• At Dropout Nation: Steve Peha: Bad Discipline. #edreform #edgap #SuspensionsExpulsions #
  • RT @elearnnet: #edreform Let the infighting begin: Democrats don't agree on school reform, writes RiShawn Biddle.. #
  • RT @College_Success: RT @dropoutnation: Two More Thoughts on Education This Week: Post-Election Rumblings #edreform #
  • RT @annaheffernan: The anna grove heffernan Daily is out! ? Top stories today by @dropoutnation @edutopia @willrich45 #
  • RT @ileducprof: The dr-v-critical-community Daily is out! ? Top stories today: @democracynow @ColorLines @dropoutnation #
  • RT @BraveKidsVoices: Unconditional love gives a child the freedom to talk to their parents about anything. #
  • Yup RT @amyalkon: re Olbermann's past calls for $ xparency, if hypocrisy in bcasting is firing offense, we'd all be watching color bars… #
  • RT @amyalkon: Why Thomas Sowell Ditched Karl Marx http://www.advicegoddess.com/archives/2010/11/06/why_thomas_sowe.html interview… #
  • The Dropout Nation Podcast: A Call to Reform American Public Education #edreform #teachers #
  • Today's Maxim comes courtesy of Marvin Sapp and the experiences of the great people that have come through my life (and all the haters too): #
  • The creator (and loved ones) see the best in you even when others only see the worst. No one can keep you from your destiny and rising above #
  • Let no one tell you different. Remember that. Don't let the negative come in. Shake the haters off and march upward. Excelsior. #
  • Remember this: When your critics are talking about you, they are actually giving praise. You are making them angry–and making them think. #
  • And when they have nothing substantial to say, then all they will do is critique what is uncritique-able. Smile, show the facts, move upward #
  • The Dropout Nation Podcast: A Call to Reform American Public Education #edreform #ParentPower #
  • Rewind: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Save 150 Kids An Hour #edreform #edgap #dropouts #
  • RT @classroomtools: @HappyTeacherLA They are service jobs, that require few skills/poorly paid. Major reason income is dropping. #edreform #
  • RT @ClaytonMuhammad: Did you know that B2M has an Australian Chapter? Yuuuup! Check it out: http://ow.ly/35AHX #BlackEdu #
  • The Dropout Nation Podcast: A Call to Reform American Public Education #edreform #

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