- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Iron Sharpens Iron #edreform #edgap #
- RT @EducationNext: Hanushek shares his thoughts on the #LATimes #VAA move #edreform #TQReform #
- RT @coopmike48: Q&A: Tim King explains what works at Chicago’s all-boys Urban Prep #edreform #BlackEdu #
- At Dropout Nation: Two Thoughts on Education This Week: On Teacher Quality Reform #edreform #TQReform #edschools #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Iron Sharpens Iron #edreform #edgap #BlackMales #
- Tonight's TRuth: RT @BraveKidsVoices: Children need less stuff, and more love. #
- Tonight's Truth RT @BraveKidsVoices @BE_PURE: Children need less stuff, and more love. #
- At Dropout Nation: Two Thoughts on Education This Week: On Teacher Quality Reform #edreform #TQReform #ecosys #
- RT @ToughLoveforX: My thought is that if school districts can get the right to accredit new teachers, it would be win-win-win #edreform #
- @ToughLoveforX It could work. One must also remember that the districts themselves are hardly bastions of high quality #edreform #ecosys in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX On the other hand, having the accreditation power would help force districts to actually do the hard work #edreform #ecosys in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX of reforming how they evaluate and retain high-quality talent #edreform #ecosys in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX I think people have a sense of who may be a good/bad teacher. The data will confirm or not confirm it #edreform #ecosys in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX But the problem is that there is a thin white line, akin to the thin blue line in law enforcement #edreform #ecosys in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX Teachers don't rat on one another; if anything, the mediocre shame the high-quality teachers and the #edreform #ecosys in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX laggards remain in place because they won't rock the boat. They play the game. #edreform #ecosys in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX It's going to take a real change in the culture of education in order to end the thin white line #edreform #ecosys in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- RT @ToughLoveforX: @dropoutnation I see the same. It would also provide a career path for experienced teachers and newbies #edreform #
- @ToughLoveforX I'd like to believe that would work. But incompetent people never think they are laggards. #edreform #ecosys in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX That said, I have no objection to such a concept. Anything is better than what we have now. #edreform #ecosys in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @sourcePOV @ToughLoveforX: Collaboration could work if it wasn't for the fact that in #edu it is usually way to avoid any #edreform #ecosys in reply to sourcePOV #
- @ToughLoveforX @sourcePOV: If you have the power role at the decisionmaking table, you use collaboration to keep power. #edreform #ecosys in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @graingered Maybe. But there is a difference. A poor-performing student is product of educational neglect. A poor-performing teacher #ecosys in reply to graingered #
- @graingered is only partly so. Also, a student is a child. We are supposed to care for our kids. You can't save every teacher #ecosys in reply to graingered #
- @graingered In theory, "respectful support" is good. In reality, we only get one shot with kids. Adults can choose different careers #ecosys in reply to graingered #
- @McGough3R That's what it is supposed to be. In practice, it isn't happening. Which angers me greatly. It's not about adults #ecosys in reply to McGough3R #
- @graingered Well, but in K-12, you have 12 years to get it right. And it has to happen every year in the 180 days. #ecosys #edreform in reply to graingered #
- @McGough3R And I am happy you are doing the work that should be done. We need more of you. #ecosys in reply to McGough3R #
- @ToughLoveforX Oh definitely. Collaboration as a vehicle for power is common in all orgs, especially in nonprofits #ecosys in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX It's the mission creep, the lack of feedback loops, and the lack of purposes that are tangible #ecosys in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @graingered That's pure cop-out. You can't solve every problem in a child's life. But ed can provide kids with options #ecosys #edreform in reply to graingered #
- @graingered with alternative models of what the world is like, and stability even in an unstable world #edreform #ecosys in reply to graingered #
- @graingered For a lot of kids, the classroom can often be the only stability in their lives. #ecosys #edreform in reply to graingered #
- @graingered More importantly, if you are a teacher, your job is to teach. A school's job is to make sure every child gets #edreform #ecosys in reply to graingered #
- @graingered high quality education. There are far too many teachers and schools failing at this job. That's inexcusable #ecosys #edreform in reply to graingered #
- @graingered No, that's done by being high-quality teachers, providing high-quality curricula and standards and #ecosys #edreform in reply to graingered #
- @graingered setting a culture of high expectations, a culture of genius in which all kids are capable and taught that way #edreform #ecosys in reply to graingered #
- @graingered Arguing "limits" is merely accepting failure. There are always limits. Break them. #ecosys #edreform in reply to graingered #
- @graingered You need to work smarter and harder. This is especially true for poor kids. You can't just work smarter #edreform #ecosys in reply to graingered #
- @graingered You are right that we need to get everyone to play meaningful roles in the lives of every child #edreform #ecosys in reply to graingered #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Iron Sharpens Iron #edreform #edgap #BlackEdu #
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