- D.C. Examiner endorses #AdrianFenty cites #MichelleRhee #edreform #VincentGray #039;s subtle race-baiting #
- RT @Eduflack: How D.C. schools might be affected if #MichelleRhee decides to move on: http://wapo.st/ccsqxy #edreform #
- @SamGliksman I say it is the most-objective, relevatory. Why? Because we don't know effective teaching when we see it. #TQReform #edreform in reply to SamGliksman #
- @SamGliksman One may believe we can observe the differences between HQ and LQ teaching. What we usually see is the extremes of LQ. #edreform in reply to SamGliksman #
- @SamGliksman We see kids smiling during a lesson and we think "wow, that teacher is great". But observation tells us little… #edreform in reply to SamGliksman #
- @SamGliksman The impact of HQ, LQ teaching is seen in results, not in moments. #edreform #TQReform in reply to SamGliksman #
- RT @EdEquality: RT @dropoutnation: Dropout Nation Podcast: The Dropout Crisis Beyond Cities: https://dropoutnation.net/byc #edreform #edgap #
- RT @misternaite: #Education is the movement from darkness to light. #edreform #
- RT @EdEquality: #DFER names DC Mayor Adrian Fenty (EEP signatory) Reformer of the Month! #edreform #
- RT @arotherham: RT @saramead: How did Parents as Teachers win an i3 grant? I've got some questions about i3 scoring #
- @SamGliksman Results do matter. If you don't think so, look at the unemployment rate for dropouts and the (cont) http://tl.gd/3h91ft in reply to SamGliksman #
- @SamGliksman If kids don't learn, they will not succeed in this now knowledge-based economy. It is that simple. in reply to SamGliksman #
- @SamGliksman Testing isn't the problem in public ed. And it isn't the cause of them. American public ed has been (cont) http://tl.gd/3h93g4 in reply to SamGliksman #
- @SamGliksman The underlying causes start w/culture of low expectations and from it, flows LQ teaching, shoddy curricula, and systemic decay in reply to SamGliksman #
- @SamGliksman Testing is a diagnostic that can be used to improve student learning, teacher quality and other aspects of education. #edreform in reply to SamGliksman #
- @SamGliksman Testing isn't the ailment or symptom. It is revealing the extent to which American public ed is failing our children #edreform in reply to SamGliksman #
- @SamGliksman No problem. I don't mind questions and viewpoints. Thank you for your thoughts and for the conversation as well. in reply to SamGliksman #
- Off-edu: RT @ivangosorio: Capital Research Center's Matt Patterson: The public pension curse. #
- Off-edu: RT @josephlawler: RT @NRO Williamson: Obama’s plan for another round (!) of stimulus spending is (cont) http://tl.gd/3h9d73 #
- Once again, Peach State gubernatorial candidates shoot blanks on #edreform This time, it's GOP' Deal #Election2010 #
- Not really shocking. He'd lose. RT @EdEquality Daley announces he will NOT run for 2011 re-election as Chicago's mayor #
- My 2008 column on Daley's reign: http://spectator.org/archives/2008/08/18/justice-daleyed #
- At Dropout Nation: A Considerable Legacy: Richard M. Daley https://dropoutnation.net/bok #edreform #MayoralControl #CPS #
- At Dropout Nation: The Dropout Nation Podcast: The Dropout Crisis Beyond Cities: https://dropoutnation.net/byc #edreform #edgap #gradrate #
- A Considerable Legacy: Richard M. Daley https://dropoutnation.net/bok #edreform #MayoralControl #CPS #
- RT @ToughLoveforX Teachers Move to Run Schools http://ilnk.me/437a #ecosys Also, my piece on union-run schools https://dropoutnation.net/urs #
- @ToughLoveforX Also, Dropout Nation on expanding the career paths of #teachers (including starting own schools) https://dropoutnation.net/ttm in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX It works from my end. It links back to my American Spectator piece on the issue. in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX Here's another link: http://spectator.org/archives/2010/03/16/union-run-schools in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX You'rew welcome. Also, this piece: in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- RT @balmeras: RT @CampLeadership Bring it: Boys may benefit from aggressive play #parenting #summercamp #edgap #
- RT @tonnet: What teachers need to understand about #edtech #edchat \via @tomwhitby @cusilleee @whatedsaid #
- RT @ToughLoveforX: Union-Run Schools by @DropoutNation ( RiShawn Biddle ) http://ilnk.me/438e { It gets more interesting} #positivedeviance #
- RT @Slippergirl2U @Stand4Children @EdEquality Dropout Nation Podcast: The Dropout Crisis Beyond Cities: https://dropoutnation.net/byc #
- At Dropout Nation: A Considerable Legacy: Richard M. Daley https://dropoutnation.net/bok #edreform #MayoralControl #ArneDuncan #
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