- RT @EdEquality: RT @dropoutnation The Dropout Nation Podcast: Embracing a New Vision of Parents in Education #edreform #
- RT @markydsr RT @NewYorkPost: Charter-Schools Chief Eva Moskowitz Launches PAC to Challenge Teachers [Unions] http://nyp.st/8YQPMN #edreform #
- At Dropout Nation: Disrupting the Structure of Education: New Orleans and the Hollywood Model #edreform #RSD #
- Definitely enjoyed the exhibit. @NMAfA http://plixi.com/p/44612765 in reply to NMAfA #
- Off-edu: RT @mpgroome: Growing fast! #wtc1 on 9/113 http://plixi.com/p/44911927 #
- At Dropout Nation: Disrupting the Structure of Education: New Orleans and the Hollywood Model #edreform #ecosys #
- RT @elizabethonline: great, level-headed article about testing http://nyti.ms/9BYVPv #edreform #RttT #testing #
- RT @amyalkon: The Underparented Child, Times Two, Hot Coffee Version http://t.co/JiCZaPZ #
- RT @getschooled: Parents want more diversity in NOLA schools #edreform More on #RSD https://dropoutnation.net/?p=2693 #
- RT @Ed4Excellence RT @edReformer Teachers may be increasingly breaking ranks from the union, Barbara Martinez suggests: #
- Speakin of the WSJ report: My Labor Watch report from August (one of many) on younger teachers and #NEA #AFT: #edreform #
- RT @Stand4Children: Stagnant SAT scores. http://fb.me/wpfVKD8v #edreform #edgap #
- @TPCarney looks at the D.C. Mayor's race and finds bith #AdrianFenty and #VincentGray wanting. #edreform #DCPS #Rhee #
- RT @cathgrimes: RT @TeacherBeat: Could Value-Added Save Teachers' Jobs?: Might value-added measures that show (cont) http://tl.gd/6176lo #
- RT @cathgrimes: RT @TeacherBeat: Could Value-Added Save Teachers' Jobs?: Might value-added measures that show (cont) http://tl.gd/61776k #
- RT @ivangosorio: RT @Right2Work: lawsuit claims that Gov. Granholm cleared the way in exchange for political (cont) http://tl.gd/6177eg #
- RT @DrStevePerry: The best opportunity in my life is that I can to wake up early, REALLY early, & serve some (cont) http://tl.gd/6177sa #
- RT @D_Aarons: Local Control May Return to Some New Orleans Schools #edreform #
- RT @D_Aarons: Local Control May Return to Some New Orleans Schools #edreform My take: https://dropoutnation.net/?p=2693 #
- Bill Boyarsky proves irrelevance in modern news reporting once again (and @alexanderrusso offers another #headshaker #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Embracing a New Vision of Parents in Education https://dropoutnation.net/?p=2677 #edreform #ParentEngagement #
- RT @Trace_Urdan: Vanity thy walls are Ivy-covered #highered #Yale #
- RT @AndresHenriquez: Edweek: A spotlight on middle and high school literacy: #adolescentliteracy #edreform #edgap #
- RT @NHSCatAIR New ED report: "Use of Education Data at the Local Level: From Accountability to Instructional Improvement" #
- Off-edu: RT @urbanophile: Greg Hinz: After Daley's retirement, Chicago needs a new approach – http://is.gd/f8KGk – must read for Chicagoans #
- Richard Whitmire on #literacy and the gender-based #edgap (RT @AndresHenriquez RT @educationweek) http://bit.ly/9oYRK0 #edreform #
- RT @hechingerreport: President Obama on the need for historically black colleges and universities http://bit.ly/95yg5J #highered #
- RT @JoanneLeeJacobs: New blog post: A caste rises through education, trade http://bit.ly/dsbHmY #
- RT @ToughLoveforX: @dropoutnation thank you for the Amen. Turns out that Change We Can Believe In is a bit more (cont) http://tl.gd/6188rr #
- RT @getschooled: RT @LuminaFound #Unemployment pushing community colleges hard http://bit.ly/d49dxV #highered #comm_college #
- Not likely RT @mikedebonis: @NickKristof Henneberger on why DC's next mayor should keep #Rhee running city's schools http://bit.ly/czUNvt #
- Around Alexandria: St. Joseph Catholic Church and its Memorial to the Unborn Child http://plixi.com/p/44945081 #
- RT @ToughLoveforX: @dropoutnation FyRadar In interesting post about expectations AND clear explicit goals. http://ilnk.me/4505 #edreform #TQ #
- RT @hechingerreport: What is good teaching? Emily Hanford tries to answer this pressing question: http://bit.ly/9QiECW #edreform #TQReform #
- At Dropout Nation: The Future of Mayor-Led Reform http://bit.ly/bfZ5jG #edreform #AdrianFenty #RichardDaley #edleadership #
- RT @OTLCampaign: thanks for mentioning!! RT @Youth_Justice: NPR: Audio: Dr. John Jackson http://n.pr/dlrK3Q #edreform #edgap #
- RT @nsvf: RT @BridgespanGroup: @siconversations podcast: NewSchools Venture Summit panel on education reform #edreform #
- National PTA CEO Garrett: "America cannot survive half-educated and we cannot improve education with parents being half-engaged." #edreform #
- RT @josephlawler: Sincerely, Dinesh D'Souza would have saved himself a lot of trouble if he'd ready @freddoso 's (cont) http://tl.gd/619fii #
- RT @EdEquality: Get your #edreform new here. EEP's 9/13 RoundUp #
- RT @TheRebull: Teacher: Rhee Fixes Broken Schools #edreform #edchat #dc @Fenty2010 @grayformayor #
- At Dropout Nation: Disrupting the Structure of Education: New Orleans and the Hollywood Model #edreform #edinnovation #
- At Dropout Nation: Watch: Little Rock 9… http://bit.ly/cLdIvv #edreform #BlackEd #edgap #civilrights #
- RT @EdEquality: Pwrful Daily News piece by Caitlin Flanigan on teachers, #edreform #edgap & unions #
- RT @EdEquality @saramead: Why idea that parent opposition to Rhee's #edreforms putting Fenty in jeopardy is total bs http://bit.ly/bcNitq #
- RT @arotherham @saramead Why #edreform folks should be less dismissive of role of race in D.C. election http://bit.ly/c7P05q #BlackEd #
- RT @ChitownStu: "which is more arrogant; thinking there are complexities…or thinking that one has all the (cont) http://tl.gd/61aj2p #
- @ChitownStu The latter, probably. But the former can lead people to do nothing b/c of the fear of those complexities and #BlackEd in reply to ChitownStu #
- @ChitownStu how addressing them will affect livelihoods, relationships. See debate over using test scores/#VAA to evaluate teachers #BlackEd in reply to ChitownStu #
- @getschooled You're welcome! And likewise! in reply to getschooled #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Embracing a New Vision of Parents in Education https://dropoutnation.net/?p=2677 #edreform #ParentPower #
- RT @ChitownStu: @dropoutnation granted, but we need "leaders" and "educators" who step outside box and take a chance. #Blacked #
- RT @ChitownStu: @dropoutnation granted, but we need "leaders" and "educators" who step outside box and take a chance. #Blacked #edreform #
- @ChitownStu Agreed. It's why I prefer to think I have some answers than to dwell on the problems alone. #BlackEd #edreform in reply to ChitownStu #
- RT @MissShuganah: I am invisible chopped liver. I don't think educators really want input from parents…. #edreform #
- RT @aenclade: @MissShuganah re: Parents r neither seen nor heard…agree, the only exception is when they need someone to blame #edreform #
- @MissShuganah @aenclade Here are my thoughts — in my Dropout Nation podcast on making parents powerful in education: #
- RT @ChitownStu: days of didactic all knowing educators over. Reflective, introspective, humble teaching should be norm #BlackEd #edreform #
- RT @LetsCelebr8: @dropoutnation. I know when I spoke up 4 my #special_needs son, I was labled a b***ch around (cont) http://tl.gd/61c6a6 #
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