- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Take It Higher https://dropoutnation.net/tih #edreform #education #edgap #
- At Dropout Nation: Time for the Hollywood Model of Education https://dropoutnation.net/v9i #edreform #i3 #
- At Dropout Nation: Time for the Hollywood Model of Education https://dropoutnation.net/v9i #edreform #i3 #edinnovation #
- RT @therebull: Is firing (a lot of) teachers the only way to improve public schools? Slate: #edreform #TQReform #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Take It Higher https://dropoutnation.net/tih #edreform #education #edgap @DianeRavitch #edschools #
- RT @Dyrnwyn: What our kids know, and they're ability to demonstrate it, are important. Testing gives us info on both of things. #edreform #
- @Dyrnwyn Exactly. And testing gives us info on what teachers are doing, what they know and how they do it over time #edreform #TQReform in reply to Dyrnwyn #
- RT @Dyrnwyn: Assessments are messenger. Don't shoot messenger b/c you don't like what he has to say about kids, adults #edreform #TQReform #
- RT @edReformer: @tvanderark gives a roundup of important charter schools study: NYC Charters Close the Gap #edreform #
- RT @elizabethonline: RT @nprscottsimon: Inside sources tell me that Blagojevic jury is split over lunch: 4 (cont) http://tl.gd/35ridp #
- RT @AngelaDaliet: Theme of the day: Truth… Run tell dat. #
- RT @tvanderark: good WSJ piece on role of mayors in #edreform #charterschools #edgovernance #
- RT @JoanneLeeJacobs: New blog post: Grading LA's teachers #edreform #TQReform #teachers #
- RT @DeronDurflinger: Too much trust is the death to innovation an interesting read @johnccarver #vanmeter #
- RT @DeronDurflinger: Too much trust is the death to innovation an interesting read @johnccarver #vanmeter #edreform #
- #VincentGray talks out of both sides of his mouth again on #DCPS teacher dismissals #edreform #MichelleRhee #
- Head of #AFT #039;s L.A. local mad at LA Times #TQReform expose. Calls on boycott against reality RT @coopmike48 http://wp.me/pXov6-1qy #edreform #
- RT @JoanneLeeJacobs: New blog post: 17-year-old mom starts college #CommunityColleges #ParentPower #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Take It Higher https://dropoutnation.net/tih #edreform #education #edgap #AaronPallas #edschools #
- RT @Alltop_Edu: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Take It Higher https://dropoutnation.net/tih #edreform #
- My condolences RT @andreagl: My grandfather passed away today. I don't have much 2 say, other than I love him so (cont) http://tl.gd/35uv9i #
- RT @EdEquality: RT @ED_Outreach: Teachers shudn't have 2 wait for newspaper to report effectiveness. Districts (cont) http://tl.gd/35v0f9 #
- RT @sgermeraad: RT @ED_Outreach: Union tells teachers to boycott LATimes / Ineffective. Why (cont) http://tl.gd/35v0qk #
- RT @alexanderrusso: TED: Transformative Ideas, Or Feel-Good Insiders' Club?: Will TED transform education? #
- At Dropout Nation: Time for the Hollywood Model of Education https://dropoutnation.net/v9i #edreform #i3 #edinnovation #
- Also, for fathers (and father figures): The Dropout Nation Podcast: Read to Your Boys: #literacy #
- @smapplegate Standardized tests are tied to the curriculum standards being tested. So they are objective. The issue isn't the test… in reply to smapplegate #
- @smapplegate but the underlying standards. If you don't think the standards and curricula are what kids should learn, then the tests in reply to smapplegate #
- @smapplegate are not going to be to your satisfaction. Again, it's not a test issue, but an education issue. in reply to smapplegate #
- RT @JohnLockeNC: New CJ Online Exclusive: Why a little disruption might help rural NC rural school districts #edreform #
- RT @EdEquality Edelman, CDF (@ChildDefender), offers strong support to Obama for challenging #edu status quo http://huff.to/9LzRCs #edreform #
- @smapplegate Again we're talking about objectivity in the context of the standards. If the tests are aligned w/standards, then they… #
- @smapplegate they are objective. If your issue is with the concept of academic standards, then please state that honestly. Otherwise, you're #
- @smapplegate not coming off well. Tests objectively assess what they are supposed to test. Other forms of assessment (portfolios, teacher… #
- @smapplegate grades) do not because they aren't designed to be aligned with the standards. Again, your objection is with standards, not #
- @smapplegate tests (or it seems that way). If you don't believe in standards (or in measuring performance), please say so. #
- @smapplegate By the way: I don't think standards are inherently political. You need to learn to read, write, do math #edreform #
- @smapplegate In order to survive in the modern, knowledge-based world. If you live in the U.S., you must understand the basics of #edreform #
- @smapplegate American history (as you would have to learn the history of any country in which you live). The politics comes in #edreform #
- @smapplegate the process of deciding what in history you should learn, and in the process of deciding what should be taught #edreform #
- At Dropout Nation: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Take It Higher https://dropoutnation.net/tih #edreform #edinnovation #
- RT @ChitownStu: Who's teaching L.A.'s kids?http://tinyurl.com/2baemvw- #UTLA president wants to boycott @LATimes?!?!? #Blacked #Edreform #
- Off-edu: RT @MZHemingway: @RebPasWife @danatnr @glenpiper Well, ppl behind project billed it as "ground (cont) http://tl.gd/362oll #
- @jtLOL not really moot. Let' call it what it is: We have folks who oppose construction of a mosque by moderate, anti-bin Laden Muslims… in reply to jtLOL #
- @jtLOL because its existence offends their sensibilities (and among a few, because they are bigoted toward people they don't know yet fear). in reply to jtLOL #
- @jtLOL And note, it isn't just my fellows cons and libertarians engaging in this subtle bigotry. Some lefties are doing this too. in reply to jtLOL #
- @jtLOL So no, it isn't a mute point. Any one of us who have had our ancestors come to America and deal w/such nastiness should be offended. in reply to jtLOL #
- @jtLOL And so should every conservative, liberal and libertarian who proclaims they support liberty, freedom and a melting pot. in reply to jtLOL #
- RT @lindseyburke03: RT @michellemalkin: RT @bridgettwagner: Sen. Murray (D-WA) exaggerated teacher lay-offs in (cont) http://tl.gd/363ch4 #
- @alexanderrusso Well, Alexander, newspapers publish names and salaries of government employees all the time. Why not publish teacher VAA? in reply to alexanderrusso #
- @alexanderrusso in any case, LAT published names of folks they interviewed and their VAA, not a full list. So, again, what's your issue? in reply to alexanderrusso #
- @jtLOL it's 70% of a poll based on a small sample. It represents that small sample. In any case, American history has shown that a majority in reply to jtLOL #
- @jtLOL will support bigoted ideas, even if they are friendly with people of different races they know personally. Think Jim Crow segregation in reply to jtLOL #
- @jtLOL or the way we treated Mormons in the 19th century. Let's try a little historical perspective for a moment. in reply to jtLOL #
- RT @Dr_EricWaters: RT @readtoday: RT @readtoday: Don't miss #ELLCHAT tonight 6PM PT and 9PM ET Topic: (cont) http://tl.gd/363rl2 #
- Off-edu: RT @policydiary: RT @DrDohn: Same-Sex Marriage Debate Has Roots Going Back Centuries In the late… #
- @alexanderrusso it is not the same thing, Alexander, try using some thought on this. One can easily argue that salary is a personnel matter in reply to alexanderrusso #
- @alexanderrusso as well. In fact, I used to argue the same. But a major argument against VAA-based teacher evals is the lack of transparency in reply to alexanderrusso #
- @alexanderrusso Well, here is the transparency. And in the case of the LAT, they didn't even publish every name. Only teachers who supply in reply to alexanderrusso #
- @alexanderrusso their info can access the analysis the paper is conducting. So, this isn't exactly a personnel matter. If salaries can be in reply to alexanderrusso #
- @alexanderrusso public, why not the VAA data? Besides, if we want true parental engagement, they need data on teacher performance. in reply to alexanderrusso #
- @alexanderrusso This doesn't mean I necessarily support doing this. I am steadily ambivalent on how this data should be released for many in reply to alexanderrusso #
- @alexanderrusso reasons. But I do think parents should be able to access it. And I think teachers who are doing great work should be proud in reply to alexanderrusso #
- @alexanderrusso to let people know it. Whether it should be released to all? Very mixed about that. in reply to alexanderrusso #
- RT @after_school: RT @dropoutnation Also, for fathers (and father figures): Dropout Nation Podcast: Read to Your Boys: #
- @jtLOL Why? We didn't use Jim Crow as a pejorative. It was an illustrative point. Try making your argument. in reply to jtLOL #
- @jtLOL And, by the way, you forgot the Mormon example I pointed out, which clearly illustrates my point in exacta. in reply to jtLOL #
- @jtLOL But thanks for your thoughts. in reply to jtLOL #
- @jtLOL I'm not lecturing. We're adults here. But I am positing an opinion. It is fun. in reply to jtLOL #
- At Dropout Nation: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Take It Higher https://dropoutnation.net/tih #edreform #edschools #
- RT @EdEquality: New parent-led education advocacy groups forming in CA. http://huff.to/ciVEDe #edgap #edreform #
- RT @DrStevePerry: In the entire country, rich, poor, urban or rural, only 47% of black males graduate from high school in general. #edgap #
- RT @DrStevePerry: No fundamental changes to public education have been made to undo this. #edgap #edreform #
- RT @DrStevePerry: What is most troubling is that I would be willing to bet that over 50% of those who graduate [read] at an 8th grade level. #
- RT @iwantwealth: RT @drdia: 2 rely solely upon school system 2 educate our children = not a wise notion… #edreform #ParentPower #
- RT @DrStevePerry: The high school graduation rate for black males in NYC is 32% and in Indianapolis only 19%!! #edreform #edgap #
- RT @DrStevePerry: The high school graduation rate for black males in NYC is 32% and in Indianapolis only 19%!! #edreform #edgap #BlackEd #
- @DrStevePerry The depths of the problem in Indianapolis is even worse. This what I profiled five years ago: https://dropoutnation.net/973 in reply to DrStevePerry #
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