- RT @kausmickey: LINK FIXED/Kinsley leaves Atlantic "citadel of journalistic integrity" to write (w (cont) http://tl.gd/5uvc7v #
- RT @TheRebull: RT @edReformer: What happens if Michelle Rhee gets removed? Not good, says GOOD magazine: #edreform #
- At Dropout Nation: Watch: Educators in Texas Tackle Student Engagement #edreform #edgap #TQReform #
- RT @sgermeraad Gray's election means "bureaucratic job security will be-top priority again at the Wilson Building" #DC #
- At Dropout Nation: The Dropout Nation Podcast: The Dropout Crisis Beyond Cities: #edreform #edgap #BlackEd #
- RT @HELIXHigherEd: 'Relevancy' & 'Engagement'! At Dropout Nation: Watch: Educators in Texas Tackle Student Engagement #
- At Dropout Nation: The Future of Mayor-Led Reform https://dropoutnation.net/?p=2654 #edreform #AdrianFenty #RichardMDaley #edgovernance #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: The Dropout Crisis Beyond Cities: #edreform #edgap #eddata #
- PTA's Million Hours of Power male engagement campaign is up for Pepsi Refresh funds. http://www.refresheverything.com/millionhoursofpower #
- Off-edu: RT @atlasnetwork Are population growth problems imaginary? #
- RT @linkstoliteracy: Tips for setting up a home library: http://fb.me/GMR1Hvd2 #literacy #
- RT @powerofsocinnov @dropoutnation on mayors/ed reform: "(foes) have greater enmity toward supposed (cont) http://tl.gd/5v7p08 #
- RT @urbanophile: I'm getting blog hits from the Chicago law firm of Mayer Brown. Is Ballard sending an SOS to (cont) http://tl.gd/5v7pvq #
- "Ooh, baby, give me one more chance" RT @tomweber_mpr: Minneapolis schools to #dropouts 'We want you back': http://j.mp/b7noio #edgap #J5 #
- Off-edu: Xenu says "maybe". RT @rsmccain: RT @JonHenke It's still ok to burn Dianetics, right? [] LOL. #ScientologyJokes #
- @Dyrnwyn And the Jackson 5 too. in reply to Dyrnwyn #
- RT @Andrew_Coulson: We Have Too Many #Teachers Already! #edreform #TQReform #
- RT @ASCD_Inservice: @dropoutnation high quality, well-supported teachers benefit adults & kids in the system (cont) http://tl.gd/5v83ir #
- RT @DrStevePerry: We've made too many baby mamas & not enough fathers. Too many grandmothers are tired from (cont) http://tl.gd/5v83rd #
- RT @EdEquality Super-Sized EEP RoundUp today! News on #CCSSI debates in states (on everything), @arotherham & lobsters #
- Nice RT @emilyschoolsyou: I've had two school principals ask me today if they could opt to *not* provide me (cont) http://tl.gd/5v8lh0 #
- RT @AttyAbdul @Heritage: MUST SEE VIDEO @GovChristie schools New Jersey teachers unions. Man, that's some straight talk! http://herit.ag/eCd #
- At Dropout Nation: The Future of Mayor-Led Reform https://dropoutnation.net/?p=2654 #edreform #AdrianFenty #RichardMDaley #Rhee #
- Jose Vilson on Jay-Z and uncaring teachers #edreform #TQReform #StudentEngagement #SaveYoungMen #BlackEd #
- At Dropout Nation: The Future of Mayor-Led Reform #edreform #AdrianFenty #RichardMDaley #Rhee #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: The Dropout Crisis Beyond Cities: #edreform #edgap #BlackEd #
- Alfie Kohn bloviates and bellows over LA Times #VAA series, offers nothing. (RT @alexanderrusso): http://ow.ly/2C0A3 #headshaker #TQReform #
- A thought: Reggie Bush does what any poor teen would do-and could lose Heisman. O.J. Simpson likely murders wife-and keeps his. #absurdities #
- Sad and yet, fascinating read RT @ashleynatille: Equity and Education #edchat #ntchat #sped #edreform #TQReform #
- The piece is an indictment of how many teachers treat #sped and minority children. An abomination. #edreform #
- RT @ToughLoveforX: @classroomtools #ecosys Agree 100%…luv to convince you that the words "Dem" and "Repub" are the wrong words. Wanna try? #
- RT @ToughLoveforX: RT @PIEnetwork Reform: the new status quo The next 24 months critical for #edreform #
- RT @WhatsTheBigIdea: Blog: Can fixing parents really replace making good schools? [Answer: No] http://goo.gl/b/t81s #edreform #ParentPower #
- @ToughLoveforX Still thinking it through. What I will say is this: I'm all for better tests. No question. I'm just against waiting for them in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX As for attendance data: It can be fooled with as well. A @ToughLoveforX 95 percent attendance rate doesn't tell you much… in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX because the way attendance is calculated usually leaves out chronic truancy… in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX The best example of this is in my own 2007 report on chronic truancy. I had to really break down the numbers to get to facts in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX Here's the series: http://rishawnbiddle.org/truancy_frame.htm. in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX Whether the system can or cannot be gamed is, in some sense, not a concern for me. Gaming is part of the reality of human… in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX systems. But if you have vigilance, accountability, transparency, constant action, you can lessen the gamesmanship and in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX and improve education. in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- RT @WhatsTheBigIdea: Blog: Can fixing parents really replace making good schools? [Answer: No] http://goo.gl/b/t81s #edreform #
- The problem isn't parents. It's a system that treats #ParentPower and #ParentalEngagement as afterthoughts (if not outright nuisances). #
- @ToughLoveforX I understand your point. This is why I think constant assessments that lead up to final tests are important to do #edreform in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX If parents get the benchmarks during the year, they can take action. At the same time, they must be shown what all this means in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX This is another problem. Parents need information — including what 3rd grade growth should look like — and power in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- RT @ToughLoveforX: @dropoutnation there are new Print + web technologies that could easily send an SMS to mom's cell [when] Jr doesnt show. #
- @ToughLoveforX They would still have an important role from a regulatory perspective. In my view, the real issue is the trad. district… in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX The trad. school district has less relevance now than ever. Obsolete, ineffective, inefficient and useless in this era. in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @EduSpiel That's my point. Parents don't need to be fixed. American public education needs to be overhauled. #edreform #ParentPower in reply to EduSpiel #
- RT @ToughLoveforX: @dropoutnation future of work will be far more transparent than managers are used to. #
- @ToughLoveforX This is why I think eliminating the traditional school district is the most-important step. Districts are structured to not in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX be accountable to anyone. Moving to a Hollywood model, as I propose, would lead to more accountability to in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX students and parents. Bureaucracies will always find ways to insulate themselves from the strongest accountability in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @EduSpiel In fact, this mindset — and why we must end it — will be the subject of Sunday's Dropout Nation Podcast #edreform #
- @ToughLoveforX You can read more here: https://dropoutnation.net/2010/08/13/time-for-the-hollywood-model-of-education/ #edreform in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX Possibly. in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- RT @ToughLoveforX: @dropoutnation I'm seeing TFA grads setting up an Indie school, the one reported in Newark… as step in right direction #
- An interlude for tonight: "Automatic, Systematic, Full of color self contained, Tuned and Gentle to Your Vibes" #
- An interlude for tonight: "Automatic, Systematic, Full of color self contained, Tuned and Gentle to Your Vibes" #DancingMachine #Jackson5 #
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