- RT @MZHemingway: "Schiller fired black man for not abiding by his 2nd-class speech status! Then she snarked (cont) http://tl.gd/6jkma7 #
- RiShawn Biddle: Waffle Man (#MichaelBennet, his senate campaign struggles, and what it means for moderates/#edreform) #
- RT @MASCAExDr: RT @dropoutnation: At Dropout Nation: #Education Absolutes Worth Thinking Over #edreform #
- RT @coopmike48: Steve Peha: Michelle Rhee and the Question of Mentors Versus Heroes | Dropout Nation #edu #parents #
- RiShawn Biddle: Waffle Man (#MichaelBennet, his senate campaign, and what it means for #edreform @AmSpec #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Rallying Voters Around School Reform #edreform #Grassroots #
- Shut them down. RT @EdEquality: #Pie10 conference –Consensus: Almost no examples of sustained, succesful (cont) http://tl.gd/6jp2n1 #
- RT @WhatsTheBigIdea: @dropoutnation: Poverty linked to bad education because (some) public schools don't focus (cont) http://tl.gd/6jp31s #
- The RiShawn Biddle/Dropout Nation Letter: Michael Bennet, Economic Integration's Latest Flaw…http://conta.cc/9FZl32 via #constantcontact #
- RT @harvinmoore: Extravagant benefits with Madoff-like guaranteed returns cannibalizing #edu says Hess #edreform #
- RT @hechingerreport: not terribly popular in own district, but Arlene Ackerman is getting praise elsewhere #edreform #
- At Dropout Nation: The Kahlenberg Crowd Gets It Wrong Again #edreform #edgap #
- Off-edu RT @ivangosorio @romenesko: Bernstein: "Too many journalists are bemoaning the death of journalism." [VIDEO] http://journ.us/bA8FWZ #
- RT @charteralliance: RT @usedgov: Parents and teachers, what does an effective parent/teacher partnership look (cont) http://tl.gd/6jqc6f #
- Vote for PTA's Million Hours of Power as Pepsi Refresh Project http://www.refresheverything.com/millionhoursofpower #ParentEngagement #
- Waffle Man @AmSpec #edreform #MichaelBennet #KenBuck #DFER #
- RT @tomsptimes: #MichelleRhee – miracle worker or "mean girl" – offers tough #k12 #edreform advice. http://tinyurl.com/29uhaba #
- RT @WatchdogDiva: RT @dropoutnation: At Dropout Nation: The Kahlenberg Crowd Gets It Wrong Again #edreform #edgap #
- Thank you! RT @ileducprof: Read The #blackedu Daily ? today's top stories are contributed by @TEACHgov (cont) http://tl.gd/6jsdve #
- RT @OTLCampaign: In Detroit, town hall meeting to improve the #gradrate of African-American boys http://ow.ly/2XUEd #BlackEdu #edreform #
- At Dropout Nation: The Kahlenberg Crowd Gets It Wrong Again #edreform #CivilRights #BlackEdu #
- Ed school types again show cluelessness in opposing use of test data in teacher evals RT @R_Colvin: http://t.co/RppNd4R #edreform #TQReform #
- RT @WatchdogDiva At Dropout Nation: The Kahlenberg Crowd Gets It Wrong Again #edreform #edgap #PovertyMyth #ParentPower #
- @wpnick You mean the usual suspects, plus the #NEA funded Economic Policy Institute #edreform in reply to wpnick #
- RT @nsvf: RT @tapsystem: via @EdTrust The @tapsystem shows how rigorous evaluations help #teachers improve. Hear (cont) http://tl.gd/6jsuma #
- RT @gothamschools: @BillGates says 2 q's predict how much kids learn: Does your teacher use class time (cont) http://tl.gd/6jsvuc #
- RT @gothamschools: @BillGates says 2 q's predict how much kids learn: Does your teacher use class time (cont) http://tl.gd/6jt00m #
- RT @lkcrouch @WatchdogDiva Dropout Nation: The Kahlenberg Crowd Gets It Wrong Again #edreform #edgap #PovertyMyth #
- RT @bennet_tweets: RT @dropoutnation: The RiShawn Biddle/Dropout Nation Letter: Michael Bennet…http://conta.cc/9FZl32 #edreform #
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