- #edreform Lessons: No Tears for #Fenty (RT @AmSpec) #MichelleRhee #RSD #
- RT @Jkent695: This is Dropout Nation: America's #Truancy Problem: #dropouts #edreform #
- RT @gothamschools: Rise & Shine! The state is no longer requiring extra help for all students who fail… #edreform #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Embracing a New Vision of Parents in Education https://dropoutnation.net/?p=2677 #edreform #ParentPower #
- RiShawn Biddle Newsletter: No Tears for Fenty, America's Truancy Crisis and Parent Power Podcast http://conta.cc/96AZRJ via #constantcontact #
- RT @DrStevePerry root of all [#NEA/#AFT] strike threats r pay increases & benefits. Mo' money…haven't improved US students' performance #
- RT @DrStevePerry Millions of gr8 teachers get thrown under the bus b/c union leadership is stuck n dark ages-focused on protecting failures #
- @alexanderrusso Wow, digging up the lame arguments again, Alexander? in reply to alexanderrusso #
- @alexanderrusso #edujobs was a wash for both sides. #NEA #AFT got less than half of what they wanted and #edreform activists kept #RttT $ in reply to alexanderrusso #
- @alexanderrusso Apparently, you can't distinguish criticizing comments from name-calling. Oh well. in reply to alexanderrusso #
- @alexanderrusso If a statement deserves to be called lame, then it deserves it. Don't dish it if you can't take it. in reply to alexanderrusso #
- RT @educationalan: RT @chendrie: Education Week: #RttT Winners, Meeting in D.C., See Challenges Ahead http://t.co/hSCOnWG #edreform #
- RT @TPCarney: Except 7 weeks of his life, lots of grief, and donors' money. RT @christopherguz [Fenty's] got (cont) http://tl.gd/6352ph #
- @mpgroome Thanks for the info on the dropout advice package you're putting together. Gathering my thoughts for it. in reply to mpgroome #
- RT @OTLCampaign: John Legend says education inequality "is the civil rights issue of our time." http://ow.ly/2FLMW #EdReform #BlackEd #
- Off-edu: RT @ekspectacular: RT @fixfelicia: Rep. Mike Pence: “I’m honored to stand here today at the (cont) http://tl.gd/636jds #
- #edreform Lessons: No Tears for Fenty #MichelleRhee #RSD #DCPS #MayoralControl #urbaned #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Embracing a New Vision of #Parents in Education https://dropoutnation.net/?p=2677 #edreform #ParentPower #urbaned #
- RT @John_Bailey: State Superintendent of ED Briggs resigns. So #Fenty is out. Briggs is out. #Rhee is a ? #edreform #DCPS #
- RT @amyalkon: RT @dropoutnation: This is Dropout Nation America’s #Truancy Problem The L.A. County Example #edreform #
- RT @OTLCampaign: Buffalo School District Among Worst In U.S. In Graduating Black Males http://ow.ly/2FUYi #EdGap #edreform #SchottFoundation #
- RT @EdEquality Rothkopf nails it on #edreform & the messy truth that we're largely afraid of real reform #DCPS #
- RT @dropoutnation: RiShawn Biddle Newsletter: No Tears for #Fenty America's #Truancy Crisis and #ParentPower Podcast http://conta.cc/96AZRJ #
- This is Dropout Nation America’s Truancy Problem The L.A. County Example #edreform #dropouts #
- RT @annaheffernan: The anna grove heffernan Daily is out! ? Top stories today by @web20classroom @dropoutnation… #
- It shouldn't be a foul RT @elizabethonline: at what point did it become a major social foul to care about the well-being of one's country? #
- @elizabethonline I am an American. I come from the nation that sets the standard for liberty, freedom and racial integration. Yes I am proud in reply to elizabethonline #
- @elizabethonline There is nothing wrong with being patriotic. Jingoism is a problem. But healthy patriotism isn't a problem. in reply to elizabethonline #
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