- RT @WatchdogDiva: The Dropout Nation Podcast: The Power of AYP: #edreform #NoChild/#ESEA #AYP #JohnKline #
- RT @DCPSTransformEd: TransformEd Daily is out! ? Top stories today by @ShellTerrell @UCEA @cycling_news @dropoutnation #
- At Dropout Nation: Steve Peha: Don't Ed on Me #edreform #Election2010 #
- RT @MZHemingway: Why does NPR hate its black staff? RT @romenesko: Michele Norris left out of book on NPR's (cont) http://tl.gd/6sesda #
- At Dropout Nation: America’s Woeful Public Schools: Lacking World-Class Standards #edreform #CommonCore #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: The Power of #AYP #edreform #NoChild/#ESEA #JohnKline #
- RT @DignityinSchool: Great piece on why 0 tolerance discipline policies need to be discarded @dropoutnation #education #
- RT @tvanderark: Susan Colby leaves Bridgespan to build chg tools at Stupski Fdn #edreform #edtech #
- RT @R_Colvin: November 8: Top Story – In Ind., ‘For All Who've Dreamed of Education Reform, the Time Has Come’ http://t.co/VsZByr7 #edreform #
- At Dropout Nation: Steve Peha: Don't Ed on Me #edreform #RttT #NoChild #ESEA #
- RT @POWERORGmath: RT @gcouros: Can social networking boost literacy skills? Alberta study says yes 🙂 #cpchat #
- RT @policydiary: Not pretty at all "Unemployment payouts push California deeper into debt" – latimes.com http://lat.ms/9yoTPi #edreform #
- My @AmSpec piece from earlier this year about #edreform and #unemployment #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: The Power of #AYP #edreform #NoChild/#ESEA #ArneDuncan #
- At Dropout Nation: America’s Woeful Public Schools: Lacking World-Class Standards #edreform #edgap #
- RT @D_Aarons: RT @educationweek: #education JUST ANNOUNCED: Live Stream: Reform, Money, and Politics: The (cont) http://tl.gd/6sgurm #
- RT @petercgroff: RT @DoneWaitingOrg: Video: Impacting Education Policy http://t.co/IS00J2G (via @nsvf Summit) #edreform #
- RT @petercgroff: RT @DoneWaitingOrg: Video: Impacting Education Policy http://t.co/IS00J2G (via @nsvf Summit) #
- Off-edu: RT @vadum: Getting dark outside already. Must have something to do with that hour that went missing on weekend. Hope they find it. #
- Off-edu RT @rsmccain: #news #p2 #tcot MSNBC-OMFG: @KeithOlbermann Humiliates Network Executives #
- RT @lkcrouch: RT @AEIonline: The fiscal outlook for America's fourteen thousand school districts is bleak for (cont) http://tl.gd/6shg6e #
- At Slate's Classroom of the Future event. http://plixi.com/p/55810402 #
- Denver charter school principal: "Quasi-prisons… the norm in school design" #
- Jim Shelton: "most things, in the context of our schools, must change (in order to foster innovation in #edu and it's not just in schools" #
- Greenberg: "We designed a bunch of different spaces w/the idea that people will make different uses with them." #
- RT @KiaAisha: RT @dropoutnation: The Dropout Nation Podcast: The Power of #AYP #edreform #NoChild/#ESEA #ArneDuncan #
- Shelton: Resource constraints may force districts to share space w/other human services, create different kinds of classrooms. #
- RT @ChitownStu: Pt2 of blog post on 1st yr teaching experiences, thoughts…http://tinyurl.com/29gtyn5 #blackedu #educationnation #edreform #
- A lot of talk about why consumer firms collect so much data and tailor consumer experiences, but schools don't (cont) http://tl.gd/6si5gu #
- @DouglasCrets of @edReformer notes that schools tend not to include teachers or students in everything. Kids are already learning elsewhere. #
- RT @tappedinorg: RT @dropoutnation: At Dropout Nation: Steve Peha: Don't Ed on Me #edreform #
- Maxim RT @honeynoir: RT @TomPotisk: The art of leadership is saying no, not saying yes. It is very easy to say yes. Tony Blair – #Quotes #
- RT @sourcePOV: Case studies? Agree! So how about we bring #ecosys convo back around to #k12 bright spots .. #
- RT @sourcePOV: Case studies? Agree! So how about we bring #ecosys convo back around to #k12 bright spots #edreform #
- RT @LAMPeducation: RT @dropoutnation The Dropout Nation Podcast: The Power of AYP: #edreform #NoChild/#ESEA #AYP #
- RT @StateofBlackCT: Dropout NationPodcast:Embracing…Parents in Education #edreform #
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