- At Dropout Nation: The Kahlenberg Crowd Gets It Wrong Again #edreform #edgap @TFC_Century #
- At Dropout Nation: The Best of Dropout Nation This Week: #edreform #RichardKahlenberg #egap #MichelleRhee #
- @mikeklonsky What's so disgusting? My point that deseg has not worked as an #edreform policy? It hasn't. Pure and simple. in reply to mikeklonsky #
- @mikeklonsky As a black man, I am all for integration. That doesn't mean that I believe that works in improving education for all kids. in reply to mikeklonsky #
- @mikeklonsky Our poor/minority children should be able to have high-quality ed in their own neighborhoods. They don't. Now that's disgusting in reply to mikeklonsky #
- @mikeklonsky Now, Mike, try offering a real, substantive critique. I'm not sure you can. But try. in reply to mikeklonsky #
- At Dropout Nation: The Kahlenberg Crowd Gets It Wrong Again #edreform #edgap #BlackEdu #
- @mikeklonsky And no one is arguing for segregation, Mike. What poor people and minorities want, are great schools in their neighborhoods in reply to mikeklonsky #
- @mikeklonsky Telling them that they have to go outside their neighborhood for something they pay for and deserve to get is not only wrong in reply to mikeklonsky #
- @mikeklonsky It honestly verges on racism. In fact, it is. In an age when education is critical to economic and social success… in reply to mikeklonsky #
- @mikeklonsky denying high quality schools in neighborhoods to any segment of the population is contrary to the vision of MLK and others who in reply to mikeklonsky #
- @mikeklonsky fought dearly for equality of opportunity. You can't argue otherwise, Mike. So just stop trying. in reply to mikeklonsky #
- @mikeklonsky I critique those who argue that integration is the only solution, who argue in the process that poor neighborhoods aren't in reply to mikeklonsky #
- @mikeklonsky worthy of high-quality schools, of perpetuating a system of education that has ensured that low-quality teachers in reply to mikeklonsky #
- @mikeklonsky low-quality curricula and cultures of mediocrity and malpractice continue. in reply to mikeklonsky #
- @mikeklonsky That claptrap. in reply to mikeklonsky #
- @mikeklonsky Integrationists often forget that integration was a strategy used by civil rights activists of an earlier generation in reply to mikeklonsky #
- @mikeklonsky because they couldn't ever hope to gain equal delivery of education in a time when Jim Crow segregationists controlled in reply to mikeklonsky #
- @mikeklonsky school boards. In an age in which you can use alternative strategies to assure equal opportunity of education, simply in reply to mikeklonsky #
- @mikeklonsky sticking to integration (especially in light of the systemic problems of American public ed) makes no sense. in reply to mikeklonsky #
- @mikeklonsky Integration is a wonderful ideal. But not at the expense of the educational, economic and social destinies of our kids. in reply to mikeklonsky #
- @mikeklonsky And even MLK would say that. in reply to mikeklonsky #
- @mikeklonsky Try harder, Mike. in reply to mikeklonsky #
- @mikeklonsky oh, Mike. If you actually look at macro, charter school enrollments are equally divided btwn blacks, whites, other minorities in reply to mikeklonsky #
- @mikeklonsky charters may be mostly-black, mostly-white or mostly-Latino on an individual school level, but same is true for trad. schools in reply to mikeklonsky #
- @mikeklonsky The reason for this is the lack of #SchoolChoice especially intra-district and private choice. in reply to mikeklonsky #
- @mikeklonsky But it exists also b/c people, including blacks and Latinos, want to be able to send their kids to (cont) http://tl.gd/6kbl0q in reply to mikeklonsky #
- @mikeklonsky ultimately, every child deserves high-quality ed, especially where they live. There's no reason why kids have to be bused… in reply to mikeklonsky #
- @mikeklonsky outside of the communities where they live for this to be a reality. What's the value of integration if the kids can't read? in reply to mikeklonsky #
- @mikeklonsky Again. Mike, try harder. in reply to mikeklonsky #
- @mikeklonsky KIPP's attrition rate is nothing great. But it is also a straw man. Why? Because the parents choose to send their kids to in reply to mikeklonsky #
- @mikeklonsky a KIPP school. On the other hand, the attrition in a trad. public school is a problem because in nearly all cases, the parents in reply to mikeklonsky #
- @mikeklonsky and the kids don't get to choose to not go to that school. It's the school/district in which they are forced to attend. in reply to mikeklonsky #
- @mikeklonsky as for ELL and #sped one must also remember that parents of ELl students are often ill-informed about #SchoolChoice options in reply to mikeklonsky #
- @mikeklonsky More than likely, these parenta aren't getting the information they need to make choice decisions. This is why we must also in reply to mikeklonsky #
- @mikeklonsky improve how parents get info. In short, #ParentPower You wouldn't be fan of this in part b/c it also means parents can choose in reply to mikeklonsky #
- @mikeklonsky charters, Catholic schools and other options that don't gain approval in your worldview. in reply to mikeklonsky #
- @mikeklonsky no, mike. Try to read. The issue is that we don't provide info on school options, measures of quality to parents… in reply to mikeklonsky #
- @mikeklonsky That's a system problem in American public ed, not a parent problem. in reply to mikeklonsky #
- @mikeklonsky Same w/#sped. To many kids are in special ed who shouldn't be there, largely b/c of overdiagnosis of learning disabilities… in reply to mikeklonsky #
- @mikeklonsky and lack of rigoroud reading instruction/curricula. in reply to mikeklonsky #
- The Best of Dropout Nation This Week: #edreform #RichardKahlenberg #egap #MichelleRhee #
- @towittertoo Think what you want. Just read. in reply to towittertoo #
- @mikeklonsky If you did, Mike, you wouldn't have made such as statement. Thanks for your thoughts. in reply to mikeklonsky #
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