- This week, the Dropout Nation Podcast focuses on black male #edgap and what older black men must do to end this dropout crisis. #
- It isn't enough to stand idly by as millions of young black men fall behind their female peers and others. It's shameful. #
- It will take a nation of millions, especially men who have succeeded and gained strong character, to stem this crisis. #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Iron Sharpens Iron #edreform #BlackEdu #edgap #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Iron Sharpens Iron #edreform #BlackEdu #edgap #GrassRoots #
- RT @DrStevePerry: RT @MsJBarnes: RT @deongordon: CNN piece with @drsteveperry on Birmingham's Phillips Academy, (cont) http://tl.gd/6vvjgn #
- RT @CityYearBoston: RT @dropoutnation: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Iron Sharpens Iron #edreform #BlackEdu #edgap #
- RT @Eduflack: RT @R_Colvin Dear Chancellor-Select: Not That You Asked Us, But… http://t.co/hl6Ozrc via @TeachersCollege #edreform #
- This is Dropout Nation: The False Debate over K-12 Versus Criminal Justice Spending #edreform #BlackEdu #NAACP #
- Martin Haberman on selecting and preparing urban #teachers #edreform #TQReform #BlackEdu #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Iron Sharpens Iron #edreform #UrbanEd #edgap #GrassRoots #
- RT @EDUBEAT: RT @SoEducated1: Who Speaks for Rural Education? http://t.co/m6bZaYt via @SoEducated1 #edreform #
- National PTA President Saylors to speak at U.S. Department of Education's Blue Ribbon Schools event. More at http://tinyurl.com/22jq7qr #
- RT @stevejmoore: Do lack of high expectations & bureaucracy hold public schools back? via @charteralliance #edreform #
- RT @stevejmoore @ASCD: The myth of the culture of poverty: #edreform Dropout Nation Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/pmedpn #
- Vicki S. Dill on homeless teens and education http://www.educationalleadership-digital.com/educationalleadership/201011?pg=45#pg45 #edreform #
- RT @lkcrouch: RT @jsmithrichards: Look at Columbus schools in a new way: by feeder pattern. When it comes to (cont) http://tl.gd/703ir7 #
- RT @OTLCampaign: Oakland school district aims to change the trajectory of black boys http://ow.ly/3a4kO #EdChat #Edgap #BlackEdu #edreform #
- RT @Dyrnwyn: RT @njleftbehind: Charters vs. Non-Charters in Newark #edreform #edgap #
- Off-edu RT @kausmickey: Why I'm still worried about what the dems might do in the last-chance "lame duck" session.http://bit.ly/aMDlxD #
- RT @ivangosorio: @reasonmag: CA Pension Crisis Watch: Paying Nothing Into a Pension… http://ow.ly/3a8jR #edreform #edpolicy #Pensions #
- This is Dropout Nation: The False Debate over K-12 Versus Criminal Justice Spending #edreform #BenjaminToddJealous #
- Off-edu RT @pkafka: Forbes Gets a New Boss: Softbank’s Mike Perlis #
- RT @PIEnetwork: RT @EducationSector: Manwaring on transformation: 'Implementing [it] w/ integrity is a more (cont) http://tl.gd/705vtd #
- I'd watch my Redskins keep losing. But I'll stick to finish baking my apple-peach pies. #ShanahanShouldntHaveBeenHired #
- At least the Rangers won in OT #SeriouslyThisRedskinsDeclineCantContinue #ThankHeavensForTheNHL #
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