- RT @JohnLockeNC: John Hood calls for a "#reading revolution" in North Carolina. #ConsNC #ncga #tcot http://ow.ly/2oyAU #edreform #literacy #
- Today's Maxim: RT @DarlaBunting: It's pouring outside, but your shine comes from within 🙂 #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Five More Questions Every Parent Should Ask https://dropoutnation.net/fmq #edreform #
- Rewind: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Building a Culture of Genius in Education https://dropoutnation.net/9p9 #edreform #TQReform #
- RT @cemooney RT @dropoutnation: Well put Equality in #education is needed why leave 1/3 of kids behind #edreform #CCSSI #
- RT @KnowledgeAll: Interesting article RT @dropoutnation: Education's Anti-Intellectual Problem https://dropoutnation.net/vwe #edreform #
- RT @JoanneLeeJacobs: New blog post: Schools try separate classes for boys, girls #edgap #edreform #
- RT @CUBE_Edge: RT @educationweek: Blog, Hess: School Boards as a Symptom, Not the Cause: #edreform #edleadership #
- RT @sgermeraad: RT @emilyschoolsyou I'm not naming any names, but if you can't spell "committee" right (cont) http://tl.gd/334jo9 #
- Off-edu: RT @amyalkon: Gays Get Death Penalty #
- RT @bigswifty: Chu with the Lifetime version of poverty, the achievement gap, and #edreform #headshaker #edreform #
- RT @annaheffernan: The anna heffernan Daily is out http://paper.li/annaheffernan features @web20classroom @dropoutnation… #edreform #
- Rewind: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Building a Culture of Genius in Education https://dropoutnation.net/9p9 #edreform #TQReform #edschools #
- RT @grstevens: RT @dropoutnation: Education's Anti-Intellectual Problem -https://dropoutnation.net/vwe #edreform #edschools #education #K12 #
- RT @MackinacCenter: "#Edujobs" Fact Check, Part II: Michigan's share of the loot #edreform (via @alexanderrusso) #
- RT @lkcrouch @PoliticsK12: Blog: Transparency Watch: What the Heck Is in the House #Education Spending Bill? #edreform #
- RT @ivangosorio: RT @stephenj05: HA! RT @someecards: Most ironic spelling mistake in educational history: http://some.ly/bH7W2p #edreform #
- RT @nsvf: Luntz – most ppl think they are better off than parents…but next generation will have it harder than us #schoolchoice #edreform #
- Off-edu: RT @mikedebonis: Union attacks Fenty with 'demon teddy bears': #urbanaffairs #
- RT @charteralliance: We just posted this overview of the recently passed $10 billion #edujobs fund:… http://fb.me/EtRBSfKM #edreform #
- RT @EdPolicyatNAF: Ed Money Watch: Some More Wrinkles for the #edujobs fund #edreform # #
- RT @policydiary: New Blog Post: Obama on Education: “The economic issue of our time” http://ow.ly/18xMg7 #edreform #
- RT @lkcrouch RT @CAeducation: Feds to schools: Check is not yet in the mail | California Watch #CAeducation #edreform #
- Off-edu RT @Scobleizer: Ahh @dannysullivan @om now you see why @siri's purchase was so important to Apple…battling w/Google over voice. #
- RT @cathgrimes: VDOE #AYP results 60% of schls in state met/40% didn't #education #HRVA #edreform #NoChild/#ESEA #
- RT @cathgrimes: New in Va: HSs had to meet 80% grad rate for AYP. 41 Hs and 9 dist missed #AYP bcuz of grad rates. #edu #HRVA #edreform #
- RT @cathgrimes: Here's #Va DOE statement on 2010 #AYP results: DailyPress chasing the local details. #HRVA #edreform #
- RT @lkcrouch @ChadAldeman: If #edujobs was called "state fiscal stab. fund," we'd view it more positively #edreform #
- Off-edu: RT @daveweigel: Deep thought: In November, voters will replace a broken Senate with one that will filibuster everything. #
- It's already transcending that paradigm RT @nsvf: @DJGrambo: Luntz: personalize, individualize, humanize to (cont) http://tl.gd/33afma #
- Thanks, everyone, for the RTs and mentions. #
- RT @EdEquality: Catch the RoundUp for Th. 8/12. http://bit.ly/cqlIiM #edreform #
- Off-edu: RT @daveweigel: Angle's new ad proves that 2005 Social Security fight was last one liberals really won. http://bit.ly/cuuibN #
- The Dropout Nation Podcast: Five More Questions Every Parent Should Ask https://dropoutnation.net/fmq #edreform #ParentPower #
- In Ohio, staff at #NEA affiliate authorizes strike #edreform #irony #
- RT @nsvf: Luntz – 44% of ppl think lack of quality edu is "greatest threat" facing children in America #schoolchoice #outrageconf #edreform #
- RT @iwantwealth: @dropoutnation the other 56% live under a rock #edreform #
- Off-edu: Wow. RT @kausmickey: Boxer down 5? Hey, Alter! You still think Dems can't lose Senate? http://bit.ly/93MMKH #
- RT @cathgrimes: want to see Va school/district #AYP Visit: http://bit.ly/9sKiVH and click 2010-2011. Files are in excel format. #HRVA #
- RT @iwantwealth: FACT: 10+ families making 12-18k a year could buy a commercial multiunit as coop, afford payment, and payoff in 15 yrs! #
- Education's Anti-Intellectual Problem https://dropoutnation.net/vwe #edreform #edschools #SocialEntrepreneurism #
- RT @DarlaBunting: Exactly! Keyword is through. RT @CoryBooker "If you are going through hell, keep going." Winston Churchill #
- Rewind: The Dropout Nation Podcast: Building a Culture of Genius in Education https://dropoutnation.net/9p9 #edreform #JohnTaylorGatto #
- At Dropout Nation: Teachers Union Walk-Around Money https://dropoutnation.net/v5j #edujobs #edreform #NEA #AFT #
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