- The Dropout Nation Podcast: A Call to Reform American Public Education #edreform #dropouts #ParentPower #
- Off-edu RT @RobertTalbert: New blog post: Want a job? Major in what you enjoy. http://wp.me/p6pVW-Lm #
- RT @RobertTalbert: Gee, I thought this was 2010? Parents Seek To Ban "Brave New World" From #STEM Curriculum, School: #
- RT @RobertTalbert: Note that the HS involved in that story [is on] the doorstep of the NSA in Maryland. #
- RT @AttyAbdul: @matthewltully: [Arlington Woods Elementary in Indianapolis] blows away every excuse used to (cont) http://tl.gd/6q9mo3 #
- Off-edu RT @chrismontgomery: Cornyn Sees No Fault in Senate Races GOP Lost : Roll Call http://t.co/8jJO0xv #
- RT @EdEquality: RT @tvanderark: I think no #ESEA in 2011, just gridlock, but some insiders predict passage of (cont) http://tl.gd/6q9ne2 #
- RT @josephlawler: Group of high school kids gets on the metro, laughing w/each other and looking happy, (cont) http://tl.gd/6q9v45 #
- RT @EdEquality: @arotherham in Time "Will John Boehner be good for education" #edreform #edgap #eduwonk #
- RT @EdEquality: @arotherham in Time "Will John Boehner be good for education" #edreform #edgap #eduwonk #JohnKline #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: A Call to Reform American Public Education #edreform #dropouts #
- RT @lkcrouch: RT @jfenster: EducatedGuess:Ed advice to Gov Brown… #edreform #CapriceYoung #GovMoonBeamPart2 #
- RT @EducationNext: Podcast: Dunn talks with EN about continuing efforts by NYC Chancellor Joel Klein to close (cont) http://tl.gd/6qe2h9 #
- RT @mikedebonis: Police union supporters vexed by Gray funeral no-show: http://wapo.st/9I905V #VincentGray #
- RT @EdEquality: #edtrust2010 former Elmost HS principal: "#Education is a civil right we we deny by creating academic ghettos." #edreform #
- Ben Jealous @AEI: Next year, NAACP will unveil a comprehensive education strategy, the first since the 1960s. Is funded by @gatesfoundation #
- Jealous: New #NAACP strategy will include universal pre-k, longer school days. #edreform #
- Jealous "we have an antiquated agrarian-age calendar… Mom is at work all day, dad is at work all day. The kids should be in school all day #
- In Jan., #NAACP will release a report on spending on prisons versus spending on higher education. #edreform #
- "We enjoy good and robust conversation [w/Obama administraion]" #
- Jealous of #NAACP On #RttT "We think it's painful to watch states compete for funding that should be universal to everyone." #
- Oh gosh, Kahlenberg raps Jealous on the knuckes for not talking up economic integration. Jealous: integration cannot be only conversation. #
- Jealous doesn't back away from economic integration. But also says it can't be only strategy. "#edreform #
- Jealous "We owe it to ourselves to get beyond pitched battles… We should be able to work w/people we also disagree with." #edreform #NAACP #
- What will #NAACP do to lure more black males into teachers? Jealous: "in these times…we have joined the conversation [about this]" #
- Jealous: notes that HBCUs could play a major role in teacher training. "We should embrace the historic role of [HBCUs]" #
- Jealous notes that #NAACP had shut down education unit for a couple of years. #
- Jealous of #NAACP Notes that many NAACP leaders and members doesn't understand the ease of attaining teacher tenure #edreform #TQReform #
- At Dropout Nation: Two More Thoughts on Education This Week: Post-Election Rumblings #edreform #ESEA #NoChild #NEA #
- Kevin Carey asks Jealous how will he achieve high-quality pre-k? Jealous argues that people have to change their mindset about ed for poor #
- Hess asks how does #NAACP bridge gap btwn parents in membership, teachers? Jealous says both "are eager to see our kids get access to HQ ed" #
- Jealous calls for a willingness to work together even when they disagree on other issues. #
- RT @busblog: RT @helenenothelen: RIP Sparky Anderson. He was always kind and welcoming to me in a time many (cont) http://tl.gd/6qfjkh #
- Bethune High School principal at EdTrust "I'm glad to be here with people who think like I think…kids who are poor are kids who can learn" #
- Bethune Principal: "I was a kid who was cast aside from the time I entered school until the time I got to sixth grade. That's a long time." #
- Bethune principal says it was a teacher, who asked her to pick up her lunch from the office, who "saved my life." # #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: A Call to Reform American Public Education #edreform #
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