- RT @DrStevePerry: I’m so impressed w/ how much our community cares about education reform. #edreform #BlackEd #
- RT @DrStevePerry: My concern is that we don’t always turn our concerns about education into action. #edreform #BlackEd #
- In memory of 9/11: My 2001 piece on meeting Thomas Burnett of Flight 93 #
- RT @Dr_EricWaters: As most career pols are aware, there is + $$ to fund the circularity of failure than interest (cont) http://tl.gd/603hgp #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: The Dropout Crisis Beyond Cities: #edreform #edgap #
- RT @KnowledgeAll: @dropoutnation The Future of Mayor-Led Reform #edreform #AdrianFenty #edleadership #
- #charterschools are pioneering best practices in teaching #ELL #ESL students. #
- #charterschools are pioneering best practices in teaching #ELL #ESL students. #edreform #
- At Dropout Nation: Watch: Watch: Little Rock 9 and the Continuing Fight for Opportunity in Education #edreform #BlackEd #
- In memory of 9/11: My 2001 piece on meeting Tom Burnett of Flight 93 #
- RT @QueensTeacher2: Video–Dropout Nation: M. Rhee on Teacher Qual. & the Ach. Gap http://t.co/6O9CryF via @youtube #
- RT @QueensTeacher2: Video–Dropout Nation: #MichelleRhee on Teacher Qual. & the Ach. Gap #edreform #AdrianFenty #
- Cort Milloy’s latest anti-#Fenty #headshaker Now, really, how is Fenty insulting black women? Come on #edreform #
- Once again, some folks in our Black community are so busy defending the indefensible that they will call #edreform an insult to our race. #
- Personally, I think the fact that our schools are failing our kids in our poorest black and Latino communities is a much-bigger insult. #
- Cort Milloy basically shows once again what happens when old-school black folks fail to think. #
- They would rather see another generation of black men and women end up in prison, poverty, than succeed academically, economically #edreform #
- Just another shame. #
- RT @BlowTheTrumpet: @dropoutnation From what I’ve read, Fenty’s race never hinged on the support of black female voters anyway…. #
- Another #headshaker from the equally clueless (on #education Colbert King: http://t.co/4R23LVe #
- Can we say that among some folks, their issue with #MichelleRhee is that she isn’t the right, umm, fit #edreform #AdultRaceIssuesOverKids #
- Not so. Some do care RT @ClaytonMuhammad @ileducprof: I feel that no one cares about poor Black boys anymore, (cont) http://tl.gd/6091ru #
- It’s our job to make everyone else care, if not for the sake of young black men, for the sake of our nation’s future #BlackEd #edreform #
- We can’t leave half of America behind and expect our nation to succeed in the global economy. #edreform #BlackEd #BlackMales #
- Off-edu: RT @jaketapper: Chilling. RT @DanRiehl: The Voices Of 9-11-2001 #
- RT @anaturalallure: @dropoutnation just what one of my parents said: “she (Rhee) won’t take care of my kids (cont) http://tl.gd/609362 #
- RT @anaturalallure: @dropoutnation Yet, this is mom who fails to get my student in class on time. #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: The Dropout Crisis Beyond Cities: #edreform #edgap #BlackEd #
- RT @amyalkon: @dropoutnation @ClaytonMuhammad @ileducprof I’m white girl & I created inner-city school prog, (cont) http://tl.gd/6093qg #
- RT @amyalkon: @dropoutnation @ClaytonMuhammad @ileducprof Volunteer speakers, no famous people, just reg people (cont) http://tl.gd/6093ur #
- RT @azjd: RT @UrbanEducation: – An individual teacher makes the most difference in an individual child. #
- Off-edu: RT @amyalkon: Libertarianism, by Elvis: “Do what’s right for you, as long as it don’t hurt no one.” #
- At Dropout Nation: Watch: Watch: Little Rock 9 and the Continuing Fight for Opportunity in Education #edreform #edgap #
- RT @coopmike48: Colbert King Officially Loses It « The Quick and the Ed #edu #parentpower #edreform #DCPS #Rhee #
- RT @ChitownStu: RT @ileducprof: I feel that no one cares about poor Black boys anymore, not even Black educated (cont) http://tl.gd/609oef #
- Off-edu: RT @urbanophile: Tom Junod: The Falling Man – http://is.gd/f6eD3 – 9/11 Esquire article from September 2003 #
- African, American basketweaving at Smithsonian’s National Museum of African Art #BlackEd #AnotherDayInBeltway http://plixi.com/p/44612765 #
- Off-edu RT @jaketapper: Bratz brainstorming session: “This country doesn’t have enough young girls dressed (cont) http://tl.gd/60a3kb #
- RT @azjd: RT @dropoutnation: The Dropout Nation Podcast: The Dropout Crisis Beyond Cities: #edreform #edgap #BlackEd #
- RT @Le_Journaliste7 @dropoutnation: At Dropout Nation: Watch: Watch: Little Rock 9… #edreform #BlackEd #edgap #
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