- Rewind: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Building a Culture of Genius in Education https://dropoutnation.net/9p9 #edreform #TQReform #
- RT @broknyoke: Rewind: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Building a Culture of Genius in Education https://dropoutnation.net/9p9 #edreform #
- At Dropout Nation: Time for the Hollywood Model of Education https://dropoutnation.net/v9i #edreform #i3 #MikePetrilli #edinnovation #
- Watch: Dr. Steve Perry and Al Sharpton on Civil Rights Groups and Education https://dropoutnation.net/6wc #edreform #NAACP #CivilRights #
- RT @linkstoliteracy: RT @biguniverse: Father & son time is a special time that has great influence on young (cont) http://tl.gd/34guk0 #
- Also, for fathers (and father figures): The Dropout Nation Podcast: Read to Your Boys: #literacy #
- RT @AndresHenriquez: Nine studies describe the academic conditions of #ELLs in Arizona: #ellchat #
- R.I.P. Little Feat cofounder Tony Hayward (via @EDUBEAT) #
- @armcomm And don't forget, Ithaca is Gorges (seen too many of those t-shirts in D.C. this week). in reply to armcomm #
- RT @JoanneLeeJacobs: New blog post: What do we need to know on disability ed? #sped #LearningDisabled #edresearch #
- RT @TRECA_Ohio We are working with partners to form Credit Flex through STEM. Register for webinar #edtech #edreform #
- RT @DarlaBunting: @RushaSams We're completely restructuring it: new curriculum (Lucy Calkin's Workshop model (cont) http://tl.gd/34hr01 #
- RT @DrStevePerry: 85% of all youths in prison come from fatherless homes. Be a good role model to your children, Fam. #BlackEd #ParentPower #
- RT @DarlaBunting: @RushaSams tons of new systems & programs: behavior management, school culture, Community Mtgs with grade levels, Parent U #
- RT @RushaSams: @DarlaBunting I've been a turnaround specialist for 10 yrs in TN. Hope all goes well. It's tough but can be done!!! #
- RT @JoanneLeeJacobs: New blog post: Ed tech: romantics or pragmatists? #RickHess #edreform #
- RT @JoanneLeeJacobs: New blog post: #Edtech romantics or pragmatists? #RickHess #edreform #
- Watch: Dr. Steve Perry and #AlSharpton on Civil Rights Groups and Education https://dropoutnation.net/6wc #edreform #NAACP #BlackEd #
- Today's Maxim: RT @iwantwealth: RT @francisotolo: Opportunities multiply as they are seized – Sun Tzu #entrepreneur #quote #quotes #
- RT @POWERORGmath: Detroit area families: Join us Thurs, Aug 19 for Thinking Green: Math & Money http://www.powertheyouth.org/ No Fee #
- RT @CliftonR: There is heated resistance among many to idea that SOME teachers need to be terminated in the best interest of children. Why? #
- RT @annaheffernan: The anna grove heffernan Daily is out http://paper.li/annaheffernan – featuring @dropoutnation @AngelaMaiers… #edreform #
- RT @LAcharters: Watch: Dr. Steve Perry and #AlSharpton on Civil Rights Groups and Education https://dropoutnation.net/6wc #edreform #
- RT @tvanderark: Dartmouth study: schools should only keep best 20% of new teachers #edreform #TQReform #
- RT @andreagl Probably poor pol decision but right RT @Gothamist Obama Supports Proposed Mosque Blocks From WTC Site #
- RT @tvanderark: @DropoutNation goes Hollywood; suggests districts get out of school ops #CharterSchool #edreform #
- @EduSpiel But the process itself is often onerous, costly (at least a million in Calif. alone, for example) and it is often a battle of… in reply to EduSpiel #
- @EduSpiel of dueling arguments about little in the way of objective evidence. Observations in general are useless because anyone can claim in reply to EduSpiel #
- @EduSpiel they are subjective and biased ("the principal hates me" business). In the private sector, such a process would be intolerable in reply to EduSpiel #
- @EduSpiel both for the worker (because most don't have union protection) and the employer (because of the cost). Essentially the dismissal in reply to EduSpiel #
- @EduSpiel process doesn't work. But the dismissal process is one element of the problem. The biggest problem is the ban on the use of the in reply to EduSpiel #
- @EduSpiel most objective (and best possible) performance data — student test score performance (including growth). in reply to EduSpiel #
- @EduSpiel Until we deal with that issue, the talk about teacher dismissals is in some sense talking in circles. in reply to EduSpiel #
- @edReformer Thanks. in reply to edReformer #
- @edReformer Definitely have to get one together. in reply to edReformer #
- RT @EduSpiel: RT @tvanderark: Hoxby study shows NYC charters close achievement & grad gap over time #Charter #edreform #
- @EduSpiel But you are right. Tenure laws do allow for dismissals. And districts don't even bother to use it when they have all the ducks in reply to EduSpiel #
- @EduSpiel for dismissal lined up in a row. That part is a human capital management problem — and school districts handle talent in reply to EduSpiel #
- @EduSpiel beyond abysmal. Which is why they should be restructured. in reply to EduSpiel #
- RT @Mebutke: RT @dropoutnation: At Dropout Nation: Time for the Hollywood Model of Education https://dropoutnation.net/v9i #edreform #i3 #
- RT @Dr_EricWaters @ileducprof: Twitter should be used for sharing information, knowledge, and wisdom… #BlackEd #edtech #
- Off-edu: @ewerickson I'm no socialist. I am a libertarian politically–and I support the mosque's construction… in reply to ewerickson #
- @ewerickson You know, the First Amendment should mean something, especially to you and our fellow opinionists. And to every American. in reply to ewerickson #
- RT @misternaite: Who you know informs what you know…then "success" follows RT @blueprince4: (cont) http://tl.gd/34on3o #
- Watch: Dr. Steve Perry and Al Sharpton on Civil Rights Groups and Education https://dropoutnation.net/6wc #edreform #NAACP #BlackEd #edgap #
- RT @tvanderark… RT @Dr_EricWaters: Great read RT @dropoutnation: Edus Anti-Intellectual Problem https://dropoutnation.net/vwe #edreform #
- RT @JoanneLeeJacobs: New blog post: Poor examples http://www.joannejacobs.com/2010/08/poor-examples/ #edujobs #edreform #
- RT @EduSpiel: @dropoutnation agreed. That is why bold, fierce educational leadership is needed now more than ever. #edreform #
- RT @harlemlink: Getting excited that this week, the #CommonCoreStandards are making it into our strategic plan for this year! #edreform #
- RT @Dyrnwyn: Back in NYC. Will be on #MSNBC tomorrow on their show "Making the Grade" with Ben Chavis and Jonathan Alter. #edreform #
- RT @gtoppo: RIP Abbey Lincoln, transcendent #jazz singer http://nyti.ms/bZdy3d #
- Off-edu: @jtLOL And he shouldn't. This is a First Amendment matter–and a property rights matter. On both counts, the mosque wins. in reply to jtLOL #
- @jtLOL Didn't say you said it. Just making my point on Obama's non-statement. in reply to jtLOL #
- RT @College_Success: RT @dropoutnation: Dropout Nation Podcast: 5 More Questions Every Parent Should Ask https://dropoutnation.net/fmq #
- RT @WhatsTheBigIdea: The LA Times develops its own database of value-added in LAUSD, names names! http://goo.gl/vxD6 #edreform #TQReform #
- RT @sgermeraad: More: more than 8K students got poor-performing math, English teacher at least 2x in row #edreform #
- There are probably some #LAUnified #LAUSD teachers complaining about the LAT's value-added story. Oh well. Stop complaining #edreform #
- You know each and every day that some of your colleagues are committing educational malpractice. This cannot continue #edreform #
- You see them daily. You hear about the students that started out well and fell apart at the end of the school year #edreform #
- You know this is intolerable, an atrocity on the minds and futures of young men and women who deserve better #edreform #
- And you should be happy that some of your poor-performing colleagues are being shown for their poor performance. #edreform #
- The shame is that we are not using data properly for improving the quality of instruction in our schools. It's that simple. #edreform #
- We talk about the "thin blue line" within law enforcement, the silence that perpetuates abuse, criminal behavior #edreform #
- There is also a thin blue line within the teaching profession, in which laggard teaching is enabled, perpetuated, protected #edreform #
- And it's not just the teachers. Administrators help perpetuate this too. They also deserve to be shamed for tolerating this. #edreform #
- Either way, we cannot build a culture of genius in education until we tear down the wall of silent mediocrity and academic abuse #edreform #
- RT @iwantwealth RT @dropoutnation Also, for fathers (and father figures) The Dropout Nation Podcast: Read to Your Boys: #
- RT @blackposimage It's not that #notallblackpeople do one thing or another, it's the fact that we use this to further divide ourselves #
- RT @honeynoir: Imagine that!! RT @blackposimage: No one buys into stereotypes of Black people more than Black people… #
- RT @sgermeraad Although parents fixate on right SCHOOL, right TEACHER matters far more…had 3x more influence #edreform #ParentPower #
- Rewind: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Building a Culture of Genius in Education https://dropoutnation.net/9p9 #edreform #teachers #TQReform #
- RT @linkstoliteracy: Absolutely Gorgeous! RT @kathyschrock: Another beautiful sunset on Cape Cod! http://twitpic.com/2et3jb #
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