edReformer interviews Jim Shelton: Asst Dep Sec Innovation & Improvement, DOE #
- RT @arotherham: Can we pls start obsessing on Shanghai, so sick of Finland. If we're going feast on (cont) http://tl.gd/7dfv38 #
- RT @tvanderark: RT @dropoutnation: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Dispelling the Money Myth in Education: #edreform #ARRA #
- Join me, Congressman Chaka Fattah and others Dec. 16 for @StateofBlackCT event #edreform More at stateofblackct.org #
- RT @tayoulevy: RT @dropoutnation: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Dispelling the Money Myth in Education: #edreform #
- RT @tayoulevy: America's Woeful Public Schools: #PISA Shows That We Are Falling Behind Internationally http://tinyurl.com/pisafail #edreform #
- RT @chadsansing: how we answer the call in the last paragraph of this post is our most important undertaking #edgap #
- RT @TheUSEducation: Villaraigosa brands teachers union as obstacle to #edreform http://sns.ly/Nmh74 #TQReform #
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