- RT @misternaite: RT @youthmentoring: 10 Characteristics of Successful Mentors http://ow.ly/2pkk4 #ParentPower #
- At Dropout Nation: Time for the Hollywood Model of Education https://dropoutnation.net/v9i #edreform #i3 #RickHess #edinnovation #
- Watch: Dr. Steve Perry/Al Sharpton on Civil Rights Groups and Education https://dropoutnation.net/6wc #edreform #CivilRights #BlackEd #edgap #
- @classroomtools Test score data is the most-objective data available for measuring teacher performance. And ultimately, it doesn't lie… in reply to classroomtools #
- @classroomtools If a teacher has failed to improve student achievement for five consecutive years, with different kinds of students… in reply to classroomtools #
- @classroomtools and has actually brought down the performance of students who were at grade level the year before, well, the analysis reveal in reply to classroomtools #
- @classroomtools reveals the reality. Sometimes you have to accept that things are exactly what they are and stop arguing against reality. in reply to classroomtools #
- @classroomtools You don't like standardized tests because they make you open your eyes. in reply to classroomtools #
- @jmvarner They don't. Authenticity is a meaningless term used by those who don't want to deal with the problems of American public ed in reply to jmvarner #
- Dear folks: Stop using the term "authenticity" (as in "authentic instruction" and "authentic assessment"). It's babble. It's meaningless. #
- And, to anyone looking from the outside, it's just avoiding the real issue: Far too many kids are dropping out and poorly educated. #
- RT @ileducprof: @veronicaeye The state of [Black] & Latina education is an atrocity… where are white feminists when we need them? #BlackEd #
- @ileducprof They were never there in the first place. Which is why alliances with them are sort of useless #BlackEd in reply to ileducprof #
- @iwantwealth Nah. Just putting together this week's Dropout Nation Podcast (coming in the next hour). I'm in a fired up preacher mood in reply to iwantwealth #
- @iwantwealth Yesterday's LAT story, plus some of the latest babble going round (@DianeRavitch for one) has me ready to hunt proverbial bear in reply to iwantwealth #
- @jmvarner No, the term, as used by those in education is meaningless. Because what is happening in education is quite authentic already… in reply to jmvarner #
- @jmvarner When one-third of our kids end up dropping out, it is quite authentic. When kids are taught poorly or attend dropout factories… in reply to jmvarner #
- @jmvarner it's authentic. But those who use the term authentic are often avoiding the real discussion. Authentic, as used by them, means in reply to jmvarner #
- @jmvarner opposing anything that challenges their comfort. Teacher evaluations that actually involve measuring performance is to them, in reply to jmvarner #
- @jmvarner inauthentic because it means using a tool with which they oppose (standardized tests) that objectively measure their performance in reply to jmvarner #
- @jmvarner The use of the term authentic is, frankly, inauthentic. in reply to jmvarner #
- RT @ileducprof: I agree with you. Historically, white feminists have primarily looked out for the needs of white middle class girls/women #
- @jmvarner A major problem among some in education is the embrace of babble over improving actual teaching practice, systemic reform in reply to jmvarner #
- @jmvarner You don't need "pedagogy" for example. You need strong subject-knowledge competency, strong teaching methods, care for studentx in reply to jmvarner #
- You don't need "pedagogy" for example. You need strong subject-knowledge competency, strong teaching methods, care for students #
- @jmvarner That's far more humanizing than talking about "authenticity". in reply to jmvarner #
- @classroomtools You're talking about the feminists of the 1830-1870 period. They were allied with abolitionists of that era… in reply to classroomtools #
- @classroomtools By the time the 19th amendment was passed, many white feminists weren't all that concerned w/Jim Crow segregation… in reply to classroomtools #
- @classroomtools A lot of that comes out of the hurt feelings between women's rights activists and abolitionists post-Civil War… in reply to classroomtools #
- @classroomtools Many feminists were a tad displeased that many male abolitionists were unconcerned with women's rights. This spilled over in reply to classroomtools #
- @classroomtools into relations between white feminists and blacks. in reply to classroomtools #
- @classroomtools In some sense, it's the same set of issues that now complicate black civil rights activists and gay rights activists today. in reply to classroomtools #
- Sometimes, you have to call spades exactly what they are. This is especially true in education, where defenders of the status quo tend to #
- use a lot of babble — including charges that legitimate criticism of poor-performing teachers are "attacks" on all teachers, and #
- that movies such as "The Lottery" and "The Cartel" are hateful and will inspire violence — or simply ignore what is before them. #
- This is the subject of this week's Dropout Nation Podcast. If we are to improve education for every child, we have to clearly take on the #
- the problems and those who argue that #edreform isn't worth doing (yes, you too @DianeRavitch). #
- We must also take on the anti-intellectualism, the unwillingness to reform obsolete practices, the defense of bureaucracies that do little #
- and yes, even argue for the end of school districts, at least in their current form. #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Take It Higher https://dropoutnation.net/tih #edreform #education #TQReform #edgap #
- At Dropout Nation: Time for the Hollywood Model of Education https://dropoutnation.net/v9i #edreform #i3 #edinnovation #
- RT @Stand4Children: LA Times rates #teacher effectiveness while district holds off. #edreform #TQReform #
- RT @Iglobalcast: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Take It Higher https://dropoutnation.net/tih #edreform #edschools #TQReform #edgap #
- RT @vbadolato: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Take It Higher https://dropoutnation.net/tih #edreform #education #TQReform #edgap #
- RT @BuffaloReformED: "State funding freezes harm charter schools – Peter Murphy ( ) #edreform #
- RT @iwantwealth: As parents we get to FRAME every construct. What a privilege! Are you exercising this privilege wisely? #ParentPower #
- @classroomtools Oh, no it wouldn't. If anything, schools may actually fulfill their mission of educating kids. in reply to classroomtools #
- @classroomtools Imagine a school district that actually managed to efficiently manage how it transports kids or handles data? in reply to classroomtools #
- @classroomtools Right now, it is the lack of any principles for managing operations — business or otherwise — which is part of the problem in reply to classroomtools #
- @classroomtools The best of business principles involve instilling discipline in fiscal activities, developing processes, focus on results in reply to classroomtools #
- @classroomtools This isn't a bad thing for American public education. This would be a good thing. Now, not everything in corporate would in reply to classroomtools #
- @classroomtools apply to education. But talent recruitment and retention is a universal issue throughout public and private sectors #ecosys in reply to classroomtools #
- @classroomtools apply to education. But talent recruitment and retention is a universal issue throughout public and private sectors in reply to classroomtools #
- @ToughLoveforX No problem The problem is an anti-intellectual issue in #education The lack of curiosity about how other sectors #ecosys in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX is pervasive among at least some in trad. public education. Businesses aren't perfect. But the human capital…#ecosys in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @classroomtools financial management, distribution and transportation issues in businesses are similar to those in education. #ecosys in reply to classroomtools #
- @classroomtools How they address those issues (successfully and otherwise) is worth considering. #ecosys in reply to classroomtools #
- @ToughLoveforX True. Although healthcare firms aren't always the best examples. There are plenty of areas in which they need work #ecosys in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX When it comes to talent recruitment and training, education can look at what is done by the medical and nursing #ecosys in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX professions (on licensing) and companies such as Microsoft and Google (recruitment of talents). Issues are similar #ecosys in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- RT @honeynoir On now! Special on CHI's violence against kid.. If not solved more kids will die, WILL bleed n2 other midwest cities!! #
- @honeynoir I'd say it already has. Indianapolis, for example. in reply to honeynoir #
- RT @ToughLoveforX: @dropoutnation #ecosys Agreed. the interesting action is in Public Health. #hcmseu is a…stream on those… issues. #
- @ToughLoveforX That would be fascinating to see. It can happen. But it may require internal revolts (among younger teachers) and external… in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX That would be fascinating to see. It can happen. But it may require internal revolts (among younger teachers) and #ecosys in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- @ToughLoveforX external pressure (from #edreform activists, parents, etc) to make it happen. #ecosys in reply to ToughLoveforX #
- Charter schools advocate Robert Cane on the #AdrianFenty #VincentGray primary battle and #SchoolChoice #edreform #
- Dana Milbank offers #headshaker on Obama #edreform . TeacherKen is even worse Neither worth reading #
- RT @OmbudsmanEd: RT @dropoutnation: RT @vbadolato: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Take It Higher #edreform #edschools #
- RT @EdOptionsInc Retort to 'A Teacher's Guide to Parents: 'A Parent's Guide to Parents (by @Parentella) Via @TRECA_Ohio #
- @Parentella: Great piece. #
- @Parentella: Great piece. I talk a lot about the need for education to treat parents better than afterthoughts https://dropoutnation.net/42m #
- Off-edu: This shouldn't be happening anyway. RT @EDUBEAT: Woman's stoning verdict postponed #
- Also off-edu: On the Ground Zero mosque imbroglio: Those who argue that Islam shouldn't be tolerated because of its anti-freedom elements… #
- should also remember that every religion has elements of it that are anti-liberty and freedom. Even Christianity. #
- And atheists shouldn't pat themselves on the back either: Much of what you believe would basically ban people's worldviews from the public #
- stage (and one can argue that Atheism is also a religion in a sense; its adherents deeply believe in it as much as any Jew or Christian). #
- The Constitution protects religious freedom not because religions defend liberty/freedom, but because everyone is entitled to their faiths #
- Everyone is entitled to a free mind and to congregate with one another. They are entitled to worship freely or not be coerced into worship #
- And, just as importantly, all are entitled to use their property as they please within reason so long as they don't harm other's liberties #
- So, yes, the mosque can be built. There you go. #
- @dianeravitch And that is a lot of horse, Diane. Prove which "leading researchers" argue VAA is unreliable. #edreform in reply to DianeRavitch #
- @dianeravitch VAA has been found reliable and valid over the past four decades. Any argument to the contrary is a lie. Period. #edreform in reply to DianeRavitch #
- @dianeravitch Whether VAA should be used in evaluating teachers is a matter of political debate, not of statistical validity #edreform in reply to DianeRavitch #
- @dianeravitch So just stop it. in reply to DianeRavitch #
- @dianeravitch If your opposed to the use of VAA in teacher evaluations because it offends your views, that's fine. #edreform in reply to DianeRavitch #
- @dianeravitch But at least be honest about it. in reply to DianeRavitch #
- @dianeravitch But at least be honest about it. #edreform #
- @TeachMoore VAA isn't perfect. But then, no system is going to be — humans being imperfect in the first place… in reply to TeachMoore #
- @TeachMoore But part of the weakness has long come from the fact that you have to have a fully longitudinal system of tracking students in reply to TeachMoore #
- @TeachMoore We can actually develop such systems today. And although VAA can't account for all that affects student achievement, it does in reply to TeachMoore #
- @TeachMoore a fine job of showing how well teachers perform over time. One example comes courtesy of Goldhaber/Hansen in reply to TeachMoore #
- @TeachMoore Ultimately, we have too many in ed pursuing perfection at the expense of good (being improving instruction, student achievement) in reply to TeachMoore #
- @TeachMoore And they are pursuing perfection not because they want a better evaluation system, but because they want to maintain status quo in reply to TeachMoore #
- @TeachMoore After all, more-rigorous teacher evaluations means teachers subjected to actual consequences. They aren't now. in reply to TeachMoore #
- @TeachMoore I would say it's far more reliable than what we currently use in evaluations — observations that can be biased… in reply to TeachMoore #
- @TeachMoore I think there are valid concerns about observations. Although some research has shown that principals can tell who is effective in reply to TeachMoore #
- @TeachMoore and who isn't, this also requires having high-quality principals who know how to restrain their personal biases. in reply to TeachMoore #
- @TeachMoore I can understand why a teacher would be concerned about being rated poorly just on the basis of subjective observations. in reply to TeachMoore #
- @TeachMoore VAA and test score performance is at least objective (or as objective as we will get right now in the real world). in reply to TeachMoore #
- @TeachMoore VAA and test score performance is at least objective (or as objective as we will get right now in the real world) in reply to TeachMoore #
- @TeachMoore The alternative isn't harmful. Except to poor-performing teachers. in reply to TeachMoore #
- @TeachMoore Believe me, I wish the nonprofit sector had more-objective basis on which to evaluate its employees. It hardly exists. in reply to TeachMoore #
- @TeachMoore The problem with the combined is simple: The minimization of objective evidence over subjective. Which means more-contestable in reply to TeachMoore #
- @TeachMoore evaluations. It is best to use more-objective evidence than less objective. Since test score data is the more objective in reply to TeachMoore #
- @TeachMoore it is preferable. And ultimately, most teachers, once in such a system, would prefer it as well. Gets rid of arbitrary in reply to TeachMoore #
- @TeachMoore hiring and firing systems currently in place. It makes it more difficult for bad principals to do damage. in reply to TeachMoore #
- RT @EduSpiel: @dropoutnation @DianeRavitch I say give me more heat. I can stand the kitchen. The best teachers welcome higher standard… #
- RT @EduSpiel: @dropoutnation @DianeRavitch I get better feedback from my students & parents than on annual evals. Status quo must change… #
- RT @EduSpiel: @TeachMoore @dropoutnation that is why those closest to students- teachers& parents-must be at the heart of #edreform #
- @TeachMoore But there are those who do well under such systems who hate them because they are ideologically opposed to testing. in reply to TeachMoore #
- @TeachMoore In any case, one person's view means little to me in the sense of making decisions. Life isn't about catering to everyone's in reply to TeachMoore #
- @TeachMoore ideological matters. This goes double in education. in reply to TeachMoore #
- @TeachMoore We can come up with tests for those subjects as well. Or in subjects that are essentially electives, we may come up with in reply to TeachMoore #
- @TeachMoore alternative assessments or forms that are appropriate to them. Every subject can be tested. Whether all should be subjected to in reply to TeachMoore #
- @TeachMoore VAA depends. VAA may not work in music instruction. This is why we can't just settle w/standardized tests. We must go further in reply to TeachMoore #
- @TeachMoore to improve teacher evals at all levels. Perhaps @EduSpiel's suggestion of parent/student surveys may be part of this. in reply to TeachMoore #
- @TeachMoore Although, again, I prefer objective data in evaluations to subjective. in reply to TeachMoore #
- RT @EduSpiel: @dropoutnation @teachmoore I wrote a provision in my school's SIG app to base teacher eval on growth on local assessment. #
- RT @EduSpiel: @dropoutnation @teachmoore Hopefully it's in our next union contract. {finger crossed} #
- @TeachMoore You're welcome. And likewise. in reply to TeachMoore #
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