- RT @frankwilliams: RT @NCHouseGOP: Scrap that cap! @NathanJonesNC: 7k children in #NC on wait lists 4 charter schools. #edreform #RttT #
- RT @hechingerreport #LAUnified presses union on test scores – latimes.com Times' report (w/Hechinger support) mentioned #
- @shermandorn Last I checked, the veteran teachers in those districts and schools average more than $70K a year. More than avg. family income in reply to shermandorn #
- @shermandorn Yes, Sherman, you may disagree with me. But they are part of the comfortable. They have near-lifetime employment, benefits in reply to shermandorn #
- @shermandorn that can run into the seven figures over the course of their retirement, nearly-free healthcare. This is better than the kids in reply to shermandorn #
- @shermandorn who will go to these schools and will ultimately drop out from them. in reply to shermandorn #
- @shermandorn I know SPJ quite well. Doesn't apply in this case. in reply to shermandorn #
- @shermandorn When you work for government, you don't have privacy. You are also not exempt from scrutiny. It's just that simple. in reply to shermandorn #
- RT @harvinmoore RT @dropoutnation: Voices of the Dropout Nation: Steve Peha Takes On Randi Weingarten https://dropoutnation.net/pr9 #edreform #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Take It Higher https://dropoutnation.net/tih #edreform #TQReform #edschools #edinnovation #
- What Education Reporters and #edreform activists can learn from the L.A. Times' #VAA story http://droputnation.net/rsy #TQReform #AFT #
- @shermandorn now, Sherman, you have proven your own lack of ethics in debate with this statement. What I advocate for is strong journalism in reply to shermandorn #
- @shermandorn and advocacy. The fact that you can't stick to the debate and the facts proves your own lack of courage in your convictions. in reply to shermandorn #
- @shermandorn You are example one of why trad. Ed defenders lack credibility, are anti-intellectual, lack understanding of journalism. in reply to shermandorn #
- @shermandorn Try harder or go home. in reply to shermandorn #
- @shermandorn Finally, it is only scorched earth if you think the status quo in K-12 is worth defending. When 1.3 million kids drop out b/c in reply to shermandorn #
- @shermandorn of lousy instruction and curricula, I would say the status quo is educational malpractice against kids. Period. in reply to shermandorn #
- @shermandorn It deserves to be put to an end. Those who aid and abet it deserve to be called out. Our kids deserve better than abysmal. in reply to shermandorn #
- RT @honeynoir: RT @vivafidel RT @MCHammer I'm n Chicago.Picked a paper.My heart skipped-then I prayed #pray4Chicago http://yfrog.com/ne491ej #
- RT @BuffaloReformED: Public schools aren't all that – The Denver Post http://t.co/pN7gp1c via @denverpost #
- RT @TheRebull: Gray, Fenty nearly even in DC mayoral poll – Washington Times @Fenty2010 @grayforDC #MichelleRhee #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Take It Higher https://dropoutnation.net/tih #edreform #TQReform #ParentPower #BlackEd #
- @shermandorn How about offering something more than ad hominens. Please try. What you offer is mere babble. Thanks for your thoughts. in reply to shermandorn #
- RT @tvanderark: we'll soon see more #BlendedLearning that is more personal, portable, & powerful #edtech (fixed link) #
- @shermandorn By the way, as a black male who has managed to do well despite the low quality of ed in trad. public schools, of course I am in reply to shermandorn #
- @shermandorn quite passionate about #edreform I will have black sons. I have black nephews. And I want them to succeed. in reply to shermandorn #
- @shermandorn If that is scorched earth to you, then so be it. I will fight passionately for my sons and nephews. And do what it takes in reply to shermandorn #
- @shermandorn to reform a system in which half of young black men will drop out into prison and poverty. You have shown you have no concern in reply to shermandorn #
- @shermandorn for them. So, yes, your "scorched earth" is my passionate advocacy for every child. in reply to shermandorn #
- Dear defenders of the status quo: Let's make this clear. There are lives at stake in this debate over the reform of American public ed. #
- Those lives at stake aren't yours. Or mine. Or #edreform advocates. It is the lives of 1.3 million kids. Remember that. #edreform #
- RT @RichardBueryCAS @tvanderark: Pls read B. Herbert's summary of black boy crisis http://nyti.ms/bSUAfd, 47% grad rate, 1/3 will go to jail #
- Rewind: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Iron Forges Iron https://dropoutnation.net/lln #edreform #BlackEd #BlackMales #edgap #
- @classroomtools A system can commit malpractice, especially if its practices, traditions and norms help foster harmful activity #ecosys in reply to classroomtools #
- @classroomtools You can use a dictionary all you want. But the dictionary doesn't capture the full use of language #ecosys in reply to classroomtools #
- @classroomtools This is why we have thesauri. It is also why writers and polemicists have the right to define terms in debate #edreform in reply to classroomtools #
- RT @ToughLoveforX: PDF at http://ilnk.me/3ed1 Promotion to next grade when pupil is not ready for next level of curriculum 5 of 5 #ecosys #
- @classroomtools In any case, poor-performing teachers are committing educational malpractice, whether or not they can be held #ecosys in reply to classroomtools #
- @classroomtools accountable for it in a court of law. This is also true of poor-performing administrators. The effects of #ecosys in reply to classroomtools #
- @classroomtools low-quality instruction, curricula, suspension-expulsion practices and the like remain the same and just as harmful #ecosys in reply to classroomtools #
- @classroomtools to the students in the care of teachers and administrators. All you are doing is arguing angels on heads of pins #ecosys in reply to classroomtools #
- @classroomtools when the reality is in our faces, wearing clothes, on unemployment lines, in prisons. #ecosys in reply to classroomtools #
- Exactly RT @EduSpiel: @dropoutnation need more male role models in schools & community. #
- RT @Dyrnwyn: RT @jopastner: Marriage of Convenience: By RiShawn Biddle https://dropoutnation.net/8ep #edujobs #AmSpec #edreform #NEA #AFT #
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