- RT @EdEquality @arotherham Irony! If value-add were part of #teacher evals then identifiable data often could be (cont) http://tl.gd/6j7mqc #
- At Dropout Nation: Education Absolutes Worth Thinking Over #edreform #RichardKahlenberg #RobertPondisco #standards #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Rallying Voters Around School Reform #edreform #DFER #Congress2010 #
- RT @BellCurves: RT @ileducprof: The dr-v-critical-community Daily is out! ? Top stories today by @dropoutnation #
- @josephlawler Joe, I noted the problem of donors and #edreform last year in my profile of the Gates Foundation. in reply to josephlawler #
- RT @sgermeraad: RT @TNTP: FL ed commish: better evals help #teachers "who have talent + desire but need a (cont) http://tl.gd/6jahbf #
- At Dropout Nation: #Education Absolutes Worth Thinking Over #edreform #RichardKahlenberg #CoreKnowledge #standards #
- RT @harvinmoore: RT @jack_welch: NYC teach union fight release of teach perf.. Union leaders interest only in (cont) http://tl.gd/6jbb5v #
- @rpondiscio actually, I never specifically said Core Knowledge opposed #CommonCore I will further clarify that. in reply to rpondiscio #
- @rpondiscio But you have said that the silver bullet in #edreform is curriculum. And that is quite public. You may not like how I how in reply to rpondiscio #
- @rpondiscio phrased it. But it is accurate. in reply to rpondiscio #
- @rpondiscio And as I noted, I clarified Core Knowledge's perspective on #CCSSI in the piece for accuracy's sake… in reply to rpondiscio #
- @rpondiscio But you have nice long series of tweets on how curriculum is the silver bullet in improving education. That is the truth too… in reply to rpondiscio #
- @rpondiscio and you have to own up to it as much I mist own up to any errors or statements I make. Thanks, Robert. in reply to rpondiscio #
- Off-edu: RT @D_Aarons: RT @keachhagey: RT @oreillyfactor: Juan Williams will be on the Factor tonight at 8PM. #
- Off-edu: RT @kausmickey: Of course this is probably the best thing to happen to Juan Williams in a long time. But that's just between us. #
- RT @PIEnetwork: Laband of CO Succeeds:Significant backlash when CO lost #rttt but collation was deep and wide (cont) http://tl.gd/6jcc0k #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Rallying Voters Around School Reform #edreform #MichaelBennet #Vote2010 #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Rallying Voters Around School Reform #edreform #MichaelBennet #Vote2010 #BlackEdu #
- RT @ileducprof: The dr-v-critical-community Daily is out! ? Top stories today by @dropoutnation @EdEquality @BellCurves #
- RT @mnpirc: RT @EducationSector: "Fight Back! Stop those Parent Volunteers…" little extreme to turn down free help! #
- At Dropout Nation: #Education Absolutes Worth Thinking Over #edreform #RichardKahlenberg #CoreKnowledge #CommonCore #
- Off-edu: Good for him RT @D_Aarons @brianstelter @acarvin: Juan Williams signs 3-year, $2 mil contract with Fox http://lat.ms/9IQxZx #
- RT @R_Colvin: Hechinger Report | Why all the fuss over #value added teacher data? http://t.co/3lTwldu via @AddThis #edreform #VAA #
- RT @alangott: #edreform Reformers' homework?: An unqualified response #edreform #
- Note: If someone cites Alfie Kohn, Gerald Bracey and Alfie Kohn for supporting evidence, they're not "thinking out of the box" #edreform #
- Of course, this "thinking outside the box" thing can be so overrated on both sides of the #edreform debate. #
- Off-edu RT @ivangosorio NJ Turnpike, GS Parkway waste millions on unneeded perks and outrageous bonuses (via @ismurray) #
- Also, there is no war on teachers. There is an effort to get teachers committing educational malpractice out of classrooms… #edreform #
- And as someone passionate about keeping 1.3 million kids out of prison and poverty, I am all for it… #edreform #
- In law enforcement, there is that nasty thing called the blue wall of silence. In education, there is the chalkboard of silence… #
- A generation of teachers tacitly support policies that protect laggard teachers at the expense of the destinies of kids… #edreform #
- The chalkboard of silence is just as just as insidious as its blue wall counterpart. And, in many ways, equally as damaging. #edreform #
- Off-edu: RT @jtLOL: Also, NPR @ombudsman, you should do a show with people speaking in low tones interspersed (cont) http://tl.gd/6jd14h #
- RT @MBAENews: Smarter Balance recognizes need for common cut scores – public needs to understand scores will (cont) http://tl.gd/6jd16t #
- @CohenD well, David, it wasn't a distortion. It was an accurate representation of each school of thought in #education #edreform in reply to CohenD #
- @CohenD Each of the folks who ascribe to the particular viewpoints will argue that their views have some minor wrinkles of differences in reply to CohenD #
- @CohenD but, no piece can represent all those varying differences within each and still cover a lot of ground in a short space. in reply to CohenD #
- @CohenD I didn't say any such thing. Feel free to re-read. in reply to CohenD #
- @CohenD What I clearly said about the "make all teachers better crowd" is that the belief fails to consider that there are many teachers in reply to CohenD #
- @CohenD who are not capable of getting better. Plain and simple. in reply to CohenD #
- RT @harvinmoore: NYC councilmember: "I will strangle any parent who moved …into a charter school." #edgap #edreform #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Rallying Voters Around School Reform #edreform #Vote2010 #
- RT @ileducprof @dropoutnation: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Rallying Voters Around School Reform #edreform #Grassroots #
- Coming tomorrow, my analysis of #MichaelBennet #039;s senate battle w/Ken Buck and why #edreform activists may not fair so well , either way. #
- Coming tomorrow, in #AmSpec my analysis of #MichaelBennet #039;s senate battle w/Ken Buck and why #edreform activists may not fair so well #
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