- At Dropout Nation: The NAACP Should Stay Away From Wake County #edreform #CivilRights #BlackEdu #BenjaminJealous #
- RT @MaryDCS: Dropout Nation: Dispelling the Money Myth in Education #edreform #
- @David_Reber Yes, and it"s a much better picture than you say it is. Which makes you deliberately ignorant if the facts. Try harder. in reply to David_Reber #
- Funny RT @Dyrnwyn: Supposed to watch #Oprah again today to find out some important #edreform news. Why can't I (cont) http://tl.gd/7bd4vb #
- RT @PIEnetwork: When layoffs come to L.A. schools, performance doesn't count- Fantastic LA Times story on (cont) http://tl.gd/7bd5n7 #
- RT @ileducprof: The dr-v-critical-community Daily is out! ? Top stories today by @dropoutnation @akilbello #edreform #
- @arotherham Now, Andy, why are you arguing that laggard teachers shouldn't be called out? The damage they do to our kids should be noted.. in reply to arotherham #
- @arotherham and the LAT's original series was great journalism (and activism), pure and simple. in reply to arotherham #
- @arotherham but it wasn't an incomplete performance eval. It is good, solid data-driven education reporting conducted by a newspaper… in reply to arotherham #
- @arotherham I'd have a different take if these were leaked evals. But they aren't. in reply to arotherham #
- @arotherham Understand your point. But do we wait for "completeness", especially since other ways of evaluating teachers are less objective? in reply to arotherham #
- @arotherham Or do we start the ball rolling and worry about the rest over time? My answer is the the latter. Again, hate to say this, but… in reply to arotherham #
- @arotherham These are the kids who look like me who suffer the damage. Black males, Latino males, poor white males. I say move the ball. in reply to arotherham #
- @arotherham From the wonk end, this sounds unreasonable. From the journalist/activist end, it isn't so. And for parents, the wait's too long in reply to arotherham #
- RT @John_Bailey: Rhee's new org: StudentsFirst.org follow them on twitter here: @StudentsFirst_ #edreform #MichelleRhee #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Dispelling the Money Myth in Education: #edreform #TQReform #BlackEdu #
- RT @OmbudsmanEd: RT @dropoutnation: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Dispelling the Money Myth in Education: #edreform #
- @arotherham From where I sit, it's no different than newspapers publishing salary data of individual public employees… in reply to arotherham #
- @arotherham which is what is done by newspapers all the time as part of the watchdog role. By the way: For most, salaries are even more… in reply to arotherham #
- @arotherham personal (and being the husband of a former govt employee and having that info exposed by the paper for which I worked… in reply to arotherham #
- @arotherham I know this discomfort well). It is the public's right to know the VAA data (which is different from strictly personnel info). in reply to arotherham #
- @arotherham And from a parent's right-to-know data, knowing what kind of teacher your child will have is critical to ensuring student achvmt in reply to arotherham #
- @arotherham On this, we'll just have to agree to disagree. in reply to arotherham #
- @arotherham I would also go to the point that your view on this is shaped by the fact that you work from a think tank perspective, which is in reply to arotherham #
- @arotherham in many ways, different from the journalism world. In journalism, you never have "complete data points". You have two or more in reply to arotherham #
- @arotherham sides to an issue, even multiple views on data. But never truly complete data points. #
- @vadum Oh, Matt. On this, I must partly disagree. His politics are distasteful, but he is pushing for the kind of transparency we media in reply to vadum #
- @vadum folks in the media should be demanding from our government. in reply to vadum #
- At Dropout Nation: The #NAACP Should Stay Away From Wake County #edreform #CivilRights #edgap #
- RT @conncan @ombudsmaned @dropoutnation: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Dispelling the Money Myth in Education: #edreform #
- At Dropout Nation: The NAACP Should Stay Away From Wake County #edreform #CivilRights #BlackEdu #RichardKahlenberg #
- @rdsathene Aww, Robert, I thought you could do so much better in the insults department. Really, offer something more substantial. in reply to rdsathene #
- @rdsathene And, by the way: Apparently you should go back to school. Your reading comprehension skills are Below Basic proficiency. in reply to rdsathene #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Dispelling the Money Myth in Education: #edreform #edgap #
- RT @MissShuganah: If I see one more tweet from an educator, about how only educators should decide #edreform I am going to cancel my trip.. #
- @rdsathene And "self-colonized"? Seriously, dude, nobody outside of some old Marxist theory class uses that term anymore. Get w/the times. in reply to rdsathene #
- Off-edu RT @radleybalko: I don't even know where to begin with this one. http://n.pr/f7ilA7 #
- At Dropout Nation: The #NAACP Should Stay Away From Wake County #edreform #CivilRights #
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